Chapter 25- The Battle

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Hi guys hope you enjoy this story I know its different but id like to think that's the whole point. Please vote and share the story thanks so much!


Before the witches even assembled I found a familiar face Issiah was standing with the other wolves. I let my mind reach out and show him how much i appreciated his warning so long ago. He said it was for me but also his son. I wanted to ask who it was but i knew by his human face he was Bruce's dad. I told him how much i had come to love his son. He assured me he knew all about our family. He said he was really close with Bruce so he knew what we meant to each other. It seems like it had been forever since the wolves attacked Liam and Issiah bowed down and gave me the warning that kept me alert that whole night. I was so thankful for these two who had shown me what family really was.

The witches were ready they sent up there many spells distracting Lorenzo's posse. With the magical things all around us things I cant even describe honestly. I swear I seen ghosts and ghouls and worms that were six feet tall. I believe they manifested horrible things from movies and books. Even the mist I seen was creepy. If I was this distracted I could only imagine how Lorenzo's men would be. I was amazed how scary those things were. They couldn't actually hurt them but they could scare them and that gave us time to attack. One of the witches kept hurling a bunch of snakes and spiders at them and i thought she was brilliant. There was vamps doing all kinds of goofy things trying to remove the magical snakes and spiders. I wanted to laugh if I ever had a sister i imagine she would be like that, scared of a bunch of spiders. I would probably throw them at her just for fun. I couldn't let my thoughts get me I needed to stay focused we were far from being done.

I watched as about twenty vampires came running out front and me and Lorenzito got close enough to fling and zap most but left a cpl for us to fight hand to hand. These vamps obviously did not get that memo that we could do these things. I felt bad knowing Lorenzo sent them to their death and they hadn't even been told  what was coming after them. I was so angry what a jerk. I sent out a message to all fronts and let them know they had no clue what was going on try not to kill unless they had to. Another wave of vamps came out with a person who appeared to be a witch but when she seen what all our withes were doing she jumped ship. They were most loyal to their own kind and decided not to die for someone else.

Their were a few vamps i flung at a couple parked cars and vans. Finally no one else came out the front door so I started making my way inside. I found more vamps who were definitely out matched. They either gave up or were killed. I could hear the thoughts from all around the house we were making great progress. I got a visual from the giant wolf I could tell any vamp that seen him ran and hid. They wanted no part of that I can't say i blamed them a wolf the size of a bear nope i would pass too. When we finally got to the dining room where we had been not to long ago I found Lorenzo sitting in his spot as usual his wife not far from him. She looked scared and upset. I told Lorenzito to grab his mother if she wanted to leave and she nodded her head but not before turning to Lorenzo and saying (Lorenzo you need to stop this madness these are your kids and friends don't let this continue be the man I met and forget this foolishness). He grunted and said get this cow out of my sight. Lorenzito pulled his sobbing mother out of the room.

His mind was in mine quickly and said he would be right back wait for him. I looked at Lorenzo and he said So your the long lost daughter I keep hearing about. I said yup but you knew that. I could see the realization on his face. I had a feeling that someone who killed my family must know how the power radiating off of me must have felt. He smiled and said ya I knew as soon as I seen you that day. So why would you not welcome me into your family and have your son be my king? He answered me with you think that little mommas boy should be a King? Ha if I wasn't married I would have made you mine. I shouldn't have let things get out of control last time I would have got rid of my wife and married you anyways.

I let him talk partly because I was stalling for Lorenzito but also I wanted a reason not to kill him and he was making that hard. He snapped his fingers and ten vamps came rushing in I flung all of them but two out the window. Issiah was right there outside willing to come in at a seconds notice I told him to stay there. The two that remained tried to fight me but I was to quick for them I grabbed them and threw them at the wall where Lorenzito zapped them. I could tell Lorenzo was not happy his son was back. I tried one more time to reason with him. Stop your stupid games and you can be a grandparent to this child. His eyes softened for a second and then he said I had a weak son and that child will be as weak as he was, pass. I was about ready to attack him when another wave of vamps came running in. Lorenzito started zapping them and i went to help him but I felt that pull again Lorenzo tried to throw a blade at my throat but the baby blocked it. Me and Lorenzito Locked eyes and I saw his go red. He lunged at his father landing on top of his father who lay on the floor. With one quick movement he ripped his throat right out and detached his head from his body. I told Issiah to finish the rest of those vamps i needed to help Lorenzito.

He rubbed my belly expecting to find blood but i assured him the baby wouldn't let anything happen to me. I asked him how he was and he said he would be fine someday. I was hurt for him i knew he was hurting but i was also proud of him. His mother found us taking care of the last vamps and came and hugged us both. I'm so glad you guys are happy and have your own family. She rubbed my belly and said you got a strong one in there. We all disbanded and I told everyone who was on my council or leaders already to get ahold of me in the next few days to lay out the different decrees. Now that the battle is over I need to keep my promise and make things right for everyone in the night world!


thanks for reading please keep reading and voting! I appreciate the support.

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