Chapter 24

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Anastasia's POV

I couldn't remember how many weeks it has been since I left Harry, but every waking second was spent in sheer agony. Alcohol had never tasted so good, and the excruciating headaches mixed with nausea and diarrhea started to feel familiar.

Becca had started to worry about my new habits, and she had good reasons to. Between my constant trips back and forth from Dallas to Austin every weekend - despite having bought an apartment in Dallas -, my new excessive drinking problem, and the severe pain I felt at night from crying until I had no more tears would make anyone worry.... I would be okay though, eventuality.


I arrived in Dallas late Sunday night, walking into the cheap apartment I started renting. It was a shitty excuse for a living space, but it would do until I found something better. All of my things were still in boxes since I hired a moving company to pack all of my stuff and bring it to my new apartment.

The smell of cat litter and Pine Sol lingered in the air, most likely from the previous owner. The walls were a tinged orange color with old wallpaper that was peeling off around the top, and the carpets had various stains that looked suspicious and disgusting. Not to mention the air-conditioner that sounded like an old car engine every time I turned the air on.

I threw my purse on the counter and quickly changed into some pajamas I had left out Thursday night, my queen sized blow-up mattress was looking particularly inviting. I brushed my teeth and laid down, taking a swig of whiskey - which was currently residing by my bed for the pain - and curling up with the blankets I brought from my home Austin. The sound of the air conditioner turning on was music to my ears, since it was the only quality, and working, appliance in this place. I closed my eyes for what felt like only a few seconds before the sound of my phone ringing in my purse caused my eyes to open again.

I shuffled out of bed, groaning as I searched the pockets for the disturbance. My fingers finally wrapped around the sleek case and pulled it out. "Hello," I grumbled into the microphone.


My blood froze and I could feel my legs begin to weaken. "What do you want, Harry?"

There's was a short pause. "You, uh..." He cleared his throat. "You left a few things at my house and -"

"Just keep them," I interrupted. "Save them for the next woman that stumbles into your bed."

He was silent, the faint sound of his breathing was all I could hear through the speaker.

"Goodbye, Har-"

"Anastasia, wait," he interjected, "I really do need to give you this."

"Then just have someone drop it off at my office, or put it in a box and ship it to Becca's... I really don't care what you do anymore, Harry."


"Goodbye." I hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond.

I glanced at the digital clock on the floor by my air-mattress, reading 2:57 am.

"Shit," I muttered, climbing back into bed. I leaned over and grabbed the almost-empty bottle of whiskey and downed the rest, my face scrunching at the bitter taste.

I expected to fall asleep instantly, but the sound of Harry's exhausted and tired voice rang through my ears. I could still hear him calling my name, listening to how it flowed from his lips, and how it sounded deep and raspy when it was mixed with moans and heavy breaths. I missed him, but I knew I could never tell him that. He would do anything and everything in his power to have me pinned down between him and his mattress. I didn't want that life anymore. It was a nice experience, but it was the lifestyle for me.

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