35. Be careful

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I don't know what's happening with my writing. But i lose inspiration so fast everytime. You may not see it, but for me it's having an influence on my writing. Wattpad is also being an ass. When i want to update a new chapter. It sometimes takes hours before it publishes. One time a day. Usually it's right away. but nawwww... rip



"Why did you hung up the phone?" Sherlock asked tenderly, his chin resting on John's shoulder. John cautiously pulled away so he could look into Mr Holmes's beautiful piercing blue eyes staring up at him.

"You know why." John replied hesitantly.

"Honestly I don't." Sherlock replied with a slight frown. "I would have said it back immediately if I had the chance." He added on a serious tone. John felt a blush warm his cheeks and his heart rate was steadily rising.

"I'm happy to hear that." John said shyly, looking down.

"Why hang up then?" Sherlock wondered. John swallowed, looking back at his black haired sheep.

"I wanted to say that for the first time while looking into your eyes. Not through the phone." John said timidly. Sherlock hummed softly before going into deep thoughts. A couple seconds later the corner of Sherlock's lips curled into a smile.

"Say it again, pretend like nothing happened before." Sherlock said, a tiny smirk playing on his lips.

"Sherlock..." John snorted. Sherlock didn't reply, he kept looking into John's hazel eyes. Watson licked his lips, shifting slightly on Sherlock's lap, thinking Sherlock was joking. But Sherlock was dead serious. You clearly could see that at the way he was looking at John.

"Okay." John said in a half whisper, his head nodding. He cleared his throat while his hands moved to Sherlock's shoulders. He knew he was going to sound like a teenager in love, but honestly. He didn't care. "I John Watson am deeply in love with William Sherlock Scott Holmes." John said warmly, smirking as he said Sherlock's full name. Sherlock gasped, his eyes widening.

"Who told you my full name?" Sherlock asked in surprise. John chuckled giving Sherlock a look. "For god's sake Graham." Sherlock growled.

"It's Greg. And I would find out eventually." John shrugged, flashing a smile. Sherlock pursed his lips together. "It's lovely." John teased, playing with Sherlock's fingers. Sherlock narrowed his eyes.

"It's not Hamish." He said simply.

"How did you-"

"Oh please John. There is name tag on your baggage which says. 'This is from John Hamish Watson. Do not steal.' Sherlock pointed out. John blushed from embarrassed.

"Right." He smiled.

"Now. About a minute earlier..." Sherlock trailed off, his hand moved from the centre of his chest to John's waist, settling softly there to hold him close.
John's heart skipped a beat as Sherlock's eyes gazed at his lips. Sherlock grinned as he began to kiss him. The kiss started out gentle and slow, with Sherlock ever so slightly pressing his lips to Johns. Every time he felt his mouth against his, John stomach lurched and he longed for more.

And that's what he got.

An hour later, both were lying in bed, wrapped in each other's sweaty arms. Both exhausted from the previous activities. John sighed contently as he held Sherlock tighter. Lying in Sherlock's arms, he knew that everything he wished for, everything his father and mother told him to look in a woman, was right underneath him. John shifted, using Sherlock's chest as a pillow, and it inadvertently made his toes curl.

"Lying comfortable?" Sherlock chuckled with the deep baritone voice of his. John hummed. Just then Sherlock's phone could be heard from the kitchen. Sherlock ignored the phone completely, John snorted as he rolled with his eyes.

"It might be important." John warned with adoration.

"This is more important." Sherlock mumbled lazily as he wrapped his arms around John's neck that was lying on his chest. John blushed but pulled away from Sherlock's embrace and stood up. "Where are you going?" Sherlock whined as he pushed himself upright with his elbows. John bent down to grab his pants and swivelled around, raising his eyebrows.

"Phone obviously." John said. Sherlock grumbled something unintelligibly and plunked himself down again.

John scurried towards the phone. But when he entered the kitchen, the flat was soundless. John sighed and took the phone in his hands. It was Greg Lestrade. John decided to phone him back. He put the phone to his ear while retreating back to the bedroom.

"It's about time you pick up the phone." Greg said annoyed. Usually Sherlock and his phone were inseparable.

"Sorry Greg. We were... busy." John said, gazing over at Sherlock.

"I don't need details John. Since you're on the phone." Greg paused. "We're ready to continue."

"Ready?" John blurted out. Sherlock swiftly sat up.

"Yes. We start at 9 o'clock if that's alright with you two." Greg assured.

"Er, yeah." John replied hesitantly and rubbed the back of his head with one hand. Sherlock frowned deeply and got up, quickly walking over to John, not bothering to put some clothes on. John handed him the phone, his face pale as ice. He didn't mind using himself as bait. But the thoughts that he might get pulled into a van or whatever Jim's plans were with him, made John feel uneasy.


It's 9 o'clock. Greg stood inside the flat waiting on John to get ready. He was pulling on his jacket.

"Ready?" Greg asked John.

"No." Sherlock said at the same time. John sighed and took hold of Sherlock's hand and squeezed it softly. He smiled sadly.

"Do you have any more questions?" Greg asked.

"No it's clear." John assured with a nod.

"Okay good. So you're going to walk to the Garna pub. It's thirty minutes by foot. We'll be right behind you. There are teams with anonymous cars on your path. And a helicopter for back up. You are definitely safe." Greg assured.

"I better hope so." Sherlock muttered. They planned to let John walk to the pub with cars following him. There also will be police officers inside the club, dressed in their ordinary clothes. There was a chance that Sebastian and Jim didn't make a move. They would only know about John's plans if they are spying on him and Sherlock. Greg and others weren't quite sure they were doing that. But it was worth the try.

"Okay. We have to go now." Greg said as he glanced down at his watch. John nodded. Greg looked at Sherlock. "I warn you Sherlock. Stay inside the flat."

"Why would i disobey?" Sherlock replied, feeling 'offended'.

"Because you're Sherlock Holmes." Greg pointed out and walked away, descending the stairs. John sighed and took a deep breath. He sauntered to Sherlock and embraced him, Sherlock wrapping his arms around John, resting his chin on top of John's head.

"Be careful."


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