Chapter 1

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"A Stranger

There is a love I reminisce,

like a seed

I've never sown.

Of lips I have yet to kiss,

and eyes

not met my own.

Hands that wrap around my wrists,

and arms

that feel like home.

I wonder how it is I miss,

those things

I've never known."

I read the lines over and over, committing the poem to memory. How is it that such a simple work of literature can cause me to experience such a mixture if emotions?

"Are you going to finish that?" Rebecca asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. She was always perky in the mornings and I was jealous of it. She woke up and went to bed with a smile on her face.

"No you can have it," I grumbled as I gave her my plate of scrambled eggs. "How's your newspaper assignment going?"

"Good. I just need an interview from that bazillionare Harry Stool or whatever his name is."

I suppressed a laugh. "You don't know his name and you have to interview him?"

Becca wiped her mouth. "I know what his name is, I just don't care. He seems stuck up," she shrugged.

"You never know until you interview him."

"Do you want to do it for me?"

I gaped at her suggestion. I knew nothing about things like that. I don't have one inquisitive bone in my body. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Oh come on," she pleaded. "You have nothing to do anyways. Plus, I really haven't started working on my English paper and it's due Thursday."

I sighed. This wasn't the first time Becca had roped me into doing her chores. "Fine."

"Thank you so much," she squealed. "I have the questions for you. The interview is in Dallas at Styles Inc. 1:00 this afternoon."

I rubbed my temples, trying to rid myself of the upcoming headache. I did not want to make a drive to Dallas. "Why didn't you ask me earlier in the week?"

Becca shrugged and handed me the questions and a tape recorder. "You'll do fine. Just be there at least thirty minutes early."

"Well in that case, I need to start getting ready. It's already 9:15..."

I put my plate in the sink and made my way to my room. I decided on a fuchsia colored sleeveless dress that hugged the few curves I had perfectly. The v-shaped neckline was perfect for me to show off the small amount of cleavage that I had. I dabbed on some mascara and lipgloss for a natural look and then let my hair fall around my breasts in its natural waves. I slipped on some silver pumps and took a look in the mirror. Oh yes. I feel confident.

"Wow," Becca's eyes filled her face when I walked out of the room. "You clean up nicely Ana."

"Thanks. I want to make a good impression."

"You will, don't worry."


I arrived at exactly 12:15, forty-five minutes before the interview. The drive over was smooth; there wasn't much traffic at all. When I walked into the building, I was greeted by a tall blonde with short hair. She was a lot prettier than I was.

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