4. Graham

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I know. John and Sherlock don't speak much to each other. But I promise, it will be fixed soon : )

John returned home and drank a cup of tea before going to bed, falling into an unusually deep and peaceful sleep.

It's Sunday morning. John groaned as he woke up, sitting up and rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He tiredly searched for his watch on the side table, eyes still adjusting to the bright sunlight from the window. He glanced down at his watch, quite surprised that he slept so long. He took off the covers as he swung his legs over the bed, his bare feet touching the wooden floor. He got up, stretching as he yawned once again.

He then remembered something. He forgot to reply on Emma her text. He immediately began searching his phone until he remembered that it broke. He rolled with his eyes, searching an old phone that he can use for now.
When he found one, he put the sim card inside the phone and turned it on. He replied to Emma, telling her that he was available tonight.

Since it was Sunday, John had nothing to do. Like usual. Around six o'clock he began making himself ready for his date with Emma. He had been watching television for the whole day. He hated it. His life used to be exciting and fun. But now he was always alone. His friends are too busy with their family, running a happy life. So John was left over with nobody.

John was almost ready. He brushed his teeth before returning to the living room and grabbed his keys and wallet. Just when he was ready to open the door. He stopped and walked back to his room and opened a drawer from his night table and took his handgun in his hands. He used to keep his gun with him all day. But his exciting life ended. So why would he need it. But last night, his thoughts changed. The screams made him realise that his handgun could be handy. 

He opened the fancy doors of the restaurant for the third time this week, and looked around, seeing if his date arrived yet. And yes she was. John grinned and began walking into the direction of the table. She sat at the same table from where Chelsea sat. What a coincidence, he thought. He was close to the table when suddenly someone took hold of his wrist and turned him firmly around. John made a little startled noise and frowned when he saw Sherlock standing there, looking rather annoyed.

"What are you doing?" John asked in surprise, still a hint of coldness in his voice. Even though Sherlock sort of apologized for his rude behaviour. It's not like John can forget it so quickly. The doctor found it weird that Sherlock was there again. Does this man works here every day? He'd say 'what a sad life.' But his own life isn't better.

"You can't bring a gun here." Sherlock snapped, his eyes looking at where John had hidden the gun. John had no idea how Sherlock knew this. He just arrived and there was no way that he could see this.

"That's none of your business." John said in a loud whisper, slamming his hands out of Sherlock's grip, ready to walk away but Sherlock stopped him.

"You're putting yourself in danger." He said honestly. John just snorted, not understanding why bringing a gun with you could be dangerous. Wasn't it good to protect yourself?
John walked away, not listening to the waiter's blabbering about that there were dangerous people around in the restaurant. The word danger made John's heartbeat accelerate. Deep inside he wanted to know more about this. But he can't. Not now with a date waiting on him. He rubbed his face, sighing and strolled towards Emma.

"Hey." He said, passing her and sat down in front of the beautiful looking woman.

"Hello." She said shyly.

"God you look beautiful." John said, acting like he was in shock about her looks. While he wasn't attracted at all. A blush was blooming over her cheeks, she chuckled.

"Thank you, John." She said smiling, her chubby cheeks were growing as she did so. John grinned, grabbing the menu in his hand and began scanning it. He knew what he wanted to order, but he didn't want to come into the same situation like last time.

"How are you doing?" She asked, looking at menu as well.

"I'm fine thank you. How are you?" He replied simply.

"Wonderful." She said timidly. John lifted his eyes, staring into her blue ones. He flashed her a smile before returning his attention back on the menu. "I think I'm going to take the dish with the beef." She muttered absently. John jerked his head up. That was his favourite.

"I'm going to take that one as well." He said with a smile, closing the menu and placed it on the table. "Red wine?" He added. She nodded, agreeing with him. John looked around, searching for a waiter. Typical there was only one free and that was Sherlock. He rolled with his eyes and rose up his hand. He didn't care any longer about what the man's personality was. He just wanted to this date to work out. Sherlock nodded and walked over to him. He cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Do you want to order?" He asked, staring at the table. Not at John nor Emma.

"Um yes. A bottle red wine with two times the Beef please." John asked, hoping that Sherlock won't say anything like last time. Sherlock nodded and strolled away. John lifted an eyebrow at the way Sherlock was acting.
John licked his bottom lip as he returned to stare at his date Emma. He didn't know what to say so he waited on her to say something.

"Important meeting with Mr Redstone then?" She asked sweetly.

"Not really. I had to bring in some old documents from an old deceased patient of mine." He informed her.

"Oh how did he die?" She asked, her eyes were widening, feeling pity for whomever that died.

"Car accident."

"Are there more people wounded?" She asked, trying to continue this conversation.

"There was a pup in the car. The pup survived it."

"Oh thank god. The poor puppy." She said loudly, covering her mouth. John cleared his throat, nodding at her. "Do you love dogs?" She asked, her voice returning to normal.

"Yes I do. Beautiful creatures. But for the moment I don't have one. I live in a small apartment." He shrugged.

"Well. You can always come to visit to have a walk with my dog." She flirted, blinking her eyes slowly.

"That would-" John trailed off as Sherlock placed the red wine onto the table and filled two wine glasses slowly, his eyes focused on the glass in his hand while pouring.

"Food will be here soon." He said stiffly.

"Okay thank you." John muttered.

"Thank you." Emma said. Sherlock nodded with a sigh and walked away. Emma rose her hand with the glass in her hands, waiting on John to do the same. He didn't get the signal so Emma coughed softly with a smile.

"Oh." John chuckled. And rose his glass as well. "On tonight then?" He said.

"On us." Emma said, smiling brightly and brought the glasses together. John didn't feel very comfortable with this, but he shrugged it away and smiled. Both drank from the wine in silence.

While waiting on the food, they were having a conversation about their childhood. John thought it went quite alright. When she was talking about a trip to America his eyes moved to the front door of the restaurant where the same silver haired man from the day before was standing. John tried his hardest best to concentrate on Emma but somehow he couldn't stop staring at the grey haired man and at Sherlock who was just doing his job. He obviously didn't see the man outside. Maybe it wasn't for Sherlock? John didn't know. But soon the grey haired man opened the door.

"Sherlock!" He yelled, not caring about the customers.

"For god's sake, wait a second Graham!" Sherlock yelled from the other side of the restaurant. John grinned, looking away so Emma thought he was doing it for her. 

Seconds later, Sherlock placed their food on the table without saying anything and stormed outside to the man named 'Graham.'

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