Chapter 4

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The small amount of light that shown through the curtains stung when I finally decided to open my eyes. My body ached and I felt dizzy. What happened last night? I slowly sat up, careful not to fall over. I was in a hotel tangled in sheets that I knew weren't mine. As I looked around the room, befuddled by how I had gotten here, I saw a glass of water and three painkillers. Quickly, I took them, sighing in relief at the feeling of the cold water slithering down my throat.

"Sleep well?"

I was startled at the sound of Harry's voice. He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, only wearing a pair of sweatpants. His shoulders were broad and his torso was perfectly sculptured. His hair was disheveled and he looked rather tired.

I nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"I'm glad. You were up most of the night." He stood up straight and walked over to the bed, carefully taking a seat beside me. I stiffened when his fingers lightly grazed my jaw. "You're going to have to be more careful, Anastasia." His words were soft and soothing. He sounded almost as if he was concerned.

I nodded again, my skin still tingling from the slight contact of his fingers against my skin. I wanted more. More of his touch. More of him.

"What happened last night?"

"Well you drunk dialed me so I came to pick up from that sorry excuse for a club, you threw up in the bushes, passed out in my car, woke up around two and continued to throw up, and then I put you back to bed."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. "And where did I get these?" I asked, suddenly noticing that I was wearing pajamas.

"One of my men, Lawrence. He went and got them from you."

They were a lavender colored silk and felt soft against my skin. "They're nice."

"Silk quite a fine fabric. Something that you belong in." I could feel his burning gaze as he studied my face. "I'll leave you to get dressed. There are some clothes in that chair over there. Your other ones had vomit on them and smelled like alcohol." He smiled kindly as he arose and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I breathed out and swung my legs over the side of the bed and spared myself the horrific sight by not bothering looking in the mirror. I walked to the shower an turned it on, letting the bathroom fill with steam. I relaxed as the hot water cascaded over my body, washing away the headache that was beginning to form. I washed the makeup off of my face and rinsed my hair before grabbing Harry's body wash off of the rack that hung from the shower head. I squirted some onto my hand and rubbed it over myself, imagining that my hands were his as I ran them over my every inch of my body. It smelled heavenly. Like a mix of Cypress, nutmeg and Cedarwood. I washed it off and stepped out of the shower, drying myself with a towel and wrapping it around my torso.

On the chair was a new pair of jeans and a light blue blouse, along with a new bra and underwear. My cheeks turned crimson at the thought of Harry telling Lawrence to shop for underwear and a bra. I quickly changed, everything fitting perfectly and hugging my few curves just right. I approached the mirror with caution, somewhat afraid of my own reflection. I didn't look too bad. I looked tired but I was still presentable. I squeezed some excess water from my hair and braided it. When I was finished, I walked to the bedroom door and opened it carefully.

"There you are," Harry said smiling. "I ordered breakfast. I wasn't sure what you liked so I just got everything."

I couldn't keep myself from smiling as I walked out and took a seat at the dinning table across from him. I spooned some scrambled eggs onto my plate, grabbed two pieces of bacon and a blueberry muffin.

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