17. why?

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"What's going on with him?" Robin asked after Sherlock left the table with the empty plates, still refusing to make any contact with John. The doctor sighed sadly. He was hurt, more than hurt. It felt like he was just daggered in the heart. Not being able to touch Sherlock was already painful. But being ignored was too much for him. He felt worthless. John also noticed Sherlock staring at him a couple times, which confused him even more.

"I have no idea." John murmured with a shrug. He sighed once again. This was it. His life was hell again. He still had Robin, but John was hundred percent sure that it won't work out between him and his childhood friend. At least not in a romantic way.

"I thought you two were friends?" Robin questioned after he took a sip from the champagne.

"That's what I thought as well." John said as he looked over his shoulder briefly. "I guess he changed his mind." He said.

"You had a fight?" Robin wondered. John snorted softly. They definitely did not have a fight. He shook his head. "Maybe he is in a bad mood." Robin assured.

"Wouldn't be a surprise." John agreed.

"Speak of the devil." Robin said as Sherlock was walking towards their table with two Strawberry Sorbets as dessert. He quietly placed the desserts on the table. Robin was staring at him suspiciously. Sherlock gave a curt nod and swivelled around.

"Hey Sherlock." Robin said loudly, causing Sherlock to turn around. John frowned, wondering why Robin was calling after him.

"Thank you." Robin said with a genuine smile. There was a quick twitch of Sherlock's eyebrows.

"It's my job." He replied coldly, turning around.

"No I mean about John. I wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for you." Robin said friendly. Sherlock closed his eyes and took an overly unneeded breath and it didn't go unnoticed by John. He turned around again, facing the two. The scowl on his face disappeared. He looked at the floor for a moment before he cleared his throat.

"It's my pleasure." He said as he looked into John's hazel eyes for the first time. The face of his completely calm and unreadable. He then gave Robin a nod and strolled away. John frowned, following Sherlock's figure until he was out of sight.

"Something is bothering him." John assured. Robin hummed, digging his spoon in the ice-cream. Watson clenched his teeth and decided to eat his dessert as well for in case it melts. After a bit more chatting about the summer camp. Robin wiped his mouth away with a tissue. He cleared his throat.

"John do you remember the comedy we watched with Bert and Mark?" Robin asked, a slight smirk growing on his face. John snorted, a smile growing on his face.

"Of course I remember. I got a trauma from that night." John said firmly but on an amusing tone. A quick laugh left Robin's mouth. The four of them sneaked inside the media room so they could watch a movie. It was an odd movie, but one of the best comedy movies they ever saw. Their friend Bert peed himself and John was sitting at his side, pee making contact with John's buttocks.

"Well, guess what I found last week." Robin asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You found the movie?" John wondered.

"Yes. If you want we can watch it in my flat. With a beer in our hands, good old times." Robin insisted, a smile finding its way on his face. John actually smiled at him and shook his head, up and down.

"Yes sure!" He said, grinning. He didn't feel uncomfortable about this. Because he forgot that this was actually supposed to be a date. He felt like this was just two friends hanging out. So why should he go home and sulk in his bed about feeling dumped. Even though he didn't get dumped. It just felt that way.

"Great!" Robin said, smiling widely. Obviously, Robin had different thoughts about this. "Just don't pee yourself okay. I just moved there." He quipped, taking another sip.

"I'm not Bert. That was bloody awful." John said loudly, finishing the dessert.

"Do you still hear about them?" Robin inquired.

"No, I wonder if one of them went to the army. Do you?"

"I've heard of Mike two years ago. He moved to France." Robin informed.

"France?" John said in surprise.

"Yes, he met a French girl." Robin shrugged. "Three kids already." He added. John chuckled.

"Someone's busy." He grinned. Robin nodded with a laugh.

"Let's get going then?" Robin stated, grabbing something out of his trouser pocket. He pulled out his wallet. Seemed like he was going to pay the date. John noticed this and turned pale as Robin laid hundred pond on the table.

"Let me pay as well." John muttered, not feeling comfortable with someone paying for him.

"Please John... I'm a lawyer." Robin winked, a smug smile on his lips. John just rolled his eyes. Robin looked around, searching for Sherlock and raised his hand, trying to get Sherlock's attention, which succeeded. "Here." Robin said, pushing the money in John's hands. "You pay, I will go for a cigarette. Talk with him." Robin said in a smooth tone of voice, knowing how important friends are. John nodded stiffly. Robin grabbed his jacket and pulled it on while walking away.

While waiting on the bill. John shrugged on his jacket as well, waiting nervously on Mr Holmes.

"56 pond." Sherlock mumbled, making John jolt slightly from the sudden appearance. John held the money firmly in his hands and looked up, staring sternly into Sherlock's eyes.

"Why?" He said, shutting his eyes a little bit longer than a normal blink.

"People pay for food."

"I'm not talking about that Sherlock!" John said firmly, trying his hardest best not to raise his voice.

"John I'm in the middle of a case. Just pay the bill." Sherlock said quietly.

"I thought we had something. I thought you were my friend Sherlock." John said, his voice slightly breaking. Sherlock's eyes softened for a moment and then after those fleeting seconds, he put the mask back down.


"No Sherlock. You might think that I am overreacting. But I am not. You can't just use me for your boredom." John said, drawing a hand over his face. "Just..." John trailed off, pushing the money in Sherlock's hands whom muttered a thank you. He then quietly reached out his arm, giving John money back.

"Thanks." John snapped as Sherlock gave him 44 pound back. John didn't want to snap at Sherlock. But he was boiling inside. He pushed the chair backwards, standing up.

"I'm sorry John. I didn't think you would care about me." Sherlock suddenly said, softly. John's face softened. He was so confused about this man. Did he thought that John didn't care about him?

"Of course I care." John frowned, the anger inside him vanishing.

"Okay." Sherlock replied, taking the empty dessert plates in his hands. John looked at him carefully. "Have fun tonight." Sherlock said quietly. Before John could reply on that. Sherlock was already gone.

"John are you coming?" Robin yelled from the entry.

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