34. Strange man

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This is a pretty shitty chapter, sorry! (Had to write it on my phone) 🙄
~ May xx

The next afternoon Sherlock was ready to leave the flat in a grumpy mood. He wanted nor needed to arrange some things with his brother Mycroft Holmes and brother-in-law Greg Lestrade. He was probably going to demand John's safety and telling both of them, if anything happens to his John. That he'll never but never talk to them again.

Sherlock didn't want to continue with John's plan. He didn't want to risk his doctor's life. Why would he? His life was perfect how it was. But for John it wasn't. Sherlock could walk on the streets alone. John couldn't. So after John explaining everything once again, Sherlock gave in.

"Be careful." Sherlock muttered as he wrapped his blue scarf around his pale neck. John frowned briefly before speaking up.

"I'm sure the furniture won't kill me." John quipped with a grin but regretted it immediately as Sherlock pulled on a blank face.

"You're not being funny John." Sherlock said with a frown.

"I know I'm sorry." John said quietly as he walked closer and wrapped his arms around Sherlock's waist, his head resting on his chest, tucking his head under Sherlock's chin. Sherlock sighed as his arms moved around John, holding him close.

"I'm back in two hours." Sherlock assured. John wanted to go with him, but somehow Sherlock told him not to.

"Okay." John said as he looked up, the corner of his lips lifting up slightly. Sherlock flashed a soft smile before he bent down and dropped a kiss on the top of John's head. They both flashed another warm smile before Sherlock left. He closed the door behind him, leaving John staring at a closed door. He sighed and turned to look at the empty flat, thinking about what he's going to do now. Maybe he can start searching for a new job. But what's the point if he can't leave the flat alone? So there was only one thing left to do.

Well... A cup of tea wouldn't go amiss right?

John didn't need to think twice about that. He made himself a cuppa and flopped down into his armchair with his laptop on his lap. He decided to write his blog.

Thirty minutes later John heard someone banging on the door downstairs. John being curious stood upright and walked towards the window. He furrowed his eyebrows as he spotted a man knocking furiously on the front door, causing John's heart rate to accelerate a little. The man had short fuzz of dark chestnut brown hair and broad shoulders, clearly a well-trained man. John felt uneasy at the way the man stood there. Thankfully Sherlock told Mrs Hudson not to open the front door for anyone until he's back. Even though the man could be just a depressed client. But John doubted it.

Eventually the man disappeared the street while he was phoning someone. The man stood there for twenty minutes. When the man left, it didn't take long before Mrs Hudson stormed inside the flat with an envelope in her hands.

"Oh John look."  She said anxiously as she pushed the envelope in his hands. The doctor opened it swiftly and opened a folded letter. He unfolded it and began reading it. He frowned as he read the sentence.

Let's play a game.

That's it. That's all what the letter said. John was confused for a moment before he started to panic inside. He immediately ran to his phone.

"What is it John?" Mrs Hudson asked concerned as she strolled closer to him.

"I think Sherlock is in danger." He said quickly, clicking on Sherlock's number. He rose the phone to his ear, hoping Sherlock replies. He couldn't deal with Sherlock being gone again.

"John?" Sherlock asked. John sighed violently, feeling damn relieved.

"Thank god." He blurted out, looking over at Mrs Hudson and nodding at her, meaning everything is okay. She then left with an 'ooooh'.

"Is everything okay?" Sherlock asked, panic clearly hearable in his voice. John heard muffled voices in the background, probably Greg and Mycroft.

"Yes I just thought." John trailed off, looking down at the letter.


"Just." John paused. "Come straight home when you're done there."

"I will." Sherlock said shortly, confused.

"Thank you, I love you." John blurted out. His eyes widened at what he just said. He slapped his forehead, immediately regretting his words. The mix between panic and relief and the love he felt for Sherlock caused this to fly out of his mouth. They both knew how much they meant for each other. But saying it was too soon? John didn't quite know. But he felt an idiot saying it through the phone. He stopped the call, not giving Sherlock the chance to reply and pulled at his hair in frustration.

John sat himself down in his armchair, annoyed with himself and still frustrated about the letter. He hadn't the faintest idea how Sherlock would react on the I love you part.

And then only ten minutes later John turned pale as he heard footsteps in the hallway. Sherlock slowly opened the door, his eyes swiftly moving to John. John looked up, a blush blooming over his face. Sherlock was blushing as well, but before he could say anything, Watson spoke up.

"I have something." He said as he stood up, revealing the letter and handed it to Sherlock who was clearly perplexed.

"What is that?" He asked stiffly but after he read it. He already knows.

"Is it from Jim?" John asked confused.

"Yes." Sherlock sighed, pacing to his bedroom. John frowned, glancing as Sherlock disappeared into his room. Five seconds later he retreated the room with another letter in his hand. Sherlock quickly pulled out his coat and scarf before he texted Lestrade. Apparently Sherlock already received a letter like this. He never knew what for. But now it all makes sense.

"Everything okay?" John asked tenderly once Sherlock was done with fussing around. Sherlock settled himself down at the table, head leaning on his hands.

"You're right. This has to stop." Sherlock said, turning his head to meet John's worried eyes. John stood in the middle of the flat, not moved since he gave the envelope. He gave a slight nod before he cleared his throat.

"It will soon." John assured.

"If we do this. It's going to be highly secured. Mycroft will arrange a helicopter for in case they escape. And if we don't get more than 100 cops surrounding you. Then we don't continue." Sherlock muttered.

" hundred?" John snorted.

"I'm not going to lose the only person I care about." Sherlock mumbled, hating himself for getting soft again.

"I'm not leaving." John said as he strolled to Sherlock's side.

"I'm serious John. Nobody ever cared about me like you do. You don't hate me for who I am or ask me to change myself. I'd never thought I'd find someone like you. And I never wanted someone in my life. People are pathetic, a waste of my time. But you're not. I wouldn't know what to do once you're gone." Sherlock said all of this while he gazed down at the table. John squeezed Sherlock's shoulder softly.

"I think i need a John hug." Sherlock said. John didn't waste any time and crawled on Sherlock's lap and embraced him, holding him tightly. They stayed like this for a while when suddenly.

"I love you too John."

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