Chapter 27- Somebody help me

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After speaking with Lorenzito he agreed the easiest thing to do would be to let my family think he had all the money and wealth and that he was revered as royalty even though it had been awhile since his family actually was. It was the best solution at this point my mom insisted on coming here soon and I wanted to keep it as simple as possible but with the wolves and council I needed it to seem legit. I could fight a bunch of vamps and other things but having my mother over for a week had me sick to my stomach.

Today was the big day we sent Anthony and Alyssa to grab her from the airport. The wolves all knew they had to be in human form when they were close to the house. Everything was all set and ready for her arrival. I felt like I was going to pass out. I could hear the car pulling down the driveway and I began pacing and I quickly told everyone she was here. I greeted her and dumbfounded when I seen my father get out as well. Oh someone kill me now just get it over with. Hi dad I said I didn't know you were coming. He said the only way he could sleep at night was to make sure I was happy and not just trying to make the appearance of such things.

We had them go in and get settled and rest for a bit if they wanted. My mother couldn't stop gawking at everything from the decor to the security/wolves. She was amazed at the life we were building here. She must have told me a million times how much she loved the house. I was about to yell enough already when I heard Lorenzito behind me grab my mothers arm and explain that the house was left to him by his royal family and once we decided to start our own family it just made sense to move out of the city and find a nice quiet place for ourselves.

Mom seemed to really like everything including Lorenzito but dad was freaking out almost as much as I was. I could see his thoughts going this looks more like a mob then royalty. I quickly told Anthony to have Alyssa bring a picture of the royal family to my mom and dad to get that mob thought out of his head. I loved being connected to the wolves without having to use words. When I showed mom her bathroom she threatened she may never leave. Please no I thought I will break the pipes in my own home.

While they were settling in Lorenzito told me we had some visitors who wanted to have a meeting about the tv announcement. Perfect timing as always got my parents in the bedroom and a group of who knows what hoping to speak to the Queen. I told Anthony to get them situated out in the council area and we would be there in a moment. Lorenzito kissed me on the cheek and said you got this my Queen just breath and i will be right next to you, relax.

It seemed at a first glance they were made up of all creatures I seen vamps and wolves and even some other things I wasn't sure of. I wanted to cry Bruce had been teaching me smells and teaching me about all the creatures. Anthony quickly jumped in my head, my Queen I will not be able to replace my brother but I will continue teaching you if you will let me. I nodded in agreement. We all sat down and I asked what seemed to be the problem. A man called Nigel stood up and said your majesty I have come to ask you in person if its true we can really do the things you say like travel and set roots wherever we want. I smiled and said yes sir. They all cheered and for the first time today I was happy.

Nigel told me how this group had been forced to live together in a single city block for the past 200 years. He said not that he hadn't made some great friends but he would like to travel the world and find more of his own kind. I still wasn't sure what he was so I looked to Anthony. Hes a shape shifter my Queen came his response. Fascinating, I assured him that he was finally free that i would like to be made aware of the roots only so I know that others cant get to close we want everyone to be able to have space for their rituals and family and just plain privacy.

I could see one of the guys in the back who smelt awful looked like he was scared and I asked him his name. He said Dakota mam. I asked Dakota what seems to be troubling you. He said well mam I am an ogre and people don't like my kind on a count we smell bad and like living in the mud. I could see his thoughts he was more afraid I wouldn't treat his kind fairly. Poor kid. I said Dakota I may be queen but I would consider it an honor if you would play in the mud with me before you left. His face lit up like Christmas really mam you don't have to but that would be awesome. I assured him that later today we would have it all arranged and we would have a good old time.

We finished up the meeting and only Dakota hung around. I could tell he was happier they all left. Bubba told me he wanted to join us as well. I sent out a metal convo saying anyone who wanted to was invited and Bubba wanted to be the one to set it all up. I agreed and I told Dakota to make himself comfortable until everything was ready. He agreed and left with Bubba. Me and Lorenzito decided to go check on my parents. They were in their room talking and I felt guilty listening to them but they were talking about how this might be all to fast for me and I needed to slow down. I knocked on the door and told them dinner was ready.

We had the wolves make my dad his favorite a nice big rib-eye and momma got her favorite tacos. She said we didn't have to go through the hassle but I assured her the cooks were more than happy to accommodate them. Which was true besides their loyalty to me they were all to happy to try out their skills on people who dint need blood to make it taste good. Daddy thought his rib-eye was perfect his thoughts were the same as moms when she saw the bathroom. I told my parents that we had a small matter to attend to later but we wouldn't be gone to long. Momma asked if it was dangerous and I assured her it was a bit of fun for the younger staff. She asked to come along and I had to think what would she say about it and I decided oh well what could it hurt.

Bubba let me know all was ready and we headed out to have fun. I was surprised that a bunch of the wolves and vamps had decided they wanted to have some fun to so there was about 20 people waiting there for us and me and Lorenzito were excited to see our friends willing to make this ogre happy. Bubba went all out there was a mud everywhere and he even had some inflatable stuff to jump on and a rope to swing off of. Wow this is going to be fun. We all had a great time playing in the mud and I dont think any of us were ready to quit. Some of the others ended up seeing how much fun we were having and had to come jump in. My mother sat on the side but I could see she was having fun watching all of us and she was content watching Lorenzito by my side and making sure me and baby were ok. She finally saw how happy I was and that made me happy as well. Dakota thanked me for the fun and he was tickled pink he said that he got to play in the mud with the Queen. I assured him he was invited to come back anytime and play again.

With my parents here we had to pretend to go to bed but I was ok with that. We just lay there mentally loving each other. There wasn't anyone as happy as we were right now. My first act as the official Queen was perfect and my parents weren't to bad. I was happy that my mother was finally able to see how happy I am. I heard my dad sneak into the kitchen so I followed and pretended I couldn't sleep either. Of course he was looking for left overs. He warmed up some rib-eye and i sat with him at the table sipping on some milk. He told me he was proud of me for everything that I had accomplished after my years of hell. He said he was worried about me and that's why he had to come here himself and check on me and my life style. I told him for awhile I never thought I would have happiness and then I met Lorenzito and my life changed. Literally! He told me he was happy to be a grand dad again and that I was gonna be a better parent then either of them ever were. I hugged him and said you guys weren't bad parents you just worked alot and sometimes that hurt but we understood. I hugged him again and told him I was going to bed soon I wouldn't have the chance.

..............Hope you guys liked the chapter, little bit of a cool down. Please vote and share!

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