36. The plan

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John was walking towards the pub. It was raining softly, The wind rushed silently through the streets. John tried not to gaze over his shoulder while walking. If any way Jim and Sebastian were watching him. It would be suspicious if he kept scanning the street like a scared puppy. They would definitely notice the plan. So every time John heard a noise or a car behind him. he swallowed, thinking that he's not alone.

John wheeled a corner of a street, entering a half-lit street, what made him feel uncomfortable. John heard a car entering the street behind him. He swiftly looked over his shoulder. Thankfully it was someone of the team. He cleared his throat as he walked along the streets, the wind moved softly through his hair, continuing his lonely journey to the pub.

John saw a group of men standing in the distance, his heart ramming furiously against his ribcage at thoughts of getting attacked by them. He took a deep breath and continued walking forwards. He sighed in relief as he passed them.

The rain vanished as he entered the street of the pub. His hazel eyes soon came upon his destination. Like Greg predicted it took him 30 minutes to approach the pub. Well 31 minutes and twenty seconds to be precise. John entered the pub quickly to get out of the darkness, and the chilly air.

The interior of the place was dark and it appeared like none of the natural light from outside could enter during the day. The only source of light was from the candles that were floating around the room and the couple wall lamps. Also hanging at the walls were plaques of old coca cola ads from the 70es. There were strong-built men gulping down huge mugs of beer, women and teenagers inside, happily enjoying their night, standing at the bar chatting or just generally sitting alone.

As John walked through the pub, making his way to a stool at the bar nobody paid attention to him. He felt somewhat 'welcome' by the fact that nobody looked at him as he entered. Not that he cared.

John was quite happy that Greg decided to do this in a normal pub instead of a gay pub. Because he couldn't imagine going to that place again where every single man tried to squeeze his buttocks.

John settled himself down onto the stool and got greeted by a bartender's smile. John nodded back and scanned the drinks.  It was probably the best not to drink alcohol tonight. Or maybe one beer, just not to look suspicious. He then rose his hand. The bartender smiled and walked to him.

"You want to order?" He asked nicely, leaning with his elbows on the counter, smiling warmly.

"One beer please." John said with a friendly smile. The man hummed and began working on John's order. While waiting, John scanned the place. He noticed a couple men staring at him. It kinda bothered John that he didn't know who the undercover police were. How could he know who was staring at him. The police or a slave from Jim.

"Here you go." The man said, disturbing John's thoughts, placing the glass filled with beer in front of John.

"Thanks." John said, giving the man the money already. The bartender walked away, going to other customers. The doctor took a sip of his drink and waited. He didn't know on what he exactly waited, but he waited and waited. He sighed as nothing happened. He chugged down his first glass of beer, feeling the liquid run through his throat. He licked his lips, wiping the remains of its foam from his chin.

Suddenly there came a man flopping himself down on a stool at John's side, sitting himself down with a huff. He rose his hand to the bartender and waited on him to approach. While waiting the man looked briefly at his side where John sat.

"Two beers please." The main said once the bartender stood in front of him. He nodded and began preparing the order. After he finished he placed both beers in front of the man.

"Here you go." The bartender said.

"Thanks." The man replied with a wink. The bartender frowned briefly before continuing doing his work. The man cleared his throat and took one of the beers in his hand and placed it in front of John. John startled softly and frowned.

"You can't sit inside a pub with an empty glass." The man said with a grin, pointing to john's empty glass.

"Oh um I-" John stuttered.

"I'm not here, to get you in my bed tonight, don't worry." The man said simply as he took the beer in his left hand. John frowned, not knowing how the hell the man knew that he was gay. Or bisexual.
John still didn't figure it out what he was. But he was Sherlocksexual for sure.

"Cheers." The man said and brought the glass to his lips, taking a swig of the beer. "I'm Jason." The man introduced, placing his glass onto the counter.

"I'm John." John replied still frowning. He then froze for a moment. "Excuse me, but how did you know I'm gay?" John asked curiously. Jason chuckled, taking another sip with a smile before replying.

"I saw you in a gay pub about two weeks ago?" Jason replied with a wide smile.

"Oh yes right." John said, clearing his throat.

"So what brings you here all alone?" Jason asked. John turned pale, trying to find a good excuse. Well he could simply say that he wanted to visit the pub. There is nothing wrong with going to a pub alone. Thinking about it, John would love going to a pub with Sherlock again. Both getting drunk, dancing on the dance floor like two idiots. Just thinking about it made John's heart jolt.

"I had an argument." John said. "I needed some air." He lied, sipping his beer.

"That happens." Jason said with a sigh.

"What about you?" John asked. If he was going to spend the night here, then he should enjoy himself at least a little bit.

"My man is in Australia for a week."

"You've met him in the gay pub?" John wondered.

"Yeah." Jason replied with a smile.

"We were both lucky then." John said lively.

"We are." Jason replied.

John and Jason kept chatting about a couple subjects, filling the hours in the pub. John didn't mind Jason's company. But he would prefer Sherlock of course. When Jason left for three minutes, needing to pee. John sighed, his thoughts drifting to Sherlock. He was probably pacing the flat, demanding Greg for news, scared to lose John. John wanted to send Sherlock a text, but he didn't bring his phone with him. John jolted as someone touched his shoulder.

"Want some air?" Jason asked, pointing to the exit where he could smoke a cigarette. John looked down to see the pack of cigarettes and nodded.




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