Chapter 8

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Zack's pov :

After getting my usual lunch that consist of 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, a bag of chips, and a can of coke, I sat down at our usual table. Amy and Chris are already there and both are eating fish sandwiches and hushpuppies.

"Hey slut how was your free period with Mr.Hunkypants?" Amy asked as soon as I sat down. I felt my blood boil. How dare she think my man is hunky. "Don't you ever look at my man again and call him attractive. HE IS MINE!"

Woah. I only kissed Mr.Grey one time and I'm possessive. I've never been possessive or jealous. Well then again, I've never dated anyone before.

Chris and Amy looked shocked at my outburst. Chris had a smug look on his face. "Your man huh?" I blushed and shook my head no. "I-I ummm didn't mean my man. It was a ummm a joke. Yeah a joke." I tried miserably to lie. Amy and Chris just shook their head and laughed.

I gulped loudly. "So do tell us what happened to make Mr.Grey become your man Zack." I blushed and quickly thought of an idea.

"Oh no how about little Chrissy tells what happened with him and Mr.Bush yesterday." Chris looked at us with wide eyes and blushed head to toe. Amy immediately averted her questioning gaze to Chris. "I-I ummm. Oh well I guess I'll tell since I'm a terrible liar."

"After I was thrown over his shoulder and marched out of the cafeteria, he carried me to his office in the gym. He ummm well kinda slammed me up against the door and buried his face in the crook of my neck. After him just staying there in my neck for a few minutes, he brought his face up to my ear and whispered that I'm only his and no one else's. Then, he kissed me till the bell rang."

Amy squealed and rushed over to Chris.

"Oooo my baby got him a man! Oh is he a good kisser? Are yall dating? Oh my gosh what's gonna happen at P.E today? How is this goin-" "Amy stop bothering Chris. He is blushing so hard he just might turn in to a tomato." I said in amusement.

Poor Chris was blushing while Amy had a death grip on Chris's arm and was jumping up and down excitingly. Amy glared at me before grinning like a loon.

I looked at her in confusion with a little bit of fear.

"Oh don't think I haven't forgot about you and your man Mr.not so straight whore anymore." she stated. Surprisingly, her creepy grin got bigger. "Tell me now or face the consequences." Chris giggled at my fearful expression. "Shut it Mr.Bush's lover boy." He stopped giggling and blushed again.

Amy glared at me. "Tell. me. now!" She threw 1 of her hushpuppies at me hitting me in the eye. "Ouch woman okay okay. Both of you come closer." They eagerly rushed towards me. Both of them practically sitting in my lap.

"Okay well Mr.Grey and I were fine and acting normal till he spilled his coffee on his shirt. I rushed to the office bathroom and got a wet cloth. When I returned he was shirtless."

Amy and Chris both erupted me with a gasp. "Oh my god you saw him shirtless?!" Chris asked with astonishment. "Yes now let me continue. No more erupting with questions or noises." I scolded. Chris nodded eagerly while Amy looked like if I didn't continue soon she would kill me painfully.

"Okay so when I saw his huge muscles and 10 pack, I may or may have not let out a whimper and moan. He told me to clean his burns and while feeling his abs I let out even more embarrassing moans and was even hard. He pressed me up against the wall and kinda rubbed my little friend that had me moaning and writhing like a mess.

He told me if I wanted him to continue I had to admit I'm gay. I said I'm straight so he stopped and backed away from me. My brain yelled at me to get closer to him and just tell him I'm gay. I thought about it and released I'm gay for him and him only. I proceeded to throw myself at him and kissed him. We heavy made out till the bell rang."

The Principal's "STRAIGHT" Mate (Manxboy)Where stories live. Discover now