Chapter 18- more good news

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He saw my eyes widen at his hands and he looked and I could tell he was freaked out as well. Why were his hands glowing and why did it resemble lightning? We decided to ask Ethan for advice and Ethan was way to excited. He told us that when Lorenzito married me and we mated last night and had shared each others blood I gave him a part of my royal blood and he was gifted with some sort of electrical current that he could expel from himself to his enemies. As much I loved the fact he could defend himself now it was a little bit scary.  Ethan said not really when Lorenzo touched your arm that night he was burned by your skin and so it wasn't far fetched to think that Lorenzito would also have a way of fending off enemies.

I tried to argue I had never burned anyone else the way I burned Lorenzo that day but he said I would be able to burn any enemy the same way but my mind knew who was an enemy and who was friendly. Great so now the mere touch of our skin can hurt people. Ethan and Bruce helped Lorenzito for the next few days on using his ability. It was amazing they would toss some apples in the air and Lorenzito merely zapped them all with one glance at the apples. I think we were all curious to see what would happen to an actual enemy. It was quiet here there hadn't been any issues and some of the vamps we had locked up were allowed to be out with supervision. They did not want to join us but I think they realized we meant them no harm and we had been friendly towards them so they were given short leashes to stretch their legs. Me and Lorenzito needed to feed. We planned a trip a few states away. We used a suv with very tinted windows. We needed to get some supplies from a friendly vamp in New Mexico and we decided while we were there we would feed.

Bruce and a couple others came with us. Not that we weren't able to protect ourselves but they were there to serve us and keep us safe. We got to the spot and got our supplies and were all ready to head back but we decided we would go to a local club and scope out the scene and see if we could find a quick meal. I seen into the mind of a pedophile and decided he was my target. I knew he had been at this awhile and kept getting lucky because the children were so afraid of him. I scooped in and drank him until he lost his pulse I figured I was ok with killing him knowing what he had done all to well. Lorenzito found a homeless man and drank from him and sealed the wound so he would forget the incident.

We were on our way back to our hidden home when we were pulled over by a patrol squad. Super unfortunate but what was a ticket to us. As soon as the police officer came up I could see he recognized us and was unable to read why though. When he returned back to us he told us that our vehicle was flagged and he had to search it until his backup arrived to see if this was in fact the vehicle they were looking for. We were told to stand on the side of the road and not to move while he searched the vehicle. The wolves who were about a mile behind us had pulled over and Bruce came closer and asked what was going on. I let my mind tell him some nonsense about the vehicle being flagged. I was about to bite the officer and seal the wound so we could leave but I saw another suv pull up full of vamps. These guys just don't give up I thought. I saw the driver look at us and I could see Lorenzo had put an apb out on us. Our face was all over the police database in connection to some murders out east. That's was his way of finding us and having goons show up. I warned them they would die unless they left right away. They laughed silently and I was getting bored with these idiots thinking that they shouldn't be scared of us. I flung the first few into the front of their suv and I saw Lorenzito zap them one by one, and they turned to dust. Amazing I thought I knew they were going to be hurt or killed but I didn't know that he was able to turn them into ash.

The other two got back in the vehicle and took off but not before I saw the drivers mind. He called Lorenzo and told him Lorenzito just vaporized his guys. I decided it was good that those two fled because now Lorenzo knew we were even more powerful. We made the officer forget what he saw and we continued on our way. Lorenzito was confused he was excited he had this ability but he was freaked out by it as well. He wasn't a fan of killing people and he had just turned them into nothing. Bruce stayed right on our tail after that. We made sure we weren't followed and continued on our way. We arrived home and told Alyssa and the council what had happened. We let them talk it over and we went into the woods to talk.

We hadn't even made it past ear shot when Lorenzito's phone chirped it was a friend who had two leaders ready to surrender after hearing what we were able to do. They said they didn't want to lose their power but they decided they weren't going to die for some egghead like Lorenzo. Over the next couple days more and more Leaders surrendered. We agreed that we would be meeting with them soon but they were to stay away or suffer the consequences. One of the vamps who stayed on after invading or camp asked if he could try to sway some of his friends and family not to fight for Lorenzo. We agreed to let him we trusted him and we knew that had we been in his shoes we would want the opportunity to save our loved ones.

He called us a few days later and said that while his friends and family were on board he was unable to sway his leader. We got his location and Lorenzito and a few wolves went to deal with that leader. They returned victorious, I knew Lorenzito had killed more vamps. I could see the sadness on his face. So later that night when we went inside I put his hand on my heart and stomach and I said Lorenzito you know I love you and I know what you must be feeling but do you see these hands and where they are. He answered back with a ya and? These hands can hurt or kill but right here they are loving and safe. You know killing isn't our thing but they would kill us without a second thought so stop feeling like a monster and trust that we will get through this together.

Over the next couple weeks we had some small battles with other leaders. Some decided not to fight and stepped down and others unfortunately left us no choice but to remove them. Almost all the small leaders were now disposed of. We were happy but we knew that Lorenzo was still gathering an army and that it was only a matter of time till we had to face him. Tammy and Ethan had began dating which was nice because it gave us something fun to talk about instead of all the war strategy. They were so cute they were perfect together and the best part was they were free from judgement here. No one cared he was half witch and she loved him just the way he was.

Alyssa and Lucas had gotten into a nasty fight because he was on our side but he wouldn't go against his father either. I understood her anger, I thought back to when Lorenzito was unable to stand against his father. I tried to comfort her but I knew she was just lonely and I knew how much she cared for him. We had been getting out alot more than before because we were winning small battles all over the nation. We even released the people we kept in the bunker we decided this place would not be attacked it was to well guarded. Even Lorenzo wasn't that stupid. A few of them asked to stay they weren't ready to join us fully but they wanted time to see if they could adjust to the new way of things. I was happy because I didn't want people afraid of me I just wanted to let people be free of these leaders who were willing to do anything just so they could remain in power.

We were out on a date when we heard a woman cry out we went carefully in to investigate and she was being burned alive inside a deserted auto mechanic shop. Lorenzito used his electricity to burn one of the sprinklers so they popped on and put out the fire. I knew she was a vamp because a human would have been dead by now. We tried to see where the attackers were but we saw nothing. We waited awhile and still saw nothing so I was about to go in and get her when Bruce sent in one of his wolves. He was only about a foot away from her when he screamed out in pain. There was nothing we could do to help him he had been stabbed with a silver blade.

I decided it was to dangerous for the wolves so I told them to stand down. I moved around and seen there was three humans inside. I cursed aloud hunters. I heard one of them on the phone and he said yes sir we got the vamp hung and a wolf tried to come in but we killed him. Yes sir we will be looking out for other vamps i heard him say before confirming my suspicion. Thank you for the heads up on these disgusting creatures Mr. Lorenzo. This jerk actually has no morals. He had hunters grab a vamp and try and lure others and possibly us in to kill us. I was so beyond pissed.

I began walking towards the building when I heard the garage door open up and a silver blade was coming straight for my heart. It got about a foot in front of me before it dropped to the ground. It was like there was a bubble around me that I had not created. Lorenzito made fast work of the humans before coming and checking on me. He said I seen it headed for you why didn't it hit you. I was afraid to tell him my theory!


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. What do you think it means Lorenzo's using hunters. Also what could that bubble be, does she have yet another ability? Thanks for reading and please vote and share!

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