Chapter 28- That figures

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............Hope you guys are enjoying this so far, please keep reading and leave me any comments you might have, thanks.

Me and my King were out on a hunt and we had Alyssa and Anthony with us. He was alot like Bruce he never liked me far from his sights. We were all scoping out a bar when we heard a fight break out on the next block. The blood was intoxicating to me. I had to investigate this smell. The others followed me of course. We were on the roof top when we seen 4 young men all fighting over something trivial. One of them had been hit with a bottle so his head was oozing with blood. Before I knew it I jumped down and had his neck to my mouth. I heard the others grab the other ones and I quickly sealed mine with a lick. As we were about to leave Anthony said the guy I bit was a wolf. That explained the smell. Great now my baby wants to feed on our friends to.

We were heading back to the car when we over heard some hunters talking about smelling something strange. I thought about this being the perfect time to follow them and find a leader to speak with. I know Lorenzito wasn't thrilled with my idea to make a truce with them but I was determined to try. We followed them and they lead us to an abandoned building, or so we thought. We figured they were searching for a creature but it was some kind of head quarters. We went to the roof and were looking down at about 50 hunters, they had lots of weapons and silver which made Anthony very uncomfortable. We got the address and we left I was going to send a them a letter and ask to speak with one of their leaders.

After seeing this place they were all worried that I might be crazy. I told them that until recently I was a human and I wanted them to be safe as well not just the night world. So i sent them a letter stating that I was the long lost daughter of the true king and Queen. That I was restoring order to the night world and I was going to keep them all safe and that I was recently human and I wanted to have a truce with the human hunters as well. I told them if they were interested they could call a burner that was not traceable to us. It only took a few days for a phone call to come in and we agreed that they could bring as many hunters for their safety but we would only bring a handful of us but that we were extremely gifted and violence would be unnecessary.

We were going to meet them in a bowling alley that was not going to have normal humans in it. We were all scared but I knew we had to do this for their sake and ours. We arrived and scoped out the scene before cautiously going in. I had the wolves stay out for now because I knew the hunters would have silver. So it was me and Alyssa and Ethan, Lorenzito and a few other others. We walked in and the room fell silent. The first man we came across asked me if i was carrying any weapons I assured him that I was not. He still checked us all just to make sure. Their thoughts were full of violence and curiosity. I spoke with a man named Bob he was supposedly the leader but I could tell it was decoy the real Leader was named Mark and they wanted to make sure we dint hurt Bob first. I said allowed, Mark I mean you no harm Bob will be safe.

He walked over and said sorry mam just making sure. We talked alot about my plans and how I was knew to this world and I wanted to help make some jails for the ones that broke my laws. He was very curious but i could see he wasn't sure if he could trust me yet. I told him he may ask me anything and I would be honest as long as he did the same. He asked me if I was foolish to come here with all these hunters and I hid a smile and said actually I would be safe if I was all by myself. He chuckled and said how do u figure. I quickly lifted ten of his men in the air  and carefully set them back down again. I said i am the Queen I have abilities that ensure I will be safe. He was scared and amused by my performance. I told him I wanted him to continue hunting those who killed or hurt humans out of sport. I told him I know that there are some creatures who have to survive on human blood but usually its done safe and without any one knowing the wiser.

Mark said he only knows we kill humans and I asked him if there was someone there that would let one of demonstrate. Bob agreed to allow it he was truly curious so I simply bit his hand and licked it. He sat down and I asked Bob who am I, he said I'm not sure mam. So I asked Bob what happened to your hand? Well I'll be I am a clumsy fool must have nicked it somehow. I told him thank you and returned to Mark. I explained to him that the lick took the last 15 minutes of memory away so they never knew we were there. I could see Mark was thinking about all he had just learned. He said he could see I was willing to make changes but he said he wasn't sure if his other leaders would be so trusting. I told Mark, I know you wont trust us right away but all im asking for is the benefit of the doubt and lets see if we cant protect both worlds. He said he would be talking to his leaders and get back to me soon.

We were just arriving home when I saw Liam getting out of his car. Oh boy this can't be good. Hi Liam was all i could let slip out. He hugged me and grinned a vile grin at Lorenzito. He asked if he could speak with me alone and in private. Lorenzito said he would be waiting for me in our room. Children I swear. Anthony said he would let us speak but he would be close. I could tell Anthony was not happy but I wasn't sure why. We went for a walk like we had the first time I met him and he held my hand again. He said I have missed you. I blushed and said I have been so busy that I haven't had any time to think about anything. He said motherhood looks good on me. I thought that was sweet. I told him I was sorry about his father and uncle. He said he was still pissed but only because Lorenzo told them that if they did not he was going to take everything away from them. They had no choice but to listen.

I asked how his little brother and Lucas were doing and he said Lucas has been gone ever since our father was killed. Im sorry to hear that I replied. He told me his little brother was doing okay he never really got to see much of their dad anyways. I stopped him and said Liam as much as I am happy to see you what are you really doing here? His thoughts were blocked from me of course the rat. He said well with my dad and uncle out of the way and now that Lorenzo is gone I want to become a leader. I informed him we have no such thing anymore. People can do what ever as long as they are not killing humans and each other for sport. He laughed and said your kinda naive don't you think. I sternly said no we don't need to be ruled over by power hungry men. His reply was easy for you to say your the Queen.

I was about to argue with him but I heard a howl from about 5 miles away it was a warning call. Intruders were spotted. Whats going on Liam? He said I mean you no harm but were not going to sit by and let that lil mommas boy of a husband rule while we have nothing. I quickly sent a scream through my mind its an attack on us all. The wolves all took off scouring the woods looking for intruders and Liam grabbed my arm and once again I saw my arm burn him. He cursed allowed and said I don't want to hurt you Carmen but that miserable excuse for a husband is going to die. Just like that he took of after Lorenzito. I ran after him but I wasn't as fast as he was. When I reached the house I saw 2 wolves dead on the steps to my house and I seen Liam holding Lorenzito by the throat. I quickly let my mind grab him and throw him out of the house. He was back within an instant and I said Liam I also don't want to hurt you but your not going to kill my husband.

Bubba quickly came to me with a cup in his hand I drank it and told Liam I'm giving you guys 2 minutes to leave and then it is fair game for any of you still here. I could tell Liam was confused by the cup but also he was determined not to leave. I started yelling at him to leave and forget this nonsense. He lunged back at Lorenzito and I could see he wasn't ready to fend off Liam so I swung Liam against the ceiling 3 times and I could see he was severely hurt. With bubbas blood I was so much stronger and I meant to hurt him but I could see I was way off on my judgement. Liam fell to the floor and I told Lorenzito to take him to the cellar where there was a make shift jail set up. The other wolves had either killed or imprisoned the rest of Liam's posse.

I was upset and pissed out how could this happen? And Again that stupid power word came up. I was about to go outside when I felt a ton of water wooshing down my legs.

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