Fairgreen Stud

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"I never said it was at my office." My dad didn't  blink an eye, and kept his sight locked on to the road.

"I'm pretty sure you did." I turned towards him, he still didn't look back at me. I looked outside of my left window, the rain was trickiling down the glass still. I looked out for any signs, to see if I knew where I was going. None, except from street name 'Old tree house road' and such odd names like that. There wasn't many cars around, though it seemed it could be a very busy road since there was shops and houses and both sides.

"Well, I didn't." My dad coughed and turned on the radio, Back To Black by Amy Winehouse was on. A rather depressing song, for a rather depressing night, though the tune seemed to suit the setting. I didn't bother answering back, you really didn't want to pick a fight with my father. The drive went on for at least thirty or more minutes, it was down long, boring roads with nothing intresting on either side of them. The street name's seemed to get sillyer and sillyer as we drove. "Chicky lane", "Shuuts Upp street." to name two, I wonder who has the actual job of naming these streets. They obviously ran out of ideas when they came to our town. Then the streets started to become shorter and narrower, we went into a more secludered area, it was more like an private estate, very posh. The houses were big and posh, they looked well looked after and cleaned, I was actually very jealous. Our house looked like a shed compared to some of these, size and image wise. I continued to admire the differrent houses for so long that I completely forgot I had no utter idea where we were driving, that my dad finally pulled up outside one of the nice houses. I asked my dad if this is where his friend lived, he coughed and said yes.

"Daisy Lomas, follow me." My dad ignored the house and went up a small side street next to it, the hill was steep and muddy. Something was about to get serious, my dad called me by my first and last name, no one ever calls me by my first and last name. 

"Oh, okay." I regretted the fact I slipped on ballerina shoes, for going up such a muddy hill. The least he could of done was warned me, it looks like i'll never manage to wear these again, better be worth it. My dad was far in front of me, he walked through the mud like it was a puddle and I was there, at the back  trudging through some of the thickest and soppiest mud i've ever even seen. 

"Dad!" I shouted ahead, I beant down to gasp for some air, all of my effort was going in to getting up this hill.

"What?" he turned around, his pants were corvered in mud but he didn't seemed to care a bit. Which is strange for my dad, from as I can remember when I was younger I spilt a drip of an orange carton down his shirt and I was grounded for at least a week, my mum convinced him to let me go though and carmed him down.

"What's the point in all of this?" I puffed and lifted my body up to talk to him face to face.

"Well, hurry up and see." He started walking of before he finished his sentence. I managed to run for a bit to catch up. The hill wasn't as steep now, it was getting less muddy to, so I could manage to walk better now. I could see a field next to me, it was empty but had hay and water in it, which looked recently drank and ate. 


"What?" I turned to my dad, he opened a gate to the newly fenced field and went in,"Wait, what do you think your doing? Just going into this persons field?" my dad just laughed and walked of.

"Wait here." He called as he began to run of out of distance. What the hell was he going to  get out of the field at, i don't know, BLOODY EIGHT O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. I bet he was going in the field to tease me about a horse, just to wind me up. Something my dad would do, just to annoy me. I sat down on a wall next to the field, I checked my phone. No new text messages, no new voice mail, no new notifications, not even a happy birthday message of a relative. 

 It was at least 8:25 now, it was getting kind of ridiculous. I called for him a couple of times, but I couldn't hear a thing. My outfit was completely ruined, due to the rain, mud and wind. This has got to be one of the most awful birthdays of my life. I should be at home now, watching Corrination street, with a box of chocolates and Ben & Jerrys ice cream. But no, I'm outside at nearlly half past eight, in the freezing rain, my hair being blown around like it's a bloddy tornado and mud up to my knee's, not to mention it's about -6. I give up, I climbed of the wall and started to trudge down the hill, to go back to the car and stay nice and warm. I didn't care if I'd get shouted at, nothing was worth this shit. 

"Daisy! WAIT!" I could finally here my dad's voice calling me, he was far away as I could just about hear him.

I turned around to answer him. I could see his figure in the distance, he was running as fast as ever. But he wasn't alone now, something was running next to him. It was quite fast, big and well, beautiful. Wait, no. He wouldn't, my dad can't afford something like this. He told me that I don't have the dedication nor time. So he wouldn't. No, Daisy stop day dreaming. His figure started to get closer, and bigger, I could see his face just about now. And...he was holding a horse. A freaking horse. 

"DAD!" I pulled myself up the wall and clambered my body through the dirty wooden fence, I sprinted to my dad as quickly as I could,"Guess who's this is?"

"You're friends? Am I having him on loan! Oh my god, he's-"

"Daisy." ,He put his fingers to my lips. My body started trembeling, I can't feel my knee's anymore. Oh my goodness I think I just lost all feeling in my upper body now to. I could begin to feel my eyes swarming with tears,"He's yours." I think I just about died in happiness. My hands covered my mouth in complete shock, tears streamed down my face. I wrapped my arms around him in happiness, pure joy and love. I didn't beleive him though, it didn't seem right.

"No. Really?" I sort of collapsed on the floor, still flooding in tears.

"Daisy, get up. Pull yourself together, it's just a horse. Yes, yes and yes, he's 100% you're horse from now on." He pulled me up from my shakey knee's, I just about managed to stay up without help. I wrapped my arms around him again, my face digged in to his neck.

"Dad, you don't even know how grateful I am of you right now. He's more then just a horse to me." My voice was all shaky and unsteady, I had to keep stopping and gasping for breaths.

"Ssssh. Come on, take him. We're going up the hill to take him to his new stable for the night. I'll explain everything later."

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