32. Mornings

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John woke up but didn't open his eyes straight away, he laid there for a minute and tried to get back to sleep. He was still in Sherlock's arms who was still asleep. John smiled with a blush blooming over his face at the thoughts from yesterday night. He decided to stay awake in Sherlock's arms, enjoying the warmth. John squeezed Sherlock tighter and closer to him. He was surrounded by Sherlock's scent. He loved how he smelled. He let it engulf him as he quickly breathed it in as not to wake Sherlock. John loved sleeping with Sherlock because he loved waking up with him. He loved waking up with his limbs entangled with his. He loved to see his beautiful piercing blue eyes on him and the shy little grin he'd quirk when his eyes met Johns.

John sighed contently and turned around in Sherlock's arms, desperately wanting to see Mr Holmes's sleeping face. John's heart rate accelerated as he found Sherlock staring at him, clearly not sleeping. John blushed, licking his bottom lip with his tongue.

"Good morning." Sherlock muttered under his breath, his voice gravelly from just waking up.

"Good morning." John replied warmly as he pushed himself a bit upright with his elbows. But he immediately regretted it as his stomach twisted in a knot and his head began hurting. John squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, lying himself back down.

"You ok?" Sherlock asked concerned, noticing how John winced in pain when he rose.

"Yeah, it's nothing." John assured, knowing that a fever was coming.

"Wasn't it good last night?" Sherlock asked anxiously, frowning. John was also frowning at the question before an affectionately smile grew on his lips.

"Don't be ridiculous Sherlock. It was better than perfect." John pointed out as he searched for Sherlock's hand and slide his fingers between them. The detective grinned, his face becoming bright red.

"That's... good." Sherlock muttered as his free hands moved to John's stomach, his thumb making circle movements. John looked briefly down before looking back up. "You're getting a fever." Sherlock remarked as he placed his hand on John's head.

"It's just a fever." John said.

"Hmm." Sherlock said as he placed a kiss onto John's shoulder before pulling away. Sherlock pushed himself upright, John immediately missing the warmth. "I'll better make you some tea then." Sherlock said, standing upright. John grinned as Sherlock wasn't wearing anything to cover himself. Sherlock strolled towards the door, opening it.

"Sherlock." John said amused.

"John." Sherlock said turning around as both his eyebrows were raised.

"You realize you're naked right?" John said as he smiled widely. Sherlock looked down at himself, trying to hide his blush. He cleared his throat and gazed at John again.

"Yes." He said. He totally forgot that he wasn't wearing anything at all.

"And you realize that Mrs Hudson likes to enter the flat without knocking right?" John said. Sherlock pursed his lips together briefly, which went noticed by John.

"She saw me naked plenty of time." Sherlock informed, causing John to frown. Sherlock chuckled and left the room, telling John that he will bring some medication. John snorted as he heard Sherlock entering the bathroom, obviously pulling on some clothes. John clutched his stomach as he felt a huge cramp. He groaned and closed his eyes, waiting on Sherlock.

Five minutes later Sherlock retreated the room with two cups of tea in both his hands and a pill between two fingers. Sherlock sat on the bed beside him. He was gentle as he helped John to sit. John's head was still spinning a bit, but he was sure he could manage it. Sherlock handed him the tea and medication and shifted closer to Watson.

"I'm not a doctor. But I presume it's the best to stay home today."

"Only if you stay with me." John said before swallowing the pill.

"I won't leave you here. It's too risky. Also." Sherlock started as he slide his fingers between John's fingers. "You helped me last time."

"You mean when you puked on your shirt?" John stated with a grin. Sherlock sent him a stern stare before speaking up again.

"Don't laugh." He pouted. "I liked that shirt. Besides, it was all your fault." Sherlock teasingly pointed out as he nudged John with his shoulder, spilling tea on the white covers. John huffed, hiding himself behind the cup of tea.

"You got me there." He replied. "But." He started, looking at Sherlock with raised eyebrows. "I didn't tell you to drink a whole ocean." He said mockingly.

"I won't do that again." He grumbled, remembering all the mess he went through. But he's happy it happened. Sherlock wasn't sure if they would be together now if John didn't stay that night.

"Honestly, you were pretty amusing." John decided grinning broadly. Sherlock grunted, finished his tea and placed it on the night table before speaking up.

"Are you sure you're sick?" Sherlock asked as he narrowed his eyes. John rolled his eyes as he placed the empty cup of tea on the table as well. John had a blank expression on his face as he moved closer to Sherlock, sliding on him as he pinned him down.

"I had worst, I'm sure I can handle a fever." John assured, bending down to kiss Holmes's cupid bow lips. John's lips were gently, yet firm against Sherlocks. The kiss didn't last long because the doctor felt dizzy. he let him fall back down, groaning. John decided that it was the best to rest. They emerged the bedroom after John pulled on some clothes. He then wrapped himself into three blankets that Sherlock gave him, and laid himself down into the sofa, watching some Television. In the meanwhile, Sherlock worked on some experiments and tried to find more about the Jim situation.

He also went downstairs to Mrs Hudson, asking her if she wanted to make leek soup for John. Because that was his favourite. And John was clearly happy when Sherlock brought the soup in front of him. He eyes began to sparkle and his chubby cheeks became fatter due the big smile on his face. He wasn't just happy with the soup. He felt happy because he was happy in general.

There was only one thing in the way. And that was Sebastian Moran and Jim Moriarty, before Sherlock Holmes and John Watson could be free. John wanted to assist Sherlock at crimes scenes, be together as much as they can. But at the moment it was too risky.

John thought about using himself as bait, so they could catch the two in the act. But John was sure Sherlock would refuse it.


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