Chapter 22- The book

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Hi guys hope you enjoy this story please vote and share. I know the last chapter was a little boring but I cant make all of them super exciting and action packed.


This book has so much detail in it. I was surprised how well it was written. The first few pages where just simple warnings and dealings with Lorenzo and his posse. They new he was getting power hungry but they did not know that he had such a strong alliance with the others. After a couple pages they began mentioning how amazing the wolves were to them. They mentioned that the wolves never allowed them to leave the castle because they were always so worried what would happen to them. They confessed that they too hated drinking from the wolves but they needed to feed and only the wolves were there day in and day out.

She mentioned the fact that being Queen meant putting everyone Else's needs above your own so she feed on the wolves to be stronger for them but I know in the end that didn't even matter. I think she was right though i would want to be at my strongest before going against Lorenzo and if their blood would help I would make an exception but only then, just to keep my people safe. There were a few potions listed in here on how to hurt other vampires I will definitely be getting those to Ethan. I laughed the one reminded me of a garlic bomb. I knew it wasn't but that's where my mind went.

I decided it was finally time to head back home and face my demons. We began heading home and I told Lorenzito we were being followed. His mind cursed and he said it was the wolves he told them where we were and he was sorry but he wanted me safe. I knew he was right to protect me but I hated how no one ever thought about my opinion. We were about three hours from home when the baby decided he/she wanted pickles chocolate and mustard. I know normally I would be saying yuck but they sounded so good right now. We pulled into a diner and I got a nice plate full of my pickles and chocolate and mustard. The lady who brought me the food asked me how far along I was and I told her I wasn't really sure. She smiled and congratulated us.

One of the wolfs almost gagged when he seen the mess I was making. Chocolate and mustard running down my chin. Normally We couldn't taste human food to well without the additive of blood but I'm guessing the baby somehow didn't care. My guess would be blood wasn't weird enough for a baby's craving. Lorenzito said he wasn't kissing me until i washed my face and brushed my teeth. I finally felt stuffed and thought about asking for some thing to go but I decided i could manage till I got home.

We jumped back on the road and began heading home. We were only about an hour and half out when I heard a large thud some one shot one of my tires and I was able to keep myself upright but I ended up in the ditch. Lorenzito was quickly behind me as well as the wolves. The loud sound again but this time I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. We all decided to move into the woods to escape the sharp shooter who was somewhere high and far. We fanned out Lorenzito looked at my shoulder in went through your shoulder and it is healing but it wont be fully healed until tomorrow. I was pissed who dared try and kill me and what a coward to do it from so far away.

Bruce came over to me and said I know you don't want to but will you do me the honor and drink my blood so I know you have a better chance to get out of this okay. I quickly nodded and accepted his blood he had already in a cup. I drank it quickly to not think about the fact it was Bruce's blood. My shoulder was completely healed when I looked at it. Wow power and healing I am about to run out of reasons not to drink his blood.  We decided to jog through the woods and catch a main street somewhere on the other side.

We were probable about ten miles away from the cars when we saw an obscene amount of vamps. I couldn't even put a number on how many we saw. We all spread out it was me and Lorenzito and five wolves not including Bruce. With the blood me and Lorenzito had consumed we were both really strong. We fought our way through them flinging and zapping them large quantities at a time. The wolves did really great keeping them away from us. We were done to the last thirty vamps when I could feel that the wolves were tired and me and Lorenzito tried to assure them we were almost done. We each used our abilities to kill the rest of them. The wolves were panting hard and trying to not show just how hard this was for them. We managed to find a road and we quickly found a minivan that we wired and pulled away.

We had been lucky I was so thankful to have had Lorenzito and the wolves with us. We were pulling into our drive way at our home when we heard the loud gun once more. I heard it break through the glass of the back window and it hit someone but I could not stop I wasn't sure how many of them there were and we needed to be with the rest of the pack. Lucky one of the other pups jumped out the back and shifted and I heard him howl and I knew he was calling the wolves at home to come and investigate the shooter and to guard the perimeter and there may be more vamps. We quickly got to the house and jumped out. I noticed there was blood all over the back of the minivan. I forgot someone had been shot. Oh No please tell me that's not who I think it was Bruce was laying there covered in blood. I ran to him and he said he was healing already but the bullet was still lodged in there I used my ability and lifted it out of him so he could heal properly. I did the only thing I could think of I licked the wound and I knew he wouldn't forget but I hoped the lick would seal the wound faster.

The wolves reported back there was only one shooter and it was Lucas's father. I hoped that he was killed because I wanted to tear him apart for Bruce and I wasn't sure if I could control my anger. The wolves brought back his dead corpse and I wish I could bring him back to kill him myself. They couldn't find any other vamps so I could only imagine he was the one who had been shooting us off the road earlier and decided to come back here and finish us off if we made it past the others.

The wolves and witches were quickly trying to save Bruce he was a fast healer but the wound was severe. It was hard to know if he was going to make it or not. I tried to ask anyone if there was anything to help him but they assured me anything they knew they had tried. Why wasn't he healing faster than this. He was still dripping blood. It was a mere couple inches from his heart. I was freaking out and swearing and pacing and then I heard him call my name. I ran to him and he told me to be strong and to let the others assist me with my abilities I know what he meant but I would not accept his words. I would not lose him I couldn't lose him.

He had been my closest friend, he was like family to me. My mind was racing and I couldn't think straight. Out of no where a thought came to me. Check the bullet i yelled. A wolf looked at it and it was silver. SOB I screamed I went over and kicked Lucas's fathers dead corpse. What in the hell where we going to do I know silver made the wound heal a lot slower than other wounds. I grabbed a piece of wood and asked Bruce if he trusted me he said with his life. So I grabbed the sharp wood and forged an arrow and I dug in the wound and tore it all open again. Scraping and scratching carefully not to get close to his heart. He screamed with pain and I had to keep going.

I could already see parts healing faster than they had been so I continued scraping his insides. I decided that if silver slowed the process and I made new ones then maybe just maybe they would heal the whole wound. Within minutes he was already much better than he had been. He was starting to talk and move slightly without screaming in pain. I was starting to feel a bit better when I heard another shot and Bruce was hit right in the forehead. I dropped to my knees and screamed. As I heard the wolves chase after the shooter I screamed at them to bring him back alive. I yelled at the other wolves to set out a twenty mile perimeter around the house and to make sure there was no way anyone could get through.


Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. I'm sad to have lost Bruce he was a great character but I hope you vote and continue reading my story.

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