Part 14

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Nash's POV

I watched Sierra storm up to her house and slam the door. I groaned and punched the steering wheel. Could she not see that I'm just trying to help her? I don't want to see her hurt. Ryan can be a douche, especially with girls.

I finally decide against going to talk to Sierra. She needs to have time to think before I go and apologize.

Sierra's POV

Ugh. I'm so stupid. I definitely overreacted. Nash was just looking out for me, like a good... friend. Yeah, friend. Not because he likes me, because I know that's out of the question.

I'm glad he didn't chase after me though, because I just would have blown up in his face and regretted it later. But now that I have some time to think about it, I know that he was trying to do me a favor. Doesn't mean I'm going to listen, but his intentions meant well.

It's been a few hours since Nash dropped me off and now I have a date with Ryan. I think we're just hanging out, so I don't dress to nicely. I wear light washed skinny jeans with a plain black v-neck, a dark purple belt, and white vans. I hear the doorbell ring and I grab my purse and phone and run downstairs.

Ryan waits at the door as I open it. He gives me a quick peck on the lips and takes my hand in his.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask him as we walk down the street.

"Well are you hungry?" he asks looking at me.

"Actually, not really. Are you?"

"Yep. So we're going to eat first" he says matter of factly

"Okay" I reply giggling. We continue walking and get to a small pizzeria where we order a small pizza to go. We then walk to the park and sit at a picnic table to eat the pizza. It's about 7 o'clock now and we finally finished eating. Ryan takes me to a small park bench that overlooks a lake and the absolutely gorgeous sunset.

We sit in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Then Ryan puts his arm around me. I look up at him, and our faces are merely inches apart.

We lock eyes and I find his eyes wandering to my lips, as do mine to his. He leans in, and so do I. Our lips meet and I obviously kiss him back. His arm is still around me, the other resting on my knee. While my hand is on his, the other around his neck.

He breaks the kiss but not pulling away to much. He looks into my eyes and I into his. We're both out of breath.

"Let's take you home" he smiles sweetly.

"Yeah, my mom will be wondering where I am" I reply standing up. He intertwines our fingers once again, and we go back to my house.

Today was perfect.

Except... Nash thinks I'm mad at him. Ugh, I'll have to apologize tomorrow.

But, I still fall asleep with thoughts of the day running through my mind.

*the next day* sunday btw

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling my name. Literally what time is it because I'm tired as heck. I groggily walk downstairs when I hear my mom's voice.

"SIERRA" she yells again, not realizing that I'm behind her.

"WHAT" I yell back. She turns around.

"Sorry hun. Didn't see you"

"It's fine, but what do you need?" I ask, still really tired, eyes half closed fighting to stay open.

"Sierra" my mom looks at me wide eyed and slightly moves her head in the direction of her right. And that's when I realize, Nash is standing across from my mother. Crap.

"Hey Sierra" he looks at me slightly embarrassed.

"Hey Nash. Uh, can I talk to you upstairs?"

"Yeah..." He nods and trails off. I spin around and head upstairs, hoping he will take the hint and follow me.

As I enter my room, I turn around and see Nash standing in the doorway. I sit on my bed and pat the spot next to me. He sits next to me and we sit in silence for a while facing the wall.

"So are you going to tell me why you came here or not?" I ask, not breaking my gaze from the wall.

He sighs, "Sierra, about yesterday I-"

"Wait" I cut him off. "Before you apologize, I just want to say that I overreacted. And for that I am truly sorry. I know that you were just trying to look out for me" I look at him and give him a small smile.

"I forgive you. But I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said those things about your boyfriend" he returns my smile.

This makes me smile even wider. I throw my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. He quickly returns the action by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm so glad that we're still best friends" I say, still hugging him.

"Yeah, me too"


A/N: Sorry that took so long to update! I will definitely be updating more often now(:

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