Chapter 16 - Loyalty's

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Hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter. I know I am way off on what most people consider the supernatural world and as much as i love that stuff too i wanted to give you something completely different. Please vote!


I headed outside to get an update from everyone and I could see they had been busy while I was taking care of myself. Alyssa and Ethan had gotten a list together of people who might be open to helping me come out as Queen. I told everybody this wasn't some movie where I was going to have a mole or trader in my midst. Not with everyone's lives on the line. I told them that my fiance was gifted with an ability to tell if he's being lied to so i needed questions that couldn't be skirted around. The wolves seemed impressed by his ability. I told everyone lets start small and be safe so we don't have to worry about anyone being killed. Alyssa and Ethan went to a few bars and restaurants and where the creatures of the night frequented. They let the word kinda buzz around that Lorenzo had been in a fight with the long lost daughter and she was ready to take her place as Queen. That got quite a few loud cheers and they figured that would start the rumor wheel.

Bruce and the wolves from Lorenzo's showed up and said they planned on staying longer but he had a received  a call that someone declared themselves the Queen and he knew then, it was Carmen so we ran before he could kill us or enslave us. He once had been close enough to the King to know we could sense their power so he was pissed we never said anything. I was thankful to Bruce who seemed to be extremely Loyal I made him part of my council and he tried to refuse I asked him why and he put his head down and let our connection do the talking. He was one of the wolves sworn to protect the last king and queen and he figured he failed them. I asked him did you mean to let it happen. He answered quickly no that they were blindsided by people who were suppose to be friends. I answered then you my friend will join my council and help make sure that doesn't happen to me.

Lucas and his brothers phoned and said they were letting other powerful vamps know what was coming and told them they needed to pick a side. I know all the other creatures were happy to be free again but I knew the privileged vamps would want no part of me being the queen they were happy how things were. I knew that they would rather fight then give up their control.

I spoke with Briana and told her I was great learning how to cook in Louisiana and enjoying my time. She of course wanted me to come home soon and i told her that I had a lot to think about and wasn't ready to be back just yet. I told her I met a funny man that made me laugh but we were going to take things slow. She was happy I was trying to move on from the nightmare I had been living. I was glad at least for now I was able to continue seeing her and Arlo.

I had just hung up with Briana when one of my wolves came through the gate he had been at Lorenzo's and wasn't fortunate enough to leave without being maimed first. He had a silver arrow lodged in his chest. We quickly removed it and tried to make him comfortable to see if his fast healing would save his life or if he would be the first of many to fall. I stayed with him and held his hand until he fell asleep. I couldn't help but feel like this was my fault, but I couldn't let that part of my mind go crazy because I knew I couldn't let these so called leaders continue to rule over everyone. No matter who they killed  in the process. It wasn't fair of me to ask such a request but they needed me to put my fear aside because they weren't really living anyways.

We spent a few days trying to rally some people over to our side and the wolves wouldn't let me out of their sight. The house was beautiful and that meant I could relax after a long day of strategic planning. Ethan and Alyssa set it up for me to meet with some powerful people. First  was a head of a large coven of witches and she was excited I was here, because it made it hard to get herbs and things being confined to one area. Alyssa set me up with other vamps who were always put aside because of their lack of status. It was starting to spread all over that I was in fact the long lost daughter. We even had some fairies join our cause who knew they existed. Fairies were small but they could control earth and fire and water they were basically connected to a small amount of magic the witches had. They were angry because the territory rules made it hard for them to be free, they used to be able to come and go as they pleased but now they had a small area and were restricted to that area or put to death.

That night I spoke with Lorenzito about his father. I asked him if he thought he would back down now that we had so many allies I knew the answer but I wanted to ask anyways. He knew his father would never let his power go. The next day I decided I did not want to be kept up any longer I wanted to go get some clothes and enjoy a day off from worrying. Lorenzito was excited he too wanted to get out and spend a day away from planning. The wolves were less than pleased. I told them that five of them could tag along but they had to stay back and hidden they weren't happy but they accepted. So we planned on going to a mall that Alyssa liked.

We were enjoying a great day. I got a few new outfits and Lorenzito and Alyssa also got some clothes. We had even met one of the owners who gave us some clothes she designed but never put up for sale. We were heading back to the car when I thought I felt someone watching us. I let Lorenzito know and the wolves as well. We were parked near an alley and decided to walk down the alley just to see if we were being followed. We got almost all the way to the end and I decided I was just paranoid so we turned back towards the car. Six vamps jumped down from the buildings and began hissing that they were sent to kill the imposter. I assured them there was no imposter and they should leave before they got hurt. They laughed and began to move in and I told the wolves to wait. I had never used much of my strength to hurl things in the air so I tried to throw all six of them and I did just not as far as I could had there only been a couple. They hit the wall on one of the buildings and were back on their feet as though nothing happened. They began approaching us once again and this time I flung two of them really hard into the building where they sat and realized they were hurt badly.

Lorenzito began fighting one of them and one of them grabbed Alyssa but she easily kicked his but and made him get within the wolves striking distance. The last two were standing ten feet in front of me and I flung them down the block and into the busy street. One was able to move but the other was not. A city bus slammed into him and I knew he was a goner. The first vamps I flung ran and the others followed suit. I felt confident with my new powers but I was sad that another person had to die for a war that they probably didn't even believe in.

We got home and of course Bruce was angry he was worried about me I know it but I told him I could defend myself. I was never in any danger. The wolves that were with me praised me saying I was like some crouching tiger hidden diva. I laughed at the reference. Bruce still wasn't happy. I agreed no more sneaking out for awhile. Liam called me and said he was worried about me i told him that I was fine I had Lorenzito and Alyssa and others here to protect me. I knew he wasn't happy about Lorenzito but I told him we were engaged. He said I could do better and I informed him that may be true but my heart wanted him. Lorenzito snuggled up to me when I got off the phone. I accused him of being an eavesdropper. He laughed and said he was guilty and I should punish him.

That was all he had to say we were in my bedroom before the average person would have taken a step. We spent hours together and enjoying the quiet time. He was impressed with my powers he said it was nice not having to worry about me. I laughed and said ya but I had to worry about you. He asked me when I wanted to get married and I said I would like it to be soon so people had a King and Queen to protect. I teased that after seeing his fighting skills he needs the protection. We lay there and thought about nothing and everything. I would just be glad when he was my husband and I could finally claim him as my King.


Thanks for reading everyone I hope you enjoy please vote and keep reading! What do you think about the story so far?

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