28. Tell me

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Little note, I wrote this in an hour and it's kinda rushed. So it's pretty crap, sorry about that! Life is busy ><


John felt complete.

After breakfast Sherlock took a quick shower, his first shower after a week. It surely did him good. In the meanwhile John was preparing tea like always. When Sherlock was done showering, John took care of the injuries, being Sherlock's personal doctor. John had showered as well and changed into his clothes. He pulled on a white jumper, and Sherlock couldn't help but remark on it.

Both were now sitting in their armchairs the opposite of each other, sipping tea John had made once again. They were talking about several subjects, about John moving in the flat and about Sherlock's mother wanting to meet John. Thanks to Mycroft. John still didn't ask questions about the abduction. Sherlock's mood was okay, and he didn't want to ruin it. John knew he was going to know the whole situation later with Greg Lestrade.

An hour later Sherlock had laid himself down into the sofa, feeling tired. Usually he refused to rest, but he knew he needed it after the abduction and torture. While Sherlock was resting, John had grabbed his laptop. He felt inspired to write his blog.

When he returned from the army, his psychologist advised him to write a blog. He thought it was ridiculous. He didn't understand why it would help him. But back then he did try it, and he quite enjoyed writing. But after a while he stopped, since his life became dull and nothing interesting happened.
And now with his 'new' life. He couldn't resist to write. He started writing from the beginning, when he met Sherlock in the restaurant, the little discussion they had. John snorted slightly, smiling at the reminder of Sherlock being a completely ass to him. He's so happy that he got to meet the real Sherlock.

After thirty minutes, John's stomach grumbled. He sighed, there was nothing edible in the flat. And they also had to go to Greg in an hour. John stood upright, placing his empty cup on the table and gazed over at Sherlock, smiling at the way he was lying there. John grabbed his jacket, shrugging it on, causing Sherlock to open his eyes at the noise, frowning.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a slight yawn.

"I'm going to the store, do you need something?" John asked. Sherlock immediately turned pale.

"No John you can't go now." Sherlock blurted out, pushing himself upright. There was panic hearable in his voice. John frowned, not understanding what the problem was.

"Sherlock I'll be back in twenty minutes, I'm on time for Greg." He assured.

"John you can't leave me alone here." Sherlock muttered, trying to look innocent.

"Food doesn't grow in cabinets Sherlock." John said dryly. Sherlock grumbled, trying to find a way to let John stay, because he didn't want John to be alone on the streets. Not after what the abductors told him.

"I know. But we can go together." Sherlock said. The corner of John's lips turned upwards in an amused smile, he raised both his eyebrows.

"You going after grocery shopping with me?"


"Okay then." John smiled with a nod and grabbed Sherlock's coat but stopped as soon as Sherlock spoke up again.

"We can go after we return from Greg." Sherlock insisted. "I'll send a text to Mrs Hudson for cookies, since you're hungry."

"Sherlock, it can wait. Mrs Hudson isn't your slave." John pointed out, pulling out his jacket and walked back to the armchair, sitting down.

"She likes it." Sherlock said with a grin and started writing a text.

"I can just ask her you know." John said. Sherlock cocked an eyebrow and smiled as he sent the text. John rolled his eyes and snorted.

The doctor grabbed his laptop and continued writing. Sherlock continued working on an old experiment. After a while he looked over John's shoulder to see what he was writing. He noticed John writing about him.

"I wasn't jealous." Sherlock defended. John was writing about the restaurant scene with Robin. John chuckled, ignoring Sherlock behind him and continued writing. "What are you even doing?" Sherlock questioned curiously.

"Writing my blog."

"Since when do you have a blog?" Sherlock inquired with a laugh, finding it stupid. But he won't tell John that of course.

"Since I returned from the army. But I took a long break." John said, his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Are you going to make this public?" Sherlock asked, his heart beat accelerating.

"Of course." John replied simply.

"Can you wait to publish it until the two are caught?"

"What's that got to do with my blog?" John asked with a frown, his eyes leaving the screen so he could look into Sherlock's eyes.

"Just wait John." Sherlock said, clearing his throat and walked back into the kitchen so he could continue his experiment.

"No Sherlock, you're going to tell me what's going on." John said scowling, placing the laptop on the table and turned around in his seat.

"What? There is nothing going on?" Sherlock lied, avoiding eye contact with John.

"Yes there is. You won't let me go outside alone and I can't publish my blog stories." John said, his voice raising up. He then sighed as Sherlock ignored him. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. "Sherlock sit down please." John begged. To John's surprise, Sherlock obeyed and sat himself down in the armchair. "Do you think they will get me?" John asked timidly. The detective nodded, his face paler than ice.

"I can protect myself Sherlock. And I have my gun with me."

"John you don't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"If they wanted to kill me they would have done it already. They want me to suffer. The only way they would succeed, is to get you." Sherlock muttered.

"Why?" John asked quietly. Sherlock growled inwardly, hating this conversation with his whole heart. He hated showing others that he had feelings and emotions. Of course John knew that already. But he hated talking about it.

"Because right now you're the most important creature in my life. And they know it. If they get you, they will do everything to make me suffer. They will torture you, John." Sherlock informed with his voice slightly croaking, gazing down at his lap. John's heart was pounding so hard against his chest. Not because he was in danger, because Sherlock just told him that he meant a lot to him. John smiled sadly and pushed himself upright. He walked over to Sherlock and crouched down in front of him, taking both his hands in his.

"Everything will be fine Sherlock." John assured. Sherlock looked up and met John's eyes. John flashed a soft smile and cupped his face, kissing him sweetly. Their lips moved slow against each other's.

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