Chapter 11 - my fortune telling

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Hey guys thanks for the support, I know I don't have a lot of readers yet but I hope the numbers grow and people are happy with my story. As always please remember to vote at the bottom of each chapter and leave me feedback.

We arrived at fortune teller shop. I was sceptical of this place it looked so cheesy but Alyssa assured me that was just a rouse for the half vamp half witch. We went in and I could tell Alyssa was comfortable here so I let my self calm down and tried to relax. They embraced each other and Alyssa gestured to me and said I was a newbie who simply amazes her. The half vamp half witch was named Ethan. He was wondering why Alyssa brought a newbie to me and he knew she wasn't amazed easily. I saw the curiosity floating in his mind. She began with the fact I was changed two weeks ago and I was granted not one but two abilities. I saw his brow go up in amazement. She told him that the first one was mind reading. He almost seemed embarrassed I had been reading his thoughts.

The second he said with a bit of enthusiasm. She quickly blurted out before I could answer, id rather her show you Ethan. A flicker of amusement flashed before his eyes. I was weary to use this power here in this tiny shop but I had practiced quite a bit when I first realized I could do it back on Arlo's farm. So I moved the stapler he had on the counter to him. His mouth about hit the floor. Impossible he gasped. I heard Alyssa pipe in that's why we came here Ethan i have never seen or heard of such a thing. Ethan began quickly moving around getting things and taking them into the back room before motioning for us to come and sit at his fake fortune telling table.

He told me that he could see things past and present and sometimes even future but that it wasn't always easy to see the future. I explained that I just always seemed so different as a human and now I have this power that Alyssa says she has never even seen so why am I so messed up. He said first thing is first your not messed up its just astonishing for us who have been in this world so long to have never seen such power. Especially from someone who was human two weeks ago. Usually such power comes from the royals or leaders not human newbies.

He poured some powdery things into a wok looking thing and then grabbed my hand and said it wont hurt just try to relax so I can see as much as possible. Try not to think about anything rather just try and rest so I can have access to your mind. I took a moment and cleared my thoughts and tried to relax so I could figure out why I was so different. He seemed to hold my hand for a long time but even though I could not feel anything I was able to see what he was seeing through his thoughts. I wasn't sure exactly what I was seeing but eventually he dropped my hand and bowed down before me and kissed my hand.

I was about to ask what the hell, when I heard Alyssa ask Ethan what the hell. I laughed thinking maybe she too could read thoughts. Then Ethan began explaining everything to me knowing Alyssa would understand him. You see Carmen over a thousand years ago all of the creatures were ruled by a royal family. They were the only royals and they had been in power as far back as anyone knows. They were so amazing everyone loved them and respected them. Well almost everyone. Some people began to think each type of creature should have their own king and queen. War was inevitable and they knew it. They had a son who was only twelve years old his name was jack. The king had sent Jack away with one of his most loyal servants and told him to marry a human. So even though our world could not find Jack he grew up and married a human who had bore Jack a son and two daughters. One of his daughters who was half human married another human and had a son named Thomas and so it went until eventually the vampire gene had long been lost. Your father was a descendant of Jack so you see you are the long lost daughter of Mary and James Cunningham. True King and Queen of this world.

So your saying I have this ability because my family was once rulers of this world. I heard Alyssa start pacing. Is this good news or bad news I asked. They answered together, both. They explained some people would be ecstatic at the news while others would try to kill me. Great I thought, just once I would like to feel normal and now I have a target on back just great. I heard Alyssa and Ethan start talking we cant tell anyone about this no family and outside people besides us. Oh my Gosh Ethan said I'm rooting for you i am considered a freak, being half vamp and half witch. I have basically no status and only a low member or newbie would choose to marry me. So if you became Queen I would be able to be something based on my works and not my blood. I told them I felt sick. I just wanted to ring Lorenzito's neck he should have let me die that night.

I heard Ethan ask who turned her whoever it is, is going to be my new best friend. I was about to answer him when I heard Alyssa say that it was not important. I wonder why she hid that from him. Why would it make such a big difference if Lorenzito had turned me. Alyssa thanked him and told him no conversations on the telephone that strictly in person were they allowed to speak of this stuff. I was confused but I decided on the drive back to Alyssa's I would ask her what was going on. Wow who would have thought I was basically invisible in the human world and now I find out I am essentially a Queen.

After we were in the car for a few minutes i asked her why she kept it a secret that Lorenzito had been the one to change me. She hesitated but knowing I would see her thoughts she finally gulped and answered me. If his power sucking father was to find out he would probably be the one to have you killed. I knew Lorenzito said his family was all about power that's why he had to marry some stupid girl he had never even met but I didn't know he was so hungry for power he would have me killed. Alyssa began saying it wasn't safe to tell Lorenzito on the phone and she would demand he come there at once for a business discussion to not raise any red flags. She needed his input on what we should do. My heart leapt into my throat knowing soon I would get the chance to see him again.

We arrived at her house and decided to bathe and grab a bottle of champagne to celebrate. I still wasn't sure what we were celebrating. After we had bathed and I was in my pjs we grabbed our drinks and sat by the fire. She looked sad and said I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I know you don't understand what this means but put it like this I know Lorenzito told you about his dumb marriage. If you were to take your rightful place as Queen he would not be forced into marrying someone else. A lot of innocent people have been treated very poorly because they don't have the right bloodlines. The leaders are mostly made up of the same people who removed your family to begin with. Lorenzito's father was the one who killed the King. He was given such a big territory because of that. Him and his loyal companions worked in secret for years so they could take that power away from them. This is alot to process I admitted. She apologized again and said she would support me no matter what, but that either way it wasn't going to be easy.

Lorenzito was pissed when he found out that he had to come back and without any knowledge of why. All Alyssa told him was it needed to be done in person and as soon as possible. He agreed he would be there in two days time. Me and Alyssa went into the city and bought some clothes. I had only a couple things I brought with me but Alyssa said I could stay there forever if I wanted so I at least needed some clothes. I had the money he left me but Alyssa insisted she pay. She said she had no siblings and I was basically the sister she always wanted. I felt like her and I were extremely close. Me and Briana were friends but this was more like family. Alyssa was smart and intriguing and she always spoke her mind which made me like her even more. She started teaching me different smells and how I could tell if the person was human or something else.

She took me to a dinner and the restaurant seemed nice more high class then I would have liked but it was really good food. When we were done with our dinner I asked her how come the food tasted so amazing considering since the change food had no appeal to me like before. She explained that the chef was of our world and he knew a bit of human blood mixed in with the other stuff would give us that taste you don't usually get when eating human food. Huh the more I learned the more I was fascinated. She told me the same was with alcohol we could barely get tipsy but if we mixed a little human blood in it we could get a little drunk. Amazing i said, with a smile. She told me that even though she wasn't tired she was going to lay down and let her thoughts carry her to the possibilities of what might come.

I wasn't sure about any of this I couldn't rule over something I knew nothing about. I didn't know the first thing about being a Queen, but I also hated the fact that Ethan, Alyssa and even Lorenzito were mere pawns to the game of power. I was so confused that I couldn't even think straight I decided to go and lay down as well, but my mind was racing making it hard to even concentrate on anything. Did this mean i could marry Lorenzito now? Could I really be a good and decent Queen? Was I even ready to fight for something I just stumbled into two weeks ago? Why is my life so damn complicated? Mostly I kept thinking about Lorenzito would he be happy to see me or would he pretend there had been nothing between us?


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