Not an update...sorry

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Sorry this isn't an update.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has voted for this story! I mean 72 votes is fucking awesome! When I saw it, I starting twerking in my living room. It freaked my moms and 18 year old brother out but oh well. Oh by the way I did mean moms as in 2 lesbian women as my parents.

Maybe that's why I adore gay people. All 5 of my best friends are gay except one. Also, my brother is gay and has an amazing boyfriend of 4 years so another reason I love gays. Now don't get me wrong, straight and bi people are amazing too it's just gay people play a major role in my life.

Wow...that got off track. Any who, thanks again for your support. You're all beautiful, amazing, loved, and appreciated by me.


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