Chapter 13 - preperation

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Thanks guys for reading my story I really appreciate it! As always please vote and share my story. This chapter is from Carmen's pov thanks again


Alyssa came in and said that Lorenzito's father wanted to meet me so she asked if we could share each others blood it would give us about three days to share a bond so she could teach me to block out people from seeing my thoughts. I couldn't help wonder why his father wanted to meet me. Had word gotten to him about my ability's or had something else happened. I agreed to make a bond with Alyssa I wanted to learn how to block him out as well as anyone else. Especially with this whole Queen stuff in play I needed to keep that under wraps. We both bit our wrists and drank from each other even with her there was a nice warm connection not a lustful one like i had with Lorenzito but a pleasant sweet sensation. I knew she could feel the same thing. For the next couple days we worked on blocking my thoughts. Alyssa explained the easiest way to do it was think of my mind as a computer I can easily override anything. So I basically told my brain to guard a certain thought and I just had to remember to keep the walls up. Putting the walls up was easy keeping them up now that was another story. I had a new found respect for Lorenzito he seemed to be able to do it quite well but I was going to have to keep practicing because I couldn't keep them up long at all.

On our way to Lorenzito's house we stopped by to see Ethan again. He gave me a potion to block my past temporarily. He said that Lorenzito didn't want his father to find out who I was yet. Ethan told me to drink this about an hour before we arrived at Lorenzito's house. He told me that it would hide anyone from being able to see my past until I came back and got a potion to remove the haze. It was funny how Ethan bowed to me when I got there and before I left he also kissed my hand and I could see how much he wanted me to be his Queen. I hope some day I could make Ethan's pain go away and help him become the equal he deserved. Alyssa kept going on and on about how she wasn't happy about going there but she was doing this for me and not Lorenzito. I was about to ask why when she began. You see Lorenzo is a great leader he is my uncle but because I don't have anything special about me I was sent to the west side and I get money every month for me to do whatever with but basically I am a nobody and he has never treated me as anything other than a nobody. That's sad your own uncle could be so cruel. She continued on that's why people like me and Ethan are excited for you to be Queen.

Carmen I adore you and I truly want you to be my Queen but that is something you need to decided for yourself but I want you to be careful around Lorenzo he is not like Lorenzito he is evil and he doesn't have feelings about anything. If he could get a bigger territory he would kill his own children or wife to do so. Wow how can anyone be so cruel I wondered. It was becoming more obvious that I needed to be Queen to stop the killing and stupid territory wars. Alyssa wanted to stop by her friends house she said she hadn't seen him in three years. I could tell the way she said friend that he meant more than the simple friend. I jokingly asked her if I should wait in the car. She laughed and said shut up what kind of person would I be to make you sit in the car. We went inside and this place was smaller than Alyssa's but somehow more expensive. His kitchen was one I would have killed to have when I was human. It had a beautiful island and the countertops were all granite. Lucas thought my fascination with his kitchen to be very intriguing.

Lucas was very handsome and he seemed to adore Alyssa. I could see the way he felt about her and his thoughts were sad he wanted to marry her but he knew his family would never approve because Alyssa had no special abilities. I could see he didn't care about that he loved her anyways. I could see why so many people were excited about me becoming Queen to think love meant nothing to these people. Lucas had three other brothers and they were all gorgeous. I was the new girl they were all so excited to talk to me and I thought it funny Alyssa used me being the new kid to sneak away with Lucas. I hung out with the boys for a couple hours. My favorite was Matthew he was eight and he said I was beautiful and he wanted to marry me. I told him maybe when he was an adult I could come and steal him away to marry him. His face lit up and I could see him stick his tongue out at Lucas's older brother Liam. Liam was the one who was clearly the brains in the family. He had his mind blocked from me and I tried to keep my mind blocked but it kept falling.

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