Chapter 19- Really

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As we headed back to the house, my mind was racing and I couldn't stop feeling overwhelmed. Everything was happening so fast. Granted we were doing better on the war front then I had originally expected but I was still worried. I knew the biggest fight was still to come. Lorenzo was never going to give up his power and let us take it away from him without some people dying in the process. It was a good thing I asked Bruce to guard my mind so i could process all of this without Lorenzito being able to see my every thoughts.

Bruce was one of the sweetest and most loyal people I had ever known. I was so glad I met him that might have been the best and only thing good that came from that night at Lorenzo's. Alyssa was my favorite person besides Lorenzito she was like the sister I never had. She knew with one look when something was on my mind. She was always there and ready to support me and for that I loved her so much.

When we got home Bruce told me he had to inform the family of the wolf that had died. I wanted to go with him but he said no one likes bad news and they would feel better with it coming from a close friend. I decided to have my council throw a wake for him. He was young and hadn't even died for our cause, this was bad timing. I didn't know a lot about the hunters so while the council planned the wake I studied up on the hunters. They knew all of our weaknesses and they had been training for years on how to counter our moves and our abilities. They seemed like some lethal force who had all the things that could kill us and granted they were only human but they were like the navy seals of the night world.

Lorenzito finished up his part with the council and then he came and got me and brought me to our room. He was scared I could see that but he was also worried. First thing out of his mind was what had happened do you have a third ability? I wasn't sure if I should be honest about my theory or wait awhile first. I decided to be honest, I think I'm pregnant Lorenzito. He was at my side before I knew it holding my hand and kissing my belly which was now exposed. How can this be he asked? I said well hunny you know when were behind close doors and. He laughed and said oh shut up I know how I'm asking more so why? I chuckled and said someone has a sense of humor that's for sure.

The night world wasn't so different from the humans. They had Christians and Catholics and Atheist and Buddha's and many other forms of religions. In the night world vamps believe there creator was a demon, and wolves believed their Goddess was the moon. Witches also had their Goddess's so no one agreed on the same maker but I couldn't help wonder myself if I got special abilities because I was born into a royal family then it seemed very hard to believe that demons were God to us. He wanted to lay there all night and hold my hand and tummy but I wanted to tell Alyssa my news she was my best friend and I wanted to know what she thought about all of this. So I went looking for her.

I seen her outside talking with Bruce's brother Anthony. He was my number two guy he was a great man and he cared as much as Bruce did about me and my family. When I looked over and saw her with a guilty look I reminded myself to ask her about it later. She came over and we went for a walk. I told her I had missed her and she said I was full of it. Truth is I always miss her. If I wasn't so attached to Lorenzito I would think she was supposed to be my mate. I smiled about that thought and she caught me and asked what that was about. I quickly told her just a funny thought. I said but since your so curious im interested to know why you had a guilty face when I pulled you away from Anthony. She turned her head and was probably thinking about it when she finally confessed she had feelings for Anthony.

Wow that's amazing i said. She didn't look like she was happy though so i decided to push and find out why the heck not. She said in our world it just isn't smart to mate with another creature. She said Ethan should be proof of that. He was brilliant at everything he did and yet in our world he was a last resort. No one wants a half breed of anything. I stopped her and put my hands on her shoulder and said that is one thing I will change as queen. I want people to fall in love and if that love happens to be of a different kind than so be it. She said she wished she could be so optimistic about everything. I decided this was my way into the conversation about my news.

I told her Anthony is a great guy and anyone would be happy to have him as their own and best yet he would make a great uncle. Once her mind caught up with my words she hugged me so hard I thought I might break. She said when did you find out and how? I explained the events that unfolded with the hunters and how I just knew it wasn't me protecting my self. She was rubbing her hand over my tummy as well. That was something I was going to have to get used to. She was super excited for all of us but I knew she had dodged anything close to Anthony.

We went back and I seen the family who had lost their son and I went and hugged them and began telling them how horrible I knew they must feel. His mother held me for a long time and said she was so great full to have some one like me who cared about the small guy. I assured her that her son was not a small guy and he would always be important to me. I was telling the crowd I want to be a Queen where I truly know everyone's names and back story. I want people to come to me for anything no matter what. A ruler is not someone who sits by and gets more power while his subjects get weaker. I want us all to be equal, I know that wont be easy but I want us all to be together. I know wolves and vamps and witches and the rest of the night world have been enemies forever but under my rule I want us to be together.

Tonight we lost a wolf and I know that hurts your family more than the rest of us but these hunters are all of our enemies and they don't know about me and how i plan on doing things. They were prepared tonight for some creatures but not all. I want us to protect our family in the night world no matter who they are. If a guy pours my wine he is just as equal as the guy who sits at my council and makes decisions. Everyone cheered and I could see they wanted it to be true but most of them doubted something like that could ever happen. I decided this was the best time to bring it up, so i started with tonight I found out I am pregnant and it scares me but the best part is I want our baby to grow up with the pups we have here and the little witchy princess's and princes. Only by having them grow up together can they truly love one another.

The whole community had erupted with such joy and passion that I couldn't even think. I was glad when Lorenzito grabbed a glass and said we lost one of our own tonight and we also gained a life. If our child could grow up to be half of the man your son was we would be proud. We got thank yous all night and lots of hugs and yes more belly rubbing. We were finally ready for bed when the sun started to light the sky. We went back to our room and held each other and I thanked him for being there to support me and give the people hope on a new life style.

Tammy called us and told us she had a dream about Lorenzo. He was growing restless and was more vicious now then before. He was getting ready to use more humans and other creatures to attack us. He even told his people if they don't come to us we will go to them. So we thanked her and started getting dressed ready to go relay the info to the council. We were going to have to end this once and for all, and soon. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter please vote. What do you think about the baby? what does this mean for the kingdom? thank you

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