Chapter 9

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Hey guys ! I hope you like the sorry so far ! I know this chapter took forever so I apologize. Please forgive any minor mistakes that you sees I wrote this chapter at like 1 in the morning.


Knowing that I was going to Harry's this afternoon had me on edge. As much as I love his company, I was extremely nervous. Of course we would have sex, and yeah, we had sex last weekend, but I don't think I would ever get used to having sex with Harry.

He was so unpredictable. He put a tracker on my phone, I come home from school one day and find flowers on my counter, he shows up at the restaurant I work at.... Shit, my job.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Harry, remembering that I had to work tonight. I only heard the phone ring once before his deep voice rattled my ears.

"Styles." His voice was sharp and demanding.

"Hey it's me."

"You know I should really change your ringtone so I stop answering formally to you."

I laughed lightly. "Whatever floats your boat." I brushed some hair out of my eyes and tossed my purse on my bed. "Listen, I forgot to tell you, but -"

"What is it," Harry interrupted eagerly.

"I don't think I'll be able to visit this weekend."

There was a short silence before he finally spoke up. "Oh." I cringed at the amount of disappointment in his voice.

"I have to work tonight and I have a bunch of school stuff to take care of... I'm really sorry, Harry. Maybe another time...."


There was a long pause. A pause that took up enough time to allow me to mentally sucker punch myself in the nose. I wanted to tell him that I was coming anyways, no matter what I had to do, but I couldn't. I had stuff to take care of. I couldn't let a guy get in the way of my studies, especially when I'm so close to graduating.

"I'll talk to you later," Harry said before quickly hanging up, not giving me a chance to respond.
He was clearly upset about my phone call. I knew it was something he didn't want to hear, but he needs to know that I'm not available every weekend.

Without another thought on the matter, I put on my work uniform and pulled my hair up into a nice ponytail. With a few touch-ups on my makeup, I was out the door. I climbed into my 1996 Toyota Camry, which not only happened to be a death-trap on wheels, but also the love of my life.

Within ten minutes I was pulling up to Outback ready to work. If there was one thing that could help me get my mind off of things, it was putting in a hard days work.

As soon as I walked into the restaurant, I grabbed an apron and my pad of paper and began to wait on tables. It was unusually busy tonight, which I was thankful for.

In the back of my mind I kept hoping that Harry would randomly show up like he had right before we started dating, or rather "having relations". I remember Harry saying that he didn't do the dating thing and I respected that. He didn't want to get tied up in someone he knew he wasn't going to marry. For all I knew he didn't want to get married.

When my shift was finally over, I hung up my apron and placed my notepad in my designated locker in the back. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jason," I chirped as I nonchalantly began to make my way towards the exit.

"Hey, Ana," Jason grabbed my hand, bringing my attention back to him. "Allow me to walk you out."

I smiled and happily obliged. Jason and I had been friends since the first day I started working at Robertson's about a year or so ago. He had been a waiter at the time, but since he had friends that owned the restaurant, he was promoted to part of the managerial staff. It was strange being friends with the boss, but it came in handy whenever I needed a raise.

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