30. Saved me

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Okay, I'm finally done with internship! What means I can update more. I've been very busy and I only could write in the weekend. I'm happy to be back! Also, above is a new video I've made this morning. Hope you enjoy it, xx

Greg gave a sharp intake of breath when he heard those names. He hadn't the faintest idea who Jim Moriarty was. But he knew exactly who Sebastian Moran was. And he wasn't glad to hear that name again.

"What is it?" Sherlock asked suspiciously.

"Are you sure it was Sebastian Moran?" Greg asked on a serious tone, his eyebrows knitted together into a deep frown. Sherlock rolled his eyes, leaning backwards and sighed.

"Who is he?" John inquired. Greg inhaled deeply before he spoke up.

"He's one of the dangerous man I ever met." He informed.

"I've never heard about him." Sherlock shrugged, not convinced about Sebastian being the most dangerous man Greg ever met. Sherlock knew everything, so he would definitely know something like this. Sebastian hurt him during the abduction. He couldn't stop abusing Sherlock. But that didn't make him the most dangerous man he ever met.

"He killed more than hundred people abroad. He did all of this in five years. He got caught three years ago in Paris. He then got moved to England in a strict jail until." Greg trailed of, running a hand over his face. Sherlock frowned.

"Until what?" Sherlock said, his voice raising up, knowing something was odd here.

"He escaped." Greg sighed.

"Jesus." John blurted out.

"Why didn't you tell me." Sherlock asked coldly.

"I wasn't allowed to. Nobody was." Greg informed.

"Great plan." Sherlock snapped rolling his eyes once again. Greg sighed typing on the keyboard.

"Do you know more, did they tell you any information about what they're planning next?" Greg asked, gazing over at Sherlock who looked clearly annoyed.

"No." Sherlock replied flatly. Greg cleared his throat, closing the lid of his laptop. "That was it then." He announced.

"Finally." Sherlock said as he stood up, shoving the chair backwards and walked away, not waiting on his small man. John sent Greg an apologetic stare and emerged the office as well, rushing after Sherlock.

"You okay?" John asked as he approached Sherlock out of breath.

"Yes." Sherlock said curtly.

"Sherlock." John sighed.

"Leaving already freak?" Donovan said sneering. Just then Anderson approached her side looking at Sherlock with distaste. Sherlock took in a deep breath through his nose. But before he could spat a nasty deduction about Anderson and Donovan having sex. He felt someone taking his hand in the other and squeezing it slightly. And that person was John Watson. Sherlock decided to just drop it and walked past the two, emerging the building.

Sherlock flagged down a cab.
He tugged the door open and climbed into the cab, John following behind. The doctor didn't know what to say to Sherlock. All he could say was that everything was going to be okay. But Sherlock wasn't convinced about that. John wished he could do more, but sadly he can't. The only thing he can do was comforting Sherlock. John grumbled and shoved closer to Sherlock, lying his head on Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock smiled softly, resting his chin on top of John's head.

"Thank you John." He muttered.

"For what?" John replied softly, closing his eyes as the cab was driving through the streets of London.

"For staying by my side." Sherlock said, holding John tightly against him. John blushed as his heartbeat quickened.

"You're welcome Sherlock." He replied warmly.

The cab drove them to Bakerstreet. They ascended the stairs, Sherlock flopping down into his chair and immediately he began doing researches about what had happened in the past with Sebastian Moran.

John walked into the bathroom, needing to pee. After that he looked into the mirror at himself. John felt a rush of adrenaline and something like fear at the thoughts of the highly-trained sniper Sebastian and Jim Moriarty. He ran his fingers across his scar on his shoulder from that darkness and closed his eyes against the unbidden rush of memories. John wondered if Sherlock noticed his scar already. Sherlock didn't see John naked yet. But they got changed into the same room already. John's scar caused many nightmares. He cleared his throat and quickly refreshed himself. He then walked into the kitchen.

He forgot about the grocery shopping they were planning to do but remembered it immediately as he saw grocery bags standing onto the counter. John frowned and gazed over at Sherlock.

"Sherlock?" He asked.

"Hmm?" He said absently.

"Who did-" John started but Sherlock cut him off.

"I texted Mrs Hudson asking her if she wanted to do grocery shopping." Sherlock said. John shook his head, smiling slightly.

"Unbelievable." John said amused and began putting everything away.

"What? She likes it." Sherlock said innocently. John snorted, continuing with emptying the bags.

"What are you doing?" John asked, placing the eggs and milk into the fridge.

"Trying to find more information about Sebastian." Sherlock said. John hummed in reply, closing the fridge. He then strolled over to the kettle machine. Before he could ask Sherlock if he wanted a cuppa. Sherlock spoke up.

"Don't bother making tea John." He said.

"What?" John asked.

"You closed the door rather loud. I'm sure Mrs Hudson will be here soon with tea and cookies." Sherlock informed.

"Oh well. That's handy. I should always close the door like that then." John pointed out smugly.

"Don't." Sherlock grumbled. "I'd prefer you only."

"Don't make me blush Holmes." John said as he blushed, his lips curled up into a smile as he looked at Sherlock who was smiling up at him.

"I apologize Watson." Sherlock said with a grin. John's heart did these little flip-flops. At the moment Sherlock was acting like himself and not the grumpy detective from an hour ago. Of course John didn't mind that. He understood the situation completely. But it felt good to see Sherlock smiling again.

He sighed contently and walked over to Sherlock, who was now raising both his eyebrows. Sherlock didn't complain when John took away his laptop. The doctor slowly sat down on Sherlock's lap.

"I should thank you too Sherlock." John said.

"Thank me?"

"I told you this before. No matter what happens, I will never leave your side. I know I should be worried about those two. But I'm not, you saved me already. I'm sure you can save me again." John said softly, shyly playing with Sherlock's fingers as he spoke. Sherlock took a long moment to respond. His eyes looked back into his. He then smiled as a blush grew onto his cheeks, the sound of his quick heartbeat echoing in his chest.

"I won't let you go." He said, a little bit uncomfortable because he's still not used to talk about his emotions. John smiled fondly.

"Good."A pair of arms wrapped around his waist, had caused John to smash his lips against Sherlock who kissed him back and pulled him close, running his hands in John's golden blond hair. John pressed his tongue against the ex-waiter's lips and he opened his mouth to let Sherlock slip it in, a moan escaping as he does so. Arousal was growing, both forgetting something.

"Hello boys." Mrs Hudson said as she opened the door, squealing as she saw them jumping away from each other.

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