Chapter 3- Pure evil

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Before I start this chapter I want to say this is going to be pretty gruesome if your not 18 I wouldn't recommend reading it. Also this is the first story I've ever written and shared so please leave me comments with any questions or thoughts. Thanks again and get ready for a heck of a chapter!


As he started coming closer i saw a smirk in his eyes and I did not know what was coming. My heart began to race and my anxiety started to creep up. He looked at me hungry but for what?

I heard him tell me to get on the bed. I said like hell. I decided that he probably had a key somewhere on him to free me of these chains so i was contemplating if i could some how over power him to get the key. He was a tad shorter than six feet and he had a decent build not of a farmer but as someone who enjoyed the outdoors and I was a flimsy sixteen year old. He walked over to a box that was on the wall. I hadn't noticed it before. He used a key an open the lid and put his key in there I thought just maybe he was going to let me go.

Instead the chain I had around my leg started retracting towards the triangle on the floor I instantly knew it was a form of wench pulling me to the bed. I tried to pull against it to fight its pull but it was useless i cried out in pain. I had to move with it for fear it might pull my foot off. I went over to the bed but in protest i wouldn't get on it. He shut the wench off and i was glad, NOT i only had about three feet of chain available to be able to move. He saw the look of defeat on my face. If I didn't know any better I think that made him look somehow worse. He locked the box and I saw him put it into his front right pocket. I wasn't sure if that key unlocked my chain as well but I had to find a way to get it from him. He started to move closer to me and my heart began to beat so fast I thought it might just jump right of my chest.

He sat on the bed with me only inches away from him, as far as the chain would allow me. He said I want you to know I have rules and I want you to listen carefully because it will determine how your stay here will go. What was he talking about rules and staying here. I wasn't much of a rules person and i gathered he knew that considering he had supplied me alcohol. As for staying here that was out of the question. I decided to listen so i could figure out how to get out of here. He was saying he had been hoping to bring Briana back here tonight and that because of my stupid brother he had no choice but to grab me instead. Figures I knew no one would just randomly pick me for anything. He said I made it to easy. I asked him what he wanted and as soon as i asked it I knew I shouldn't have.

He said its simple my wife is hardly ever home she's always away on business and I need some company. I told him you have kids they can be your company. He snickered not that kinda company. I didn't like the sound of that at all. He began to go over the rules. One-don't try to escape because you cant and you will just piss me off. Two- don't fight me as much as i like it, it makes me angry and i have a temper. Three- I will supply you the basics every week but don't be asking me for stuff just be great full for what i bring you. Woah did I hear that right weeks as in he wanted me to stay here for awhile. There was absolutely no way I was staying here another minute. My mind started up again ( as if you have a choice dummy your chained in the middle of nowhere and he's got the key and he just admitted he has a temper). What is all this about i asked again biting my tongue. His response was haunting he said oh my you must be pure or you would get it by now.

With that I felt him use his strength to knock me over onto the bed. I tried to move but as quickly as i tried he grabbed a metal thing from the wall and slid it out what was that. It reminded me of something doctors use to put I've bags on them and as that thought rolled off my brain i felt him lift the chain up and over that metal piece. My back was on the bed and my leg was raised in the air. He tried to come closer to me and I used my left leg to kick him away. He barely moved but his eyes went savage as I felt a hard slap on my face. I felt like my head was going to explode. I heard  him say rule two. I thought back to his rules which one was that? Right don't fight him. I was laying there with my back on the bed and my leg still in the air and my head was making me dizzy from the contact he made with my face. A tear started to fall but it burned the cheek he had struck. I felt like i might loose consciousness. As i tried to open my now swollen eye I could see him pulling something but what was it. I could feel something under me moving but what was it i was barely awake and i knew i was close to passing out soon.

As i looked up at him I saw what looked like my underwear hanging on that IV thing. Was that what i felt pulling under me had he just removed my underwear. All of a sudden my head told my heart that i was screwed. (That's what all the games has been about you dummy he has u here away from everyone and he has you chained up and this whole place as though he's thought of every detail right down to the stupid IV thingy). I felt him move in closer and my heart was in my throat i was unable to fight him off that was obvious.

I felt him lift my dress above my stomach and he had moved over top of me and he whispered in my ear tell me you want me. I said the only thing i could no i will never want you and with that he was inside of me. I screamed with the pain i had felt and the anger from being completely help less. He got up and went over to the door I thought he might leave but instead he grabbed something out of his bag and he quickly returned putting a piece of fabric over my mouth and tying it to the back of my head and again he moved on top of me and for the second time i felt him inside of me. I couldn't scream but i tried to move and push him off of me but that just made him move that much more and harder as if he was trying to prove a point. That he was in charge and I could do nothing to stop him. I felt his hand move up under my bra and he roughly began to squeeze my bare skin. I tried to scream and to fight him but he just kept on thrusting harder into me and i felt like he was going to tear off my swollen breast. He moved up and I could feel his mouth and his teeth on my curves he was nibbling on me and he was thrusting so hard I felt like i was going to break right down the middle.

I could feel the dizziness coming yet again and i wanted to drift off to not be present during this and he just made a loud groan and he lay there tired and lazy with all his weight laying on me. I felt him remove himself from me and untie the fabric around my head as he seemed to wipe himself with it. He walked over to the box and gave the key another turn and the chain started to come back up. He turned to me and said you might not have been who i wanted but I think we can both agree that was amazing. I wanted to argue and say that was anything from amazing but my head was pounding and I just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up again. He turned towards the door and said I will see you tomorrow beautiful and turned and left me to my thoughts.

I began to cry allowed and i went to the toilet and threw up. I eventually went back to the bed as it became just dry heaves. I tried to look around for anything to help me escape this nightmare but there was nothing just the bed the toilet and a few things on the wall but nothing to release me from this prison. I felt my self slipping into unconsciousness so i grabbed the pillow and blanket he had thrown me earlier and I let my self drift off and think about what my options were. I knew he said he would be back and I hated the thought of that but he couldn't keep me to long right? My parents had to know i was missing not that they would care but Arlo would try and find me and i would be safe in his arms. I prayed to anyone that would hear me someone get Arlo to find me and take me away from this place. The last thought I had was about how I knew this day was going to be crappy but I never imagined I would have spent my sixteenth birthday in pain and just lost my virginity to a psycho.


I know that was a lot to take in but what is going to happen next. Whats in store for her next. Most importantly how long will he hold her captive?

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