Chapter 12 - Long awaited arrival

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Hope you guys are enjoying my story. It has been fun writing and trying to figure out the right balance. As always please vote and share my story if you like it!


It was a great morning we watched some tv and then we went swimming in Alyssa's massive pool. I was trying to keep myself occupied so my dumb brain wouldn't constantly go to Lorenzito. As much as I needed him my new found problems needed his advice. I knew he would be the one to give me clarity on what I was suppose to do. As I was sitting there thinking of the possibilities I heard the door bell ring and I was so excited that I could barely sit still. He was blocking me again the rat. Note to self even with my mind reading power he was able to block me. I seen him look my way and I could see a smile behind those eyes but he put on a stern face and asked what the heck was going on and why he had been summoned all the way back here. Me and Alyssa had agreed she would talk to him first and explain everything then I could have time alone, (oh man what I could do with that time alone) to ask him questions.

He had been in her study for about two hours and I know I could have listened in on her thoughts but it felt wrong. He had been blocking me the whole time but when he would get angry his wall would droop a little for me to see him angry and once he was even excited I'm not sure about what cause as soon as he knew I was sensing it he put that stupid wall back up. If he wasn't so cute I would be much angrier at him. Alyssa finally came out and said she was going into the city for a few hours and she would be back to send Lorenzito off. Crap he was leaving later tonight well that really sucks. I didn't even want to go in there now. Why he was leaving me again and I couldn't bare the thought. There he was in my mind saying I wish you would try and block some of your thoughts. Whooops i thought, I hadn't realized how my ranting would be so easily known. I got to get better at shielding myself like he does.

I went in there and decided I was going to sit as far away from him and not even make eye contact. I was angry but I was mostly hurt that he didn't seem to miss me in the slightest. I know it was not even a week we had spent together but that week seemed like a lifetime to me. I sat on the sofa she had and asked if Alyssa filled him in and he chuckled quietly and said yep that she did. I asked him if he had any questions for me and he said he wasn't sure he needed to think about it and process this information before he could think of what to say. I got up and without looking at him I turned and started to walk out. He quickly moved in front of me and blocked the door.

He used his mind to tell me, he could see I was hurt but that he was confused why. I know we hardly cry but I could feel the burns of tears welling up in my eyes. I used my mind to yell at him and that, that was the problem. He seemed genuinely hurt and asked what I wanted. I said for him to move out of my way. I went to my room and locked the door not that meant anything we were vampires after all. He did not bust the door down but he used his mind to talk anyways. He said I can feel your angry but mostly sad. I still hadn't learned how to keep him out so i just lay their on my bed trying to ignore him. He told me I was being childish for not speaking with him and I let him see my thoughts clearly. I'm childish but who's being forced to marry against their fathers will. Seems like I'm not the only one unable to be an adult.

At that I don't know how bout he was right next to me in my bed. He pulled me on his lap like he had done so many times. He told me that he wasn't strong like me and even if he was he wouldn't be able to say no to his father. I just lay there pretending like I didn't care when in reality I was so overwhelmed he had me, in this spot i loved so much so close I just wanted to reach out and kiss him but I couldn't do that he was getting married and I was not going to be any ones second fiddle not again. He tried to pull my face closer to his and I just turned my head. He let his mind reach out to me with sadness and he asked me why I wasting the little time we had together. I jumped up and told him were not together your leaving to go marry your father, a fat cow and I am here just trying to keep myself above water with all that has happened to me in these last few weeks.

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