29. Who?

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John and Sherlock were in the cab on their way to Greg Lestrade. Sherlock needed to tell Greg everything about the abduction. Sherlock didn't want to inform him about everything. But John convinced him, telling it was important to find the abductors.

"I can find them on my own John." Sherlock muttered as he gazed out of the window. John sighed, not really convinced about that.

"I know you can. But a little help would be helpful." John said softly. Sherlock just grunted as he still was looking outside. John sighed once again.

The cab stopped and both men climbed out. The cold biting at their faces as they walked to the building. John looked down and slid his fingers between Sherlocks, trying to calm him down. Sherlock snapped his head down at the touch and smiled briefly with a blush blooming over his face at the gesture. But it swiftly went blank again.

They entered the building and immediately they got greeted by Sally Donovan who was talking to an officer. She grinned as she saw Sherlock entering the building.

"What are you doing here freak?" Donovan said as she walked to both of them, her arms crossed. A growl left Sherlock's cupid bow lips as he rolled his eyes.

"Nice to see you too." He said sarcastically, trying to pass her but she blocked their way. John frowned at her, not knowing who this and why she called Sherlock a freak. Sally sneered and her eyes widened as she saw John and Sherlocks hands intertwined.

"Oh my god." She laughed with disbelief. "Did you pay him?" She asked Sherlock with a big smile plastered on her face. John's frown deepened. He stepped forwards, standing in front of her.

"Who are you?" He questioned, anger visible in his voice.

"John it's okay." Sherlock said timidly, pulling at his hand.

"Well isn't that cute." She said with a snort.

"Leave us alone okay." John growled.

"John." Sherlock sighed and pulled him away, walking past Sally whom found this very amusing. They wheeled a corner as the detective spoke up. "John don't waste your time on her."

"Who was that?" John asked.

"Sally Donovan. She works with Graham." Sherlock muttered, approaching Greg's office.

"Graham?" John frowned.

"Yes, Graham Lestrade the one we're visiting right now."

"It's Greg." John snorted as Sherlock placed his hand on the doorknob but John stopped him. "Sherlock." He said softly. Sherlock raised his eyebrows as he looked down at John. "It's going to be okay." John said warmly.

"I hope so" He mumbled.

"It will." John said, standing on his tip toes and pecked Sherlock's lips, causing Sherlock to blush slightly.

Sherlock then opened the door without knocking. They found Greg phoning with someone. And at the way Greg was speaking, they realized that it was with Mycroft. Sherlock sniffed his nose with disgust as he sat down. John chuckled slightly. While Sherlock got abducted, John had the time to meet the other Holmes. Greg said his goodbyes and turned off the phone call.

"Sherlock." Greg said as he cleared his throat. Sherlock rolled his eyes in reply. Greg then gazed over at John and nodded at him. John nodded back. "Let's start from the beginning." Greg started.

"I walked on the streets and I got abducted." Sherlock said dryly, shrugging.

"I need details Sherlock." Greg said firmly.

"Why?" He snapped. "If I can't find them, you definitely can't."

"Sherlock." John sighed. Sherlock clenched his teeth. He then reluctantly started explaining.

"I was walking at Prince of whales theatre at Oxendon street. I noticed a white van with three men smoking outside of it. Nothing seemed suspicious, so I didn't pay attention to it s-."

"Why did you leave the restaurant in a rush." Greg said, cutting him off.

"Because I thought I found the perpetrator but I did not. I failed. Again." Sherlock snapped, leaning more backwards. John placed a comforting hand on Sherlock's bicep. Greg nodded as he cleared his throat. "Five minutes later the same van passed me. But this time they were with two, they were looking at me as they passed. And then at the end of the street the van stood there. I passed the van, knowing that something was odd when someone from behind injected me with something. Since then everything went blank until I woke up in a room."

"What happened then?" Greg asked.

"I didn't see the three men from the van again."

"What happened." Greg asked. Sherlock sighed, irritated from all the questions.

"There were two. One of them told me that he had been following me for years. He caused many deaths. He left signs on crime scenes but I never knew."

"What do you mean?" Greg said, his eyes narrowed as he typed everything on his laptop.

"Remember the gay people from the pub months ago?" Sherlock asked. Greg nodded. "One of them had a recent tattoo, the tattoo was placed the day of his death. I didn't think it was important for the case but it was. Then a month ago there was graffiti on one of the windows of the restaurant. It was a J just like the tattoo. And there's more." Sherlock said.

"What has that to do with your abduction."

"They were with two. One of the two did the physical work." Sherlock said, pointing to himself. "The other only spoke to me. They don't want me to die. They want me to suffer. They hate me because I've been disturbing their mission. I still don't know what that mean. But they will come back. And I'm afraid they want John."

"Do you have names?"

"Yes." Sherlock paused. "Jim Moriarty and Sebastian Moran."

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