Part 7

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Nash's POV

I'm such an idiot.

Her boyfriend just cheated on her and I'm trying to make a move? I can't believe I just did that.

After that awkward moment, the rest of the day was really great. We watched movies and talked about a lot.

She's so different... so down-to-earth and real, she doesn't care what other people think of her, or what they want her to be, she's.. well, Sierra.

The day went by too fast and she had to leave. I felt myself grow sad when she left, but couldn't help but smile with these turn of events.

Sierra's POV

*the next day*

So far, today has been pretty boring. It's Sunday and it's already 12:00 and I haven't done anything. I'm getting ready to finish some homework that's due tomorrow when I get a text.

It's from Sam.

FROM: Sam<3

Hey babe<3

I find myself rolling my eyes. He's disgusting and... crap. He's still my boyfriend.

TO: Sam<3

Hey, we need to talk. Call me

I wait patiently, but it seemed like forever until he called me.


"Yeah, Sierra. What's up?"

"Well, I could ask you the same thing. Why haven't you been calling or answering my calls lately?" I say more harshly than I intended.

"Sorry babe. I've just been really busy, had a lot on my mind" I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me, and before I knew it...

"Yeah, busy kissing another girl!" I spat at him, raising my voice. There was silence.

"Sierra.. I-"

"No. Just save it. We're through"

"But babe I can explain!" he pleads.

"Sam..." I feel tears brim my eyelids. "I think we both knew that this relationship couldn't last, we were just too naive to do anything about it. Goodbye"

"Goodbye, Sierra" his voice sounded hurt.

I hung up and this made me realize something. I think I'm finally moving on. From moving away, and from Sam. Even though it's only been a day, it hasn't completely ruined me. I mean, yeah I cried a lot yesterday, but this feeling. What is it?

*the next day, monday*

Ew. School.

I take a seat in my first class, biology. Luckily I sit by Kelly in this class, and she's super nice.

"Hey Sierra!" Kelly says cheerily.

"Hi Kelly" I smile back at her.

"How was your weekend?" she asks opening her textbook.

"Uhh, it was alright. How was yours?" I ask trying not to bring up Sam. I'm trying to forget.

"It was great! You know, we should hang out sometime" she replies smiling, like always. That's something I could get used to.

"You know, I might have to take you up on that offer" I say with a grin. She returns it and hands me her phone.

"Put your number in, I'll text you later" I gladly take her phone and insert my number before handing it back to her. We stop talking when our teacher begins. But, it's not long before a small piece of paper lands on my desk. It reads:

How do you like it here so far?


I like it a lot actually, not so bad after all(;

I'm guessing you haven't had an encounter with the cheerleaders yet?/:

No, you warned me about them though. And hopefully I won't have one anytime soon lol

I hope you don't either. They're such bhores.

Bhores? When Kelly reads this, a smirk comes on her face, she writes something and hands the note back to me.


I read this and oh my gosh. I laugh out loud. A little too loud actually. Everyone turns around and stares at me.

My teacher glares at me, "Miss Mullen, is there something you would like to share with the class?" I can't imagine how red my face is right now.

"No sir" I reply trying to hold in my giggles. When Mr. Thompson continues the lesson, I look at Kelly and now she's trying to hold in her laughter. She looks back and me and I glare at her. This just makes her laugh more, which makes me laugh too.

I think we're going to be pretty good friends...

A/N: Sorry that was short!

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