38. It's just you&me

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John sucked in a panicked breath. He pushed the paramedic away, struggling with himself to get up. Greg clearly didn't hear him. John got out of the van with Sherlock's scarf in his hands and walked unevenly to Greg. Tears stained his face, and he felt so much pain at the thoughts of Sherlock being gone.

"Greg." John yelled once again, his voice croaking. This time Greg heard him. He swivelled around with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I have to go. Yes he's fine, I'll hurry up." Greg said quickly to the person at the other end. He then put the phone in the pocket of his jacket. John finally approached Greg. His legs waggled and he collapsed on the ground.

"John are you okay?" Greg asked worriedly, bending down a bit and took hold of John's arm, helping him upright.

"It's Sherlock." John said anxiously, out of breath.

"What do you mean?" Greg asked confused. All the people around them were looking at the two. A trembling Watson revealed Sherlock's scarf. Greg frowned, clearly not understanding it.

"One of the men gave me this. It's Sherlock's. We have to find him, Greg." John said terrified.

"John." Greg started but John cut him off.

"Greg please I... can't live without him. We sho-

"John he's-

"I'll try to ph-

"For god's sake John's listen to me. He's fine." Greg said as he took hold of John's shoulders so he would listen. John blinked slowly, his eyebrows knitting together into a deep frown. He looked up into Greg's eyes, confused about this. Greg saw that John was too much in shock to talk at the moment. "I just had him on the phone John. He's fine." Greg assured, sending John a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure it was him?" John asked. Greg sighed, that was a stupid question. But people in shock can ask ridiculous things.

"I don't think anyone can fake being such an ass." Greg said as he rolled his eyes. John took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. The corner of his lips turned upwards. He felt a hand on his shoulder as tears cascade down his face.

"Thank you Greg." John said, wiping away the tears with the palm of his hand.

"At least someone thanks me." Greg pointed out with a chuckle. "We caught Sebastian in the van. Jim wasn't present but thankfully we could track him down with Sebastian's phone. It's over John." Greg said warmly.

"Can I go home?" John asked with a husky voice.

"You don't need to make a statement since we recorded everything. I have to interrogate them now. If I need something I'll phone you tomorrow about it." Greg assured. "A police officer will bring you home."

"Thank you Greg."

John walked to the police car that was waiting for him. He climbed inside and greeted the police officer. During the ride home, they had a conversation about what happened in the evening. John felt betrayed by Jason. The man looked so genuine.

The car pulled up in front of 221 Bakerstreet. John thanked the man named Rick and stepped out of the car. He got greeted by Mrs Hudson. She wanted to hear about what happened but he told her that he was exhausted. He was exhausted but not completely. He just wanted to see his Sherlock. Mrs Hudson left him with a hug, trotting back to her flat.

John ascended the stairs, stopping for a moment because he heard Sherlock playing the violin. He smiled, his eyes twinkling. He then continued and opened the door. Sherlock stood at the window looking outside. He probably saw John stepping out of the car. Sherlock stopped playing.

"I was beginning to wonder where you were." Sherlock said as he turned around, a soft smile spreading across his face. John's eyes widened. The beautiful smile. That smile that made John's heart skip a beat, that smile had always made him feel so save. Sherlock hadn't the faintest idea about what happened with the scarf part. John couldn't control himself anymore. He rushed to Sherlock and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling into Sherlocks chest. Sherlock held John closer to him, placing a gentle kiss on top of John's head.

"I thought I lost you." John said, tears filling his eyes. Sherlock frowned, loosening the grip and drew John back so he could look him in the eyes.

"What do you mean John?" Sherlock inquired softly, his heart breaking at the sign of John crying in front of him.

"One of the men handed me your scarf. I thought they did something to you."

"My scarf is right there?" Sherlock questioned. John frowned, turning his head to look at the coat rack. And indeed, Sherlock's blue scarf was hanging there.

"But." John stuttered.

"They just tricked you. I'm okay John." Sherlock said. Gently, he wiped the tears streaming down John's cheeks and murmured in a soothing tone. "I'm not going anywhere." He added as he ran his fingers through John's hair. John nodded softly and embraced Sherlock again.

"It's over." John mumbled on his chest, meaning that they're both safe.

"It is." Sherlock replied. "Because of you." Sherlock added, John pulled back looking deeply into Sherlock's eyes. Where was the time that they hated each other... John smiled shyly, causing Sherlock to smile back. He then kissed John tenderly, with a gentle passion that made John's heart melt. After a few moments, they drew back for air. As they did so, Sherlock cupped John's face in his hand.

" I love you John." He said. "More than you could ever know."

"I love you too William." John whispered, drawing to Sherlock as he kissed him again, wrapping his arms around his waist. There was a soft growl coming from Sherlock as John deliberately said William.

"I've made you tea." Sherlock said through the kiss. John pulled back a wide grin on his lips.

"My night can't get better than this."


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OKAY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. But guys, thank you so much for reading, commenting, liking this story. It means a lot to me. I didn't know how to end this story, so I did it like this. I'm happy but also sad that I'm done writing this. I've been struggling a lot with this story. And aaaah I finished it!

Also thank you for helping with my spelling, grammar mistakes! It's really helpful, thank you xx

I'm trying to continue my princelock/teenlock, but I'm struggling with that one as well. Sooo I don't know what's coming next. But be ready for my next story :'D

Love you guys! Bye <3

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