10. Flipflops

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"I brought a Gin tonic for you." John said loudly, pointing to Sherlock's glass. Sherlock frowned, sending John a stern look.

"I told you. I don't drink."

"Yes. And I told you that I don't drink alone." John shot back with a smirk, pushing Sherlock's glass more forwards with his fingertips. Sherlock crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes, refusing to drink alcohol. He didn't drink for ages. And he knew how sensitive he was for alcohol. If he drinks now he will get drunk instantly. John stared at Sherlock for a couple seconds, waiting patiently on Sherlock to give in. But when he noticed that Sherlock wasn't planning to make a move, he sighed. "Oh come on Sherlock." John said, pouting on purpose. "Only one drink." John added. Sherlock sighed heavily. "Just this one." John said once again, smiling, showing his puppy eyes.

"For god's sake." Sherlock groaned and took the glass in his hand and took a big gulp. He then placed the glass back down. "Happy?" He said, frowning. John grinned nodding, contently. Sherlock rolled his eyes, smiling softly before looking away.

"Yes." John assured, smiling and sipped his gin tonic. He then placed the glass back down, licking his lips to remove the liquid that lingered there. He lifted his eyes to stare at Sherlock whose eyes were roaming the room.

Suddenly at John's side someone was speaking up. Both Sherlock and John looked at whomever was talking. There stood a man, the bloke was probably in his early mid-twenties, handsome with prominent laugh lines and clear blue eyes. John drew the corner of his mouth up nervously, and gestured to the music and then to his ear apologetically.

"Sorry?" He shouted over the din. The man simply grinned wider, and bellowed.

"Do you want to dance?" He said once again. John's mouth hanged open a bit. He reddened a little, and tried to think what to say.

"I'm here with him." John stuttered pointing to Sherlock sitting across him. "Sorry." He added, clearing his throat as he flickered his eyes briefly to Sherlocks. The stranger man didn't look hurt. He just looked a bit disappointed. But he smiled again. "Well, if you change your mind, just find me." He said and vanished into the crowd of dancing people. The detective snorted.

"Really John?" Sherlock said in annoyance. John frowned, not knowing about what Sherlock was talking.

"What?" He asked stupidly.

"You're not going to find someone if you keep sitting here like an old retired man." Sherlock pointed out.

"Yes yes." John sighed, waving a hand dismissively. "It's still early." He said as excuse, shrugging. Sherlock snorted with disbelief and without thinking he took another big gulp from the gin tonic. The two of them began talking about an old case that Sherlock solved when suddenly someone interrupted the conversation.

"Oh wow, John?" Someone yelled at John's side. John looked at his left side in surprise at the sudden person yelling. John's eyes widened, recognizing the man. He slid off his stool, standing up and embraced the man.

"Robin!" He said contently and pulled back, smiling widely. "I never thought I'd see you again." He added with a chuckle. There was a faint frown lingering on Sherlock's face at the two. Robin and John were close friends in the army summer camp when John was younger. When Robin was younger, he lived in Scotland. So the two of them lost contact with each other.

"I think I can say the same. It's nice to see you!" Robin said enthusiastic, slamming his hand on John's left shoulder. John knew that Robin was gay when they were young. But he didn't care about it. By the time that those two sentences left their mouths. Sherlock had finished the Gin tonic that John had ordered before.

"Yes indeed! How are you doing?" John asked.

"I'm doing amazing, how are you? And what are you doing in a gay pub? I never thought you were into men." He said, smiling widely. John looked at the ground awkwardly and looked back up, shrugging a bit.

"It's my first time actually. I'm..." John trailed off.

"It's okay John." Robin assured. "You're trying to find yourself. Don't worry." Robin said with a genuine smile. He then looked at his side and back at John. "But hey, I have to go back to my impatient brother. Here's my number." He said. John's eyes widened and he nodded.

"Yes. Thanks." He said, looking at the little note in his hands and back at Robin. "It was nice to see you." John said warmly. Robin grinned nodding, and walked away. John cleared his throat as he sat back down. He glanced at Sherlock who was staring motionlessly at the table. John's eyes flickered then to the empty glass.

"You finished it already?" John chuckled, slipping the note in his jacket that hung onto the chair.

"Yes and I would rather want another one." Sherlock said coldly and shove his chair backwards, walking away. John frowned, wondering where Sherlock's beautiful smile ran to. John cleared his throat, sipping his drink and decided to glance around, seeing of something interesting was happening.

Five minutes later, Sherlock returned with a wide plastic tray in his hands with different types of one shots. John eyes widened at that.

"I thought you didn't drink?" He asked amused.

"Plans changed."


John and Sherlock were drinking. Well more likely Sherlock was drinking. John decided to keep it calm, since Sherlock was already slurring with his words. And he wanted to be sure that both of them arrived home tonight. It was weird though. Sherlock's mood was cold and suddenly he began cheering up again. He started talking about cases, deductions and his archenemy named Mycroft?

John loved hanging around with Sherlock. He was more interested in talking with Sherlock than any of these silly men around them. Sherlock was... different. And whenever John was staring into Sherlock's eyes, his heart did a weird flip-flop.

"Do you want to dance?" Someone asked Sherlock, taking advantage of Sherlock's drunk state.

"No. He is not" John said firmly, knowing what the man was planning. The stranger huffed and walked away.

"Joooohn?" Sherlock slurred, frowning and crossed his arms like a stubborn child. John cocked an eyebrow. "I wanted to dance, you ruined it!" He frowned deeply, wobbling in his chair.

"You wouldn't even manage to get up." John pointed out.

"Yes I would!" Sherlock protested. "Call man the back me for...." He garbled, closing his eyes, leaning with his chin on his hand palm.

"That's not going to happen. He just wanted to take you to bed." John informed Sherlock on a mother tone.

"Then." Sherlock paused, pushing himself upright. John frowned at what Sherlock was trying to do. "Then you have to dance with me."

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