7. You're right

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John Watson walked into his apartment, feeling frustrated with himself. He ran a hand through his hair and closed the door behind him and locked it. He felt his heart beating ever so fast and he didn't know why. He slipped out his shoes and walked to the bathroom, deciding to take a shower. He didn't care that it was almost 12 o'clock. He just needed a hot shower, trying to forget what Sherlock had said.

He turned on the water, undressed himself and went in the shower, resting his arm against the wall and his head against his arm, letting the water shower down on him.

He could not take his thoughts off what Sherlock had said. He always refused to believe he was gay and moved on with the thoughts that he was hundred percent straight. But now hearing someone else saying it, made it all feel real.

Ten minutes later he decided to finish off his shower. He turned off the water, stepped out and grabbed a towel, drying off his body. He looked at himself in the mirror as he dried his hair, which was lying down at the moment because of the water. But the moment he dried it with the yellow towel, it stood on all end. John grunted and wrapped the towel around his waist as he emerged the bathroom and walked to the bedroom.
Entering the room, he dropped the towel and put on a pair of boxers before sitting down on the bed, sighing heavily.

He laid down on the bed and covered himself with the blanket. He closed his eyes and fell asleep rather fast.


The next morning John woke up to a few loud knocks on the door of his apartment. He frowned at the noise. He had no idea who it could be. John kept lying down for a moment, listing if the person was gone already. But seconds later the knocks returned.

"For god's sake." John groaned with irritation. He peeled the blanket off himself and walked to open the wooden door. He rubbed his eyes as he opened the door and he then turned pale when he saw Sherlock Holmes standing in front of him, wearing his daily clothes. A confused John frowned, not noticing that he was just wearing a pair of boxers.

"Hello." Sherlock said dryly, a smug smile plastered on his face.

"What are you doing here?" John replied stiffly, swinging the door open wider. He saw Sherlock's eyes scanning his body which made him realize that he was indeed almost naked. John blushed and cleared his throat. "Come in. I uh... put something on." He hesitated, gesturing with his hand to the living room. Sherlock nodded and began walking to the sofa.

John rushed to his bedroom, feeling awkward about Sherlock seeing him in his pair of boxers. He opened his wardrobe, grabbing a jeans and a jumper and pulled it on. He had no idea how Sherlock found his address or why he was there. John emerged his bedroom and entered the living room, seeing Sherlock sitting on the sofa, hands resting on his thighs, staring at the floor until he heard footsteps and he then turned his head to look at John. Sherlock blinked a couple times before speaking up.

"Before you ask why I'm here. I'm here to apologize." Sherlock said muttering.


"Yes for calling you gay. It seems like it's something sensitive for you. You see it as an insult. You're homophobic?" Sherlock asked calmly. John frowned, standing motionless for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"I'm not homophobic. My sister is lesbian, I'm fine with it." John assured, walking to the kettle, trying not to stare at the man, because somehow it made him uncomfortable. "Do you want tea?" He added quietly.

"No don't bother. I just came to apologize."

"I don't understand. You come here to apologize? Why?" John asked looking over his shoulder briefly. He then picked up two mugs, not caring about Sherlock's refuse about not wanting tea.

"I was close. And you took interest in my interests. Nobody ever did that. I think I should do something nice in return." Sherlock muttered, shrugging a bit.

"That's... nice of you."

"And the restaurant is closed... I'm bored." Sherlock said honestly. Let's say that this was the real reason why he came to apologize. Also Sherlock never had someone that cared about his cases before. And he loved the way John was interested in his work.

"Right." John said, clearing his throat.

"Is It accepted?" Sherlock asked while scanning John's apartment with his eyes.

"Sure." John replied with a sigh, and walked towards Sherlock with the cup of tea. He stood in front of Sherlock, reaching out his arm. Sherlock frowned.

"I thought I..."

"Take it." John interrupted. Sherlock was a bit startled that someone was offering him tea instead of throwing it over him. But he took it anyways.

"Thank you." He murmured. John nodded stiffly and settled himself down in an armchair the opposite from Sherlock. "So." John cleared his throat. "You're a cop as well then?" John asked and took a sip of his tea. Sherlock snorted.

"I'm a consulting detective." Sherlock corrected.

"A what?" John asked with confusion. Sherlock rolled with his eyes, a sigh leaving his cupid bow lips.

"A consulting detective. I invented the job."

"What does that mean?"

"It means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me." Sherlock said simply. John chuckled, shaking his head causing Sherlock to frown at the other. John looked up, staring at Sherlock whom was confused at John's laughing.

"Sorry it's just..." He paused. "You're..." Sherlock turned pale, ready to hear the offensive words about him being weird and all. "Different. But on a good way." John said. For the briefest of seconds there was a flash of something across Sherlock's face but John didn't know what it was.

"Different?" Sherlock asked quietly.

"Yes. You're a big dickhead but at the other way you're brilliant." John pointed out. Sherlock smiled briefly and nodded, sipping his tea. "I shouldn't have yelled at you last night." John added.

"Yes indeed." Sherlock said. John narrowed his eyes. Sherlock grinned. "I thought I was being helpful."

"Helpful?" John asked.

"I thought you didn't know you were gay. I wanted to help you. It would have saved effort and time. But it seems like I'm wrong." He grunted. "I'm never wrong." He added, annoyed with himself.

"Maybe you are not." John said quietly, almost not hearable, hiding himself behind his tea cup.
Sherlock's head jerked up.

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