The Past 3 Years. [FINALE]

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3 Years. 3 years have passed. Where are we today?


I forgot about this story I was writing about my life, I found it about ten minute ago. While I was routing for a blue ribbion to tie into Henry Hurricane's hair, an old tatty one which would remind me of our first days together. It was our good luck simble. I've succsesfully left school, I passed my PE GCSE, which I was really worried about. How did I pass it? Show jumping, who knew you could get a GCSE for horse riding? Not me, aha. Your probably wondering what's happened to Aaliyah. She went to live in a new counrtry just after her GCSE last year, she went to France with her family. It was sad, but who needs friends, I've made loads of new ones at this farm. She never calls or texts me, to be honest I think I'm a thing of the past for her. Henry is now nine year old, we've won every competition we've been to, I'm sure. All of the ribbons I own are blue, my parent said they were really proud of me. They offered to buy me my own farm and house, plus a horse if I win. Who knows where they get there money from....Oh yeah, my mothers took up eventing with the loan horse. Well, it's not  a loan horse anymore, it's hers. She wins sometimes, but never as much as Henry. Henry has been featured in HORSE&HOUND recently, for his amazing jumping technique, I wrote my own artical about how I came to meet him and tips. Well, that was the call. My group called my over to get on to my steed, Henry Hurricane.

I brushed my red jacket before climbing onto his back, I wiped my hands and swung on. I grabbed my reins, and went for a practice run around the course. Oh yeah, we were doing the actual real Puissance. 

Freaking, Puissance. 

The jump we were almsot making a couple of years ago. 

 The past half an hour has been a rush, we've passed all the rounds and it was me and some horse called Blueberry Bucker. I began to canter, it was up to the first jump, I jumped it sucsesfully. We were now heading for the 7ft Puissance wall which was beaming closer and closer, I pointed Henry's head away from it so he didn't get excited. Then boom, we galloped almost head forward. Time suddenly went slowly, everything in slow motion. His strides were long and powerful, I could feel his feat beneath me. I looked around, there were people on there feet, cletching there mouths in shock. I wondered why, then before I had a chance my eyes shut themselfs down. I could feel the screams of the crowd, did I fall? Again? It had to be at Oylimpa, didn't it? 

"I think he's having a heart attack!" Screamed one of the nearby grooms, I wish I could see what was happening.

"VET! VET! SOMEONE GET A SCREEN SO NOBODY CAN SEE! DOCTOR!" Loads of people were surounding me and Henry. 

I began to wonder what was going on, but my mind began to shut down. It was empty. I went blank. Then a white light came closer. 

I was dead.

Oh yeah, this is Leah writing this.


Daisy Thorton.



Henry Hurricane. 


"Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life."

Bertolt Brecht

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