Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

I couldn't sleep. I kept waking up drenched in sweat, screaming at the top of my lungs, wanting to rid myself of the images of my mother lying dead on the floor.

One more week until Anastasia graduated. As soon as she had her diploma in her hand, I would haul her ass here to Dallas to live with me. It wasn't until then would I be completely satisfied. Not only could I protect her and keep an eye on her, but she helped me. I didn't have nightmares when I slept with her. I don't know why or how, but she gives me peace. Maybe it was that I've been so lonely for so long, and now I have found someone who doesn't put up with my bullshit, and doesn't run away at the sight of danger. The first night we slept in the same bed, I had shown her what it's like for me every single night, but yet she didn't run. She stayed there with me, and allowed me to use her as a stress reliever.

She was so kind to others and always made people laugh. It was fun to watch how she acted with her friends, seeing her oh-so-natural smile. It saddened me that I had never been the reason for that smile, but when she moved in, things would be different. I would stop being such a pussy realize that I have feelings for this woman, and I hoped to God that she didn't have feelings for me.

You can't fall in love with a monster like me. I fucking beat woman with whips and flogs for pleasure. I don't do it hard enough to leave bruises, but I sure as hell mark their soft skin.

If I develop feelings for a woman, such as Anastasia, I know that they will soon pass. I have nothing to worry about when I take interest in one of my play things. The only trouble is, I've never taken interest in any of the woman I have been with. Surely I had found them attractive, but I've never had feelings for them before. They were always so set on pleasing me and attaining to my needs, that they never focused on what they wanted or what they needed. Anastasia is different. She puts other before herself, but also makes sure that she is getting what she wants as well. She was different that way. She was selfless, but also selfish at the same time. She was different, and I loved that.

I reached over for my phone, and dialed Anastasia's number. Knowing that it was the middle of the night, I hesitated but called her anyways.

I feared that it would go to voicemail, but right as I was about to lose hope, she answered.

"Hello," she grumbled.

I grinned to myself and imagined her with her hair up in a messy bun, her retainers in that she's had since high school... I always made fun of her for those. She was so weird about not wanting crooked teeth again.

I loved the way she slept, especially the light snores that escaped her lips when she was exceptionally tired.

"It's me," I said quietly.

"Harry? It's like three in the morning."

"I know..." I sighed. "I just miss you, that's all."

It was quiet on her end for a moment. "I miss you too, Harry." I could hear the smile in her voice, causing me to smile in return.

"I can tell you have your retainers in," I said smugly. "You sound funny."

"Ok I'll remember that next time I visit."

"You do realize that the next time you visit, it's to unpack you things into your bedroom upstairs."

"I don't like my bedroom upstairs. I prefer yours."

"I never said that you would be sleeping upstairs. Just keeping your stuff their. You get to sleep with me, in my bed where you belong."

"I though you said that you didn't let anyone sleep in your bed." Her voice was quiet, almost unsure about her statement.

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