Chapter 9 - Lorenzito's thoughts

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Hi guys thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy the twists in my story. This chapter is all about Lorenzito's point of view. It will start off before he even met Carmen. Hope you guys enjoy this point of view. As always don't forget to vote and leave me a comment let me know how you guys like the story or any input you might have.


I had just got out of a meeting with my father and other leaders. All those power hungry idiots want is more power. Now I am suppose to marry one of the other leaders daughters just to keep a peace treaty made before I was even born. Ughhh! I told my parents I was going to take some time to my self before I was forced into this marriage. I wasn't sure where I was going, i just had to leave and clear my brain.

I decided to head out west I'm from the east and I really wanted to see the west side of the states I haven't been in so long. I have a cousin out that way and i wanted someone to listen who would actually understand me. She was beautiful and one of the best people you could ever hope to know. She was not part of the leading family but she was amazing and everyone valued her opinion. Most of the men would marry her if they had the chance but no we got to marry other powerful women so our parents can claim more power.

I was in the middle of nowhere when I smelt fresh blood naturally I couldn't resist the smell and had to investigate. I found a small shipping container and when i opened the door. I saw the most gruesome thing, there was a young girl who had been living like this for who knows how long and I could tell the man who kept her had abused her terribly. I was frustrated  with my parents and seeing this girl had me thinking about how she also was living in a place where she was being forced to live a life she didn't want or choose. When I looked in her eyes it was weird I seen the strong will she had and I felt a pull towards her. I knew I was probably imagining things because pulls like that only came from royalty and this girl was clearly a human. With my dad being the king in the east I was reluctantly his first born so I was doomed from the start. I wonder what my cousin would say when I told her that this human had some type of pull on me.

As I got closer to her and I asked her if she would like to live in my world I was amazed how quickly she agreed. This girl was strong willed that I knew, but it was more than that she was kind and beautiful really beautiful not the typical celebrity kind of beautiful but the kind where your just perfect and nothing can bring you down. I knew she had slit her wrist and I could see it in her eyes that this was her way of not letting that beast have the last hurrah. He couldn't even control her in the prison he built I wondered what she would achieve with just a small amount of my blood.

The more time I spent with her the more I felt like I always wanted normalcy and content. I could stay with her forever if i thought for a second my parents wouldn't start a war thinking someone had taken me. Why did this human girl have such a strong effect on me? It was like she was the missing piece of the puzzle in my life. I could see it in her eyes that she could feel the same. Every time we drank from each other i had to fight to keep my mind locked away from her I couldn't let her see how much she meant to me and how much I needed her right now.

She started to ask me questions and I knew where this was going but I couldn't let her in I couldn't let her see that I wanted her so badly and worse I needed her. I had been with other girls sure but I had never wanted anyone the way I wanted her. I knew when she asked me these things I was going to have to break her heart which I hated doing but I knew if my father ever found out I had fallen for someone who was human I would be putting her life in jeopardy. Vampirism or not running through her veins she would suffer the wrath of my father and his stupid drones. My mother would be happy for me but she wouldn't go against my father. My sister Tammy would be my best ally she always wanted love and was forced to marry against her will and her husband was a complete jerk. He never let her say anything or have an opinion and my sister was smarter than all of us combined she was a lot like Carmen she was strong and beautiful and nothing could make her change her self. Man I missed my sister I don't get to see her much anymore they moved a little bit away and because her idiot husband doesn't let her leave the house she is usually stuck home trying to make him an army of sons. Even this he cant force her to do though. They have been married for almost two years and she's still not pregnant.

I know I hurt Carmen when I pulled away I seen her down by the lake and I wanted to go to her to make our problems go away but that wasn't fair to either of us. My feet began to move against my will closer to her. What the heck was happening why was I so attached to this human. Maybe I should have let her die. So I wouldn't be so weak to this feeling I have, where even my body refuses to listen to reason. I felt her tense ever so lightly as she realized i was behind her. I wanted to beg her not to turn around not to look at me with those beautiful green eyes. As usual as soon as i thought it she turned and I was screwed. We kissed and my body began to react to her and we made passionate love right there on the lake. I had to fight to keep her out of my head it was so intense. I had never experienced anything like this before. I would have thought she bewitched me but i could smell that she was human. I know there was something special about her that called out to me but she was just a human.

I told her I would fix the blood samples and then I would leave her some stuff a town over in a locker there. I could have waited around and helped her with her coming abilities and the drama that would unfold when Bill was out of the picture and she returned to her family. Secretly I wanted to sneak into the prison and kill him for what he did to her. That was still an option. I knew if i stayed I would continue to attach myself to her and I just couldn't do that I have to marry that girl from the other leaders. I don't even know what she looks like she could be an amazing person but I know I would never care or feel the way i do for Carmen. How could someone I just met have stole my heart and made me long for her. I told her to call me in two weeks and I don't know how I will survive that long without her.

I finally made it to my cousins house and I was so excited to see her. Lorenzito she squealed when she seen me. Oh Alyssa how i have missed you too. I needed to see your face and talk to you i am in such a rut right now. I explained everything to her from the wedding and everything with Carmen and she said she had never heard of any vampire, true blood or drone to have such a connection especially with a human. I decided to stay here until Carmen called me and I talked to Alyssa about having Carmen come here and stay for awhile I knew she would be safe here and I knew Alyssa would keep my secrets. She agreed and I was just waiting for the days to pass till I could speak with her one last time before I left and headed back home to my personal hell. I spoke with my father and let him know I would be home soon and that he shouldn't worry I was with Alyssa.

I know it is unusual for a vampire to get any special abilities after being turned. That was something that the higher up true bloods got but I just had this feeling that Carmen was going to surprise me. I'm not sure if it was because I knew she was strong or if I knew she would survive alot easier in our world with them. Most people only marry true bloods but there are those who have married under them because their partner had special abilities that would make them even more powerful than another royal or leader could. My ability to always sense a lie had kept my family safe many times. I always knew if the deals we made were true or some how a plot against us. We have even had a couple small territory wars where people thought they could somehow lie to me and when they were discovered they were ultimately killed or banished.

I hated the fact that if Carmen was given a special ability she may be able to marry a leaders son to benefit his clan. Who was i to be upset she knew I was marrying someone and she still decided to share herself with me. I know it is wrong but i wished a hunter would find my bride and kill her before i had to marry her. Only a hunter would cleanse me of this wedding. There was no one higher than my family on the east side of the states and my sister married someone from the west to keep the peace between us, so all i could do was marry someone from a strong family and continue on with our values.


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