27. Breakfast

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Sherlock and John spoke about the situation before they headed to bed. Both were exhausted from what happened this week. Neither of them slept well. Sherlock informed John a little bit more about what happened. He didn't say names or what they exactly did to him. The only thing he said was how he got abducted and with how many they were. They were with two. One man hurt Sherlock physically and the other only spoke to Sherlock. John wanted to know more about everything that happened, but Sherlock was avoiding most of the questions. John decided it was the best to go to bed. Sherlock looked exhausted and it worried him.

Both men walked into the bedroom, John yawning as he slipped under the covers. Sherlock slowly got under the covers as well, his whole body hurting as he touched the mattress. He grimaced, eyes squeezing shut from the pain, a growl leaving his mouth.

"You okay?" John asked with concern. Sherlock let his heart rate slow down and his breathing calm while he was in bed next to John who intertwined their fingers together. He felt so lucky to be with John. He never thought he would find someone like him. To find love. To be accepted the way he is. Sherlock wanted to say he was fine. But he knew he couldn't lie to his doctor at his side.

"My head." Sherlock muttered.

"Wait." John said with a soft reassuring smile and jumped out of the bed, Sherlock scowled in response. John emerged the room and walked to his duffel-bag standing next to the armchair. He searching for painkillers for Sherlock's headache. He needed those a lot this week. He received a lot headache from all the stress recently.

John grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He then walked back to Sherlock's bedroom and held out the glass of water.

"Here, take it. It will help." John assured. Sherlock scowled once again. He opened his mouth to defend himself but John stopped him. "Sherlock please." He said warmly. He wasn't going to sleep well, knowing that Sherlock was in pain. And he really needed sleep, just like Sherlock. Both were like a walking corpse.
Sherlock pursed his lips together and pushed himself upright with a sigh. He reached out his arm. John grinned briefly and handed Sherlock the glass. He sipped the water once before taking the painkiller. In the meanwhile John grabbed his charger for his phone and plugged it in.

Sherlock stared blankly down at his drink, eyes transfixed by the small ripples. He didn't want to take a pill, but he forced himself to take it. For his John. There were important things that he needed to tell John. The two abductors had warned him about something.

Distracted by his thoughts, he dropped the glass onto the floor. The loud crash made him jump with a start. John turned around. He was easily enough able to see what happened. He walked over to him and crouched down, taking Sherlock's hands in his.

"Sherlock we have to talk about this. You're not alone in this." John said, knowing Sherlock was hiding something that was obviously bothering him deeply. Sherlock nodded.

"Good." John said and placed a lingering kiss on Sherlock's lips. He then moved to get the broom and dustpan. Sweeping up the broken shards of glass. John caught Sherlock staring blankly up at him. John gently pushed him into a laying down position on the bed. Sherlock acted so differently, which was of course understandable. But still.

"It's alright Sherlock. Let's sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." John soothed, laying himself at Sherlock's side. They curled up, under the covers and fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning, John fluttered his eyes open. John had his head resting comfortably on Sherlock's chest, feeling the strong beat beneath his cheek distantly. He cautiously unwrapped his arms that were wrapped around Sherlock's waist and moved to his own side. His head had been resting on Sherlock's chest, while the detective's chest was full with injuries. John pushed himself upright with his elbows, wrinkling his nose. He looked down and a soft smile was blooming as he looked at Sherlock sleeping soundly next to him.

He slipped out of the bed and strolled into the kitchen. Ready to make breakfast. He made two omelettes and two sandwiches. He brewed coffee for Sherlock and tea for himself.

He placed the food on two yellow trays and carried it to the bedroom. He placed both trays on the nigh tables. He then sat down and bend down, placing his lips on Sherlocks.

"Sherlock." John whispered against his lips.

"Hmmm" Sherlock replied weakly, wrapping his arms around John's waist, pulling him on his chest and ignored the burning pain. A soft chuckle left Jawn's mouth.

"Good morning." John said warmly.

"Good morning." Sherlock replied.

"How are you feeling?" John asked.

"Better."  Sherlock informed. John flashed a smile and he couldn't resist anymore. He leaned down again and captured his soft, cupid bow lips with his own again for a proper kiss. The moment their lips met, it was like a wave of electricity through his body. Sherlock shuddered as John's weight was hurting his injuries. John immediately backed away. He smiled sadly and looked at the tray. Sherlock followed John's eyes, noticing the breakfast John had made. He then looked back, doing his best not to argue about food slowing him down.

"Thank you John." He said with a shy smile.

"You're very welcome Mr Holmes." John replied and handed Sherlock his tray. Both started to eat. Sherlock took the coffee in his hands and inhaled the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

"I have to go the Scotland Yard later today. Are you coming or do you have to work?" Sherlock asked and took another sip, the caffeine sink into his system, letting it wake him up. He had to meet Greg, explaining everything.

"I'm fired." John said right away, a blush blooming on his cheeks. Sherlock frowned.

"Why?" He asked. John shifted closer to him, shoulders touching.

"I didn't go and I ignored all the phone calls." John said, chewing his food. Sherlock snorted, bumping against John's shoulder with his own.

"What now?" He said.

"I'd say. I have enough work with you. But I guess that won't pay my rent." John said with a shrug.

"Then move in with me." Sherlock said with raised eyebrows. John's heartbeat increased. He didn't quite know how to reply on that. Of course he wanted this. "I need a fulltime doctor." He added with a smirk. John smiled widely.

"I'd love to." He said.

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