Chapter 24 - Overworked

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Hi everyone hope your enjoying this story. I know I miss Bruce too. As always please vote for the story leave me any comments or questions.


We had been going back and forth for days some wanted a stealth attack while others wanted it to be messy as to send a message. I liked both ideas, i wanted stealth because it was a lesser chance of my people dying but the messy part seemed like it needed to be done. I was glad only me and the wolves were connected always. Not that i was keeping Lorenzito out of it but we could discuss things a tad bit farther than I wanted him to know. I was ready for this craziness to be over to get our lives on track.

Lorenzo had been staying in his home almost all the time. Scaredy cat was his new name. He only left his house if he had to show face to his powerful buddies but seems how we had dismantled most of them, he was always home. I wanted to leave my hubby home i did not want him to have to be apart of this but he refused. The baby was growing pretty rapidly. I was getting very anxious to meet this baby that we created together. I hoped for a baby boy I wanted a mini Lorenzito. Of course he wanted a mini me.

We were all set to go but we all decided it would be best if we all fed on the way there so we were prepared and at our best. We had four teams one to each of the four corners of the house. On each team we had witches wolves and vamps. We had the formations with the vamps out in front because silver isn't as bad for us. Then we had the wolves and finally the witches. It wasn't until the high priestess's came to us that I realized I had the same connection to them as i did with the wolves. However they couldn't understand each other. This made the witches more comfortable they took it as a sign that I was truly there to restore everyone and make things better.

On our journey there my mind naturally went to Bruce. I wondered what he would think of our plans to attack and I wondered what kind of research he would have done after finding out i am connected to the high priestess's as well. Most of all I just missed my friend my brother. I think the wolves were being very careful not to mention his name around me but i knew he was always on their minds as well. I could see many of there tear ridden faces. I was brought back to the present when the car came to a sudden stop. Someone had darted across the road and worse yet I could read their thoughts as clear as day. Carmen please follow me we can help you. I quickly told Lorenzito about it and he was unwilling to listen to me.

He thought it could be a trap but honestly this person knew me and I was able to read her thoughts which must mean that I'm connected to her as well. He was being childish but i know it was out of love and safety. We finally went to her after we had told the others to wait in a parking lot and we took a few of the wolves. She was in a good size warehouse but most impressively was the fact that this warehouse had thousands of small beds. The people in these beds were all hybrids. Mixes of all the different creatures. The woman explained this was basically a shelter for people who were disregarded by the power driven lunatics. There was men women and children of all ages.

I was curious how she had kept them a secret for so long and of course her being in my head I got the answer quickly. Some of the witches here were very powerful but because they were half something else they couldn't exist in our world. They had used magic to keep this warehouse out of site and off the radar. Impressive I thought to my self. It amazed me how much of this world I still hadn't understood. After speaking with her for a couple hours some of them were very gifted and wanted to help us we had to learn quickly what they could bring to the table and where they would fit in to each of the groups. I was amazed we had a witch who could see ten minutes into the future. I can only imagine that was due to her being part vamp as well. There was even a giant/wolf he was amazing. When he transformed he was magnificent he was so big he took the shape of a wolf but the size of a bear.. I could tell the other wolves with us were fascinated by him.

We filled them in our plans and started out once again. Lorenzito kept telling me how amazing I was and how much he could see the lives of our people finally being liberated. We had all fed and were getting to our four points of attack. I chose to be in the front line marching straight into the front door. I wanted Lorenzito to be in the back helping the other teams but he refused to leave my side. Once we were all in position we sent scouts to see what we were walking into.

The first two scouts arrived and said their were some powerful vamps there and some explosives and mostly just vamps. I did not want to count my chickens to soon but I was liking our odds. The other scouts had returned and mentioned that there were some warding spells on the house so our witches were going to have to stay away from them. We all surrounded the area and waited for the go ahead but I thought it strange that no one had tried to attack us at all. I had a funny feeling that things weren't going to be as easy as it appeared. We wanted to wait till it got dark so the wolves wouldn't be seen as easily. We all sat quietly well all but me. My mind was conversating with every one and then I would translate the conversation to the others seems how we weren't all looped in together.

I tried again to ask Lorenzito if he was able to continue. I know he wanted to but it was his father after all. Anyone who gave up would be offered the chance to leave. I did not want to kill innocent people who thought they were on the right side. Some people weren't happy with that choice but as i told them there are innocent people following someone's orders and given the chance to save their life they might just decided to give up. The sun was down and the troops were ready I could feel their enthusiasm. They were ready to end this once and for all. So I sent out the word Witches do your worst!


Thanks for reading as you can imagine the next one will be a full out war. Please remember to vote and share the story if you like it. Thanks so much!

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