Chapter 4- Adjusting

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I know after the last one I had to get this one in quick to not leave anyone hanging to much! Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave me any thoughts or questions. Please vote at the bottom of the chapter!


My eyes tried to open but i could still feel the pressure on my face where he slapped me. My eye was swollen but i could still open it. I noticed the light that was on last night was off but I knew it was daytime cause through the door tiny bits of light came through. My eyes adjusted to the little bit of light but i could see enough to move around. Not that I had any where to go. I made my way over to the toilet seat and used the bathroom I hadn't remembered when the last time I had went but it must have been awhile because it was still flowing after over a minute. Finally I cleaned my self and noticed an obscene amount of liquid and it felt like more than the normal i took it closer to the light and confirmed my fears it was blood. Why people seemed to always want to make out and do that I had no clue that was the worst feeling of my life. I sat there and my stomach had been reminding me of just how hungry i was. I'm not sure what time it is or how long I had been awake when I heard a small motored bike pull up and stop near the door. It sounded like it was hauling something. I heard the door open and there was bill looking like he had a great night sleep and was well rested. I couldn't help but mean mug him. I knew that probably wasn't smart but what can I say I am a rebel at heart.

He began to carry in a few things but I couldn't really make anything out. My eyes again trying to adjust to the light. I could see beyond Bill that there was a pond or lake or something behind him. He noticed me staring at it and said its a beauty ain't it. I thought it was beautiful but i decided not to talk to him ever again. He continued bringing everything from the small trailer he pulled with his atv. He told me he had a generator hooked up and that these things would help keep me alive. I decided i wasn't sure if I wanted to be alive after last night. He started to close the door and said that he would be back later and i had better have this placed cleaned up. He shut the door and then a light flickered on again and this time without all the animals and wildlife from the night before making such noises i could hear the generator. My eyes adjusted and I went over to the pile and started going through it. I found a small microwave barely able to heat popcorn it was a good size but the watts were very small probably so i couldn't burn down the place. There was a cooler that had a small note on it that read bury me in the ground under the bed to keep me cold. Huh I thought I used to do that with my brother dig a hole and put the cooler in the ground to keep my beers nice and cold. There was a small table in a square shape that wasn't very big at all. I found a box of plastic sporks. One plastic bowl and a box of twelve ramen noodles in it. Oh great he's going to starve me I thought.

I did find a notebook in the mix and it had the words journal on it i opened it up to find six other names on the inside cover. As I thumbed through it my heart sank. These girls had been writing about all of this how he beat them and tortured them and how he had done to them what he did to me last night. I cried silently as I recognized some of the names, as girls that had runaway or went missing. I knew then that I was never leaving this place. The cops weren't searching for a serial rapist they assumed like everyone else that these girls ran away. If he would have given me anything stronger than the spork I probably would have ended my life right there. One of the girls in here Mandy I knew her well her family had worked on our farm before my family helped them get a small farm of their own. Of course my dad profited off that deal. I flipped to where she had written in the journal and after only one page I decided I just couldn't continue reading this right now. I found an alarm clock the alarm wouldn't work, but the time seem to but i had no idea what time it was right now. I buried the cooler not that he gave me anything to put in it but i figured i might as well.

The clock showed it had been five hours since i had plugged it in and i heard that familiar atv returning, and my stomach dropped again. He opened the door and i heard him say to go to the bed I started crying silently again as i remembered the night before. He yelled and said he wasn't going to ask me again. I moved out of fear of what he might do to me if I didn't move. He used his key and tightened the chain but instead of coming near me he walked outside and came in and turned his key harder and the chain released from the triangle he had ahold of it though so i couldn't run. He brought the chain and me a few feet outside the door where he strapped the chain into another wench. He said I didn't get u a barrel of water yet so go bathe in the lake. He threw me a nightie and a towel and a bar of soap on a rope. He said wrap that on your wrist cause you don't get another one till next week. I wasn't sure how i felt about this but I knew after last night I needed to clean my self off.

As I made my way over to the lake I looked at myself in the reflection of the water and barely recognized my self my face was turning purple and I could see my hair was all ratted up. I sat by the water and saw dried blood all down my legs. I wondered if I was on my monthly or had this been from last night. I looked back to see him maneuvering a huge barrel inside and some clothes and other things. Seems how he was distracted I moved into the water before removing my dress and began to bathe myself. The water wasn't to cold as It was now July the 17th a day after my sixteenth birthday. I finished and wrapped myself in the towel before pulling the nightie over my head and dropping the towel. I felt a sharp pain in my foot and realized I had stepped on a piece of glass. I cursed allowed and Bill came over to investigate. He grabbed my foot and cursed under his breath. He carried me inside and grabbed something to clean the wound. He said it wasn't to deep but i needed to be more careful. He said if it got infected I would join the other girls sooner than he had expected. I wanted to ask where they were but something told me I already knew.

He motioned for me to look and said that the barrel had fresh water in it and It was for bathing or drinking but that I wouldn't get another for a week. I noticed he had changed the time on the clock it now showed 3pm. He asked me if I ever fished and I said yes. His eyes lit up and he said that if I was a good girl he might take me fishing someday. I tried to muster a smile. Thinking maybe if i made him happy he wouldn't hurt me again. That smile didn't last long as he again told me to go to the bed. He brought the chain back in and hooked it into the triangle thing. He dumped the toilet bucket somewhere out side and brought it back in clean. He told me that he brought me dinner cause he felt bad about hitting me last night. It was a whopper from the only fast food resteraunt we had in town. Normally I'm not a big fan but i hadn't realized just how hungry i was he went to the cooler i dug and he grabbed us both a beer. I wanted to throw it away after how he used it against me last night but I was trying to figure him out.

We finished and he demanded me to throw it away in a new garbage can i found near the toilet. He had been busy while I bathed. He said do u have any questions and my mind had at least a million. ( why? when can i leave? what do u want? just to start.) I asked him the one question I thought I needed to know most. How long did u keep the other girls? His eyes widened i guess he thought I would ask him something obvious. He replied some were weeks and others a cpl months. He said it made a difference how well they behaved. He said he knows it isn't easy for us but he said he just wants company he's always alone and feels like his wife is no longer satisfied with him. (Great so now i am a younger replacement for his wife. Just great i thought.) He began to tell me that it wasn't all about sex. He truly wanted a female companion. His eyes lit up for a second and I asked him what made him perk up. He looked at me as if he should reply or not and he decided what could it hurt. He said if you really do enjoy fishing like you said than I might just keep you alive longer than anyone else. A lump grew in my stomach I had figured as much about the others but to hear him confirm my suspicion made me want to cry.

He said well I need to get back soon I'd really like to try you out again but i know last night was your first and your probably pretty sore so i will not touch you again until you heal. ( Oh so now he cares what is he jekyll and hyde)? He said he would be back tomorrow, around this time and I should keep an eye on the clock so I was nice and clean and the apartment was clean. ( I almost laughed at the word apartment.) I realized it was a shipping container when I was outside. From the looks of the outside I would say it had been there a few years. I was worried about tomorrow but at least he wasn't going to touch me tonight.


Whats in store for her next. Is he really as bad as she thought. Uh duh he had killed these other girls after using them for his needs!  Don't forget to vote and leave me a comment!

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