Chapter 7 - The new me

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So I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far. Please vote at the bottom of this chapter and feel free to send me any comments! Also this chapter has a bit of sexual content so please mature readers only!


It was my last night as a human and I was having a lot of mixed feelings. Not about becoming a vampire but what was i going to do about Bill? I wanted to kill him and I wanted to make him suffer as much as he had made me suffer, but I started thinking the best thing to do was have the police show up and catch him in the act. If not for me for the other girls I wasn't sure where they were buried and I hoped if he went to jail he would admit to where he hid their bodies. The only thing was if that happened I would have to see my family but that might be a good thing I could tell them due to the trauma I suffered I had to leave and go out and find myself. Lorenzito kept telling me that I would probably only have about ten years with them before I had to leave because I wouldn't age like the rest of them.

Tonight after Bill leaves it will be my last night in this home I call prison. Me and Lorenzito have spent the last few days talking about how we would both have a burner phone and that way if I ever needed him he would be available. I was so excited to leave this place but I wondered how my life would be after having spent two years in my own personal hell. Lorenzito kept reminding me I would be able to do anything now. I might have vampirism running through my veins but i was still the same old nobody i always was.

Bill came by as usual around fiveish. He was as per usual in a grumpy mood. I made us one last fish dinner and when he pulled me inside to ravage my body I never turned my face once I just looked into his eyes and he must have felt uncomfortable because he was done way to quick. He said he wasn't in the mood and I thought sure your not in the mood when your victim stares you back and you feel like less somehow. After bill left i showed Lorenzito the keys I had stole from Bill without him even knowing I liked being faster than him. Lorenzito said in the next coming days or weeks my abilities would increase as the vampirism took full control of my body. I was already stronger and faster than most animals not to mention humans. I thought it funny how I already considered my self less than human. As I explained to Lorenzito I never really fit in with them and they never saw me so it wasn't to hard for me to consider I wasn't one off them.

The next morning I put my kicks on and headed to the nearest phone to call the authorities. I disquised my voice and pretended to be a man stating that Bill brought him to have sex with a girl only to find it to be me chained up and that he wanted their promise they wouldn't come until 5:15 so he would be there. They finally agreed after hearing the desperate plea in my voice. Then I made my way back to the final phase of my transformation. Lorenzito was waiting for me and seemed relieved when he knew i was able to convince them to wait.

He took me in his arms and hugged me before biting his wrists and then pulling my hair to the side and biting my neck. I felt like I was floating I wanted him so badly and I knew he wanted me but he was so hesitant. I used our connection to ask him why he was hesitant i thought it was because I was damaged goods and he looked pissed I could even suggest such a thing. If it wasn't that then what was it i asked? He told me he was promised to another through an arranged marriage. I stepped back and had to fight the tears. I don't know why this news hurt me so bad but it did. Do you love her I thought through our bonding not trusting my words and his reply was fast, NO. Then why marry her I insisted. Because my family is very important and I am the oldest it is my duty to marry her. That's why I was out here clearing my head when i found you.

I finally managed to pull away and go sit by the lake. I was hurt not because I expected him to be with me forever but being engaged and sharing such a strong bond with me just didn't seem fair. I pulled off my nightie and jumped in for one last swim in my lake. I didn't go far as the water was very mucky and full of seaweed which always made my skin crawl. It was amazing how i was able to sense all the things near me fish,turtles,frogs and even animals on land its like i could feel all their presences in my head.

So I was startled when I hadn't felt Lorenzito behind me. He grabbed my head and pulled me to face him and I should have been embarrassed that I had no clothes on but he never made me feel uncomfortable. He grabbed my face and pressed it to his. He kissed my cheeks and I said I want you but i don't want to give you false hopes because I cant be with you more than tonight. I should have have left or turned away but i couldn't instead I pulled myself closer to him and began kissing him passionately and he responded with a very soft and loving kiss that made my breasts get hard.

He began running his hands over my body slowly searching every part of me and finally he grabbed his hand and had me do the same to him and I felt how pleased he was with what he found on my body. He moved his kisses down my neck and every so often I could feel him bite me. It was such an amazing feeling that I moaned allowed. I never knew this kind of feeling existed. My teeth weren't as sharp as his but they got the job done. I moved my mouth around his body biting him every so often as he let out small gulps and grasped for air. I had heard of the infamous bj but I wasn't sure how to do it but he slowly lowered my head to his manhood and I began enjoying him his moans were music to my ears I began moving in tune with his wimpers. I bit the inner thigh and he about fell over. Not in pain but in this intense pleasure we were both having.

Before I knew it he had pulled me on top of him and he sat in the shallow water as I began making waves of our own. Unlike Bill he never seemed to tire. Which made me enjoy being on top so much more I was moving with the flow of the water and he rocked underneath me. He grabbed me and flipped me on my back on the shore and made passionate love to me for hours. When we were finally finished I couldn't believe how intense that had been. I'm not sure if it was the situation with Bill or if this was different because of the bond we shared but I was amazed at how much that made me feel, really, really feel. I worried that after Bill I wasn't going to be good for Lorenzito but he shut my thoughts down with a passionate kiss and a promise that he enjoyed that just as much as i did.

He had me mess up my hair and clothes as though I hadn't been swimming free in the lake today and that i had been a prisoner for two years. He assured me that I looked as dreadful as the day he met me well almost he said. He smiled as I gave him a stare. He told me where I could find the phone when I got all this straightened out and he said he would leave me some money to get me started until I found a way to take care of myself. I thanked him and he kissed me with a sadness behind his eyes. He told me to call him in two weeks by then I would have all this worked out and my full abilities. He wanted to make sure everything went ok and that I was able to maintain my abilities. He even smiled and said you might even have a new ability that I want to know all about, and at that he kissed me once more and left before I even opened my eyes but i could hear his steps and could feel how much he hated to leave me. Was it because of Bill or because he had felt something, with me I guess I will never know!


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter the next one will be what happens with Bill. Don't forget to vote and leave me a comment!

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