37. unexpectedly

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John and Jason emerged the pub. The cold wind cut through the two of them, causing John to shiver. He pulled his jacket closer for extra warmth. It was damn windy and John hated it.

"It's cold." He remarked dryly as he rubbed his left arm, trying to warm himself up but it was no use.

"I'd say. Do you want me to warm you up. But I guess I can't do that any longer." Jason said with a grin. John frowned before he snorted in disbelief. Jason teasingly wiggled with his eyebrows before he flipped open the lighter, warm light illuminating his face. He moved the flame to the cigarette tip, drawing a breath to light it. Jason stood at the curb, John slowly stepping closer as he looked at his surroundings.

"I remember something." Jason suddenly said after he exhaled the smoke. "You were with a bloke in the pub. Is that your guy?" Jason wondered. John blushed as he thought about Sherlock. That night was a night he'll never forget. Sherlock's body pressing against Johns, Sherlock being confused about his drunk state, Sherlock throwing up. Jason cleared his throat, obviously John had been drifting away in his thoughts. John shook his head.

"Um yes. He is." John said, blushing furiously.

"That's cute." Jason chuckled.  John didn't know how to reply on that. So he just kept standing there, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. Jason inhaled deeply before exhaling the smoke again. A satisfying sigh leaving his lips.

"Cigarettes can kill you." John stated dryly, trying to keep talking to Jason. Because he didn't want to be alone for hours. And Jason was okay to talk with. Jason rolled his eyes before he chuckled.

"John. As far as I know I'm still alive." Jason pointed out.

"For now." John replied, raising his eyebrows.

"My sister her friend died in a car accident three years ago. He stopped smoking for a year. You can die from everything John. Even a banana can kill you."

"A banana?" John blurted out, wrapping his arms around himself.

"You can slip and break your neck. Or you can die because a spider laid its eggs inside the banana." Jason pointed out proudly, like he knew everything about bananas. John furrowed his eyebrows briefly before he grinned.

"Okay then." He said, scanning the street. Jason threw the short cigarette on the ground and pressed his foot on it. John rolled his eyes as he saw Jason sinking his hand into his pocket for another cigarette. Part of him wanted to go back inside, because there wasn't any cop standing outside. John recognized two cars in the distance. But he'd prefer someone closer. There was also a red van standing five metres further. There was nobody in it, so John knew he was safe. But still, he felt uneasy standing there.

"Also John. I forgot to mention it earlier but I squeezed your ass that night. I do hope you don't mind." Jason said simply, like it was the most normal thing to say. John's eyes widened, feeling an embarrassment blush blooming over his face.

"I appreciate your honesty." John replied with disbelief, the corner of his lips turning upwards. Jason smiled and took a step backwards so he could lean against a street light. "I couldn't help myself sorry." He said with a smirk.

"You randomly squeezes people their buttocks?" John asked. He really didn't understand some people.

"If they're good looking yes." Jason assured. "But." He said raising his finger. "I don't do that anymore." He said, meaning he can't flirt with others anymore since he was taken. But John doubt that. Jason was a born flirter.

John suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head to fix his hazel eyes on a man who looked not much older than him. The person had long dark hair, and blue eyes. His height towered over him.

"Hey there hot stuff." Jason said, standing behind John, his eyes on the man. John couldn't believe Jason.

"Excuse me?" The man replied. His voice was deep and smooth. The sound of it sent uncomfortable chills down John's spine.

"I said. Hey there hot stuff." Jason repeated playfully, a smirk plastered on his face. John's mood immediately changed, because the man didn't look pleased with Jason's way of flirting. The man frowned deeply. "Fancy a cigarette?" Jason added. John sighed inwardly as he fully turned around, his back meeting Jason's eyes.

"No." The man said coldly.

"Can I help you?" John quickly asked before Jason could reply something stupidly. The man had tapped on his shoulder, so he clearly wanted John's attention for something.

"Yes. I think you dropped this." The stranger said monotonously as he revealed a deep blue scarf, better known as Sherlock's blue scarf. John turned pale. It took him a long second before he realised what the stranger just handed him. He didn't come here with Sherlock's scarf. John looked up, his whole body panicking.

Jason walked up to him. But instead of asking John what's going on. He grabbed John's his left wrist quickly and instantly jabbed the needle of a syringe into the right side of his neck. John tried to grab at him but the drug was already starting to take effect and his weakening struggled were in vain.

Everything happened fast. John spend a whole evening with someone who was acting the whole night. Everything was an act. Jason and the man pushed John inside the van and the van thrusted forwards. A man had hide himself in his seat. And another man sat inside the back of van for the whole evening, waiting on their buddies to complete the plan and get John Watson inside the van. 

But thankfully they didn't get far. Greg Lestrade did his job well and made sure the abductors didn't get far. Greg had the chance to arrest all four of them. Of course with the help of others. It was a big relief for him, because both Sherlock and Mycroft were counting on him.

An ambulance arrived the place. John didn't need a hospital, he was perfectly fine. The only thing he needed was an antidote to get back his consciousness.

After ten minutes he awoke. He fluttered his eyes open, blue lights illuminating his face.

"How are you feeling?"  A female paramedic asked, taking his pulse. John's eyes weren't focused on her. He looked down, Sherlock's scarf lying at his side.

"Sherl..." He whispered, feeling dizzy. John panicked, his heart rate accelerating. He pushed himself upright, looking over the woman her shoulder to find Greg phoning someone in the distance.

"Greg." John shouted in despair.

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