23. Mind palace

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A very short chapter sorry! I wrote this in class;


John was done with working. He sighed in relief as he emerged the building. His day was tiresome. All his days were like that. But working and knowing that Sherlock was all alone in his flat. Made his days hateful. Usually work was fine, because he had no one to talk to, no one waiting on him. But this time, he had a beautiful man waiting in 221B Bakerstreet. And his name was Sherlock Holmes.

John stepped out the cab, making his way to the door. The door was slightly ajar. John frowned, knocking on the door.

"Oh." Someone yelled from the hallway. John heard heels coming closer. Mrs Hudson opened the door. She smiled warmly at John.

"Hello dear." She said as she opened the door more so John could step inside. John nodded, flashing a smile. She knew that the two were dating. Sherlock had told her earlier today.
He had no other option, because she kept asking questions about John.
She squealed for the whole neighbourhood when he told her and pulled Sherlock in an embrace, telling him that she was proud.

"Good evening Mrs Hudson." John replied calmly. He walked inside, letting her close the door.

"Congratulations John." She said heartily, a big wide smile on her lips. John grinned at her expression, feeling the familiar flutter in his stomach.

"Thank you." He said as a blush was blooming over his face. Mrs Hudson then couldn't contain herself any longer and squealed softly as her hands were covering her mouth and then she wrapped her arms around John, pulling him firmly against her chest.

"I'm so happy for you two." She said enthusiastic. "It's about time that Sherlock finds someone like you." She sniffed with a chuckle. John had so much appreciation for this woman. She was so kind and caring. Sherlock should show more respect to her. John knew that Sherlock liked her. He was just too stubborn to admit it. She pulled back, smiling. John returned the smile and took a step to his left, ready to ascend the stairs. "And John." She said, stopping him.


"Don't make too much noise, will you. I have visitors in ten minutes." She said with a slight smirk and trotted away, leaving a dumbfounded John Watson standing at the staircase. He shook his head, snorting with disbelief and walked up the stairs. He opened the door that led to the flat and scanned the flat with his eyes to find Sherlock on the sofa, eyes closed, his hands steepled below his chin.

Mind palace

John pulled out his jacket and hung it over a chair. He then made his way to the side of the sofa. Gently he sat down at Sherlock's side so he could watch him. He looked so gently, fragile. John watched his chest rise and fall, watches how Sherlock was lying motionless on the sofa. John assumed that Sherlock was in his mindpalace. Because he wasn't reacting when John examined the shoulder wound. The first time Sherlock told John about his mind palace, John laughed. He didn't quite believe that someone could build a palace in his head. But the more John learned about it. The more intrigued he became. John ran a finger over the wound and smiled sadly. He sighed, as he gazed down at it. It remembered him from his own scar on his shoulder.

John looked at his watch. Sherlock had to work in thirty minutes. Part of him wanted to shake Sherlock, trying to get him out of his state. But at the other side. He loved watching Sherlock, running his finger through his hair, playing with the curls.

John placed a soft kiss on Sherlock's lips before he got up, strolling into the kitchen. He turned on the kettle. While waiting he placed a cup on the counter with a tea bag inside the cup. He then leaned with his elbows on the counter, looking dreamily ahead. He felt so lucky being there. He hoped to move in someday. It would make his life complete. Waking up every day at Sherlock's side, Sherlock making tea for him or John making tea for Sherlock. It didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was Sherlock's presence.

John poured the boiled water into the cup and walked back to the sofa, sitting at Sherlock's side again.

Fifteen minutes later Sherlock's eyes fluttered open, his eyes flickering up to John's face. The corner of his lips turned upwards in a shy smile.

"Mind palace?" John asked gently.

"Yes." Sherlock said as he pushed himself upright, groaning in pain, his face crunched as he felt his shoulder burning.

"You okay?" John asked with concern, placing his cup on the table.

"Of course I am." Sherlock muttered. John fought the urge to roll his eyes as Mr Holmes was hiding the pain again. Sherlock looked at the clock on the wall, frowning as he noticed the time. "Hmm." Sherlock said dubiously.


"fourteen minutes left." Sherlock said. John nodded sighing. "How was work?" Sherlock asked, placing a hand on John's thigh.

"What do you think?" John said as he raised both his eyebrows.

"Despite all the tedious patients. There was only one that made your day complete?" Sherlock mused, a slight smirk on his face.

"Precisely." John said and entwined their fingers together. Sherlock pulled John on his lap with a big grin and kissed John gently.

It was John that deepened the kiss. He cupped Sherlock's face and used his thumbs to stroke each of his cheeks.

"Be careful tonight okay?" John begged. Sherlock smiled gently into the kiss, nodding with his head. Sherlock parted his lips, John slipping his tongue inside his mouth, moving one hand to the base of his neck. John pushed Sherlock backwards so he was lying down. They entwined their fingers again as their tongues explored each other's mouth. They broke apart after a while, placing their foreheads together and breathing the scent of each other.

"I know that I can't help in the restaurant. But if you're in trouble again. Call me." John said, looking into Sherlock's piercing blue eyes.

"It will be fine John. Don't worry."


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