The move.

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 "Er, Daisy, he didn't even jump that, he just cantered over it." She walked over towards me, patting Henry on the neck. 

"What? It felt like it." I looked back at the jump and the height of it.

"Maybe we should make it higher?" Aaliyah looked up at me, still patting Henry Hurricane on the neck. I nodded as she went of the extened the jumps height. I walked of back into the other paddock to get a good distance between me and the jump. Aaliyah put one more tire underneath the pole on both ends.

"That should be okay, he'll jump that now." She put her hands on her hips then walked of towards the fence to watch,"Go.".

I immidetely started to canter on her signal, Henry cantered slower this time, I got into my two-point position so he would jump it easier. He went faster, then faster and thump. We were over the jump, honestly, I couldn't really tell if he jumped it or not.

"What the hell?" By the noise of Aaliyah's voice, he probably didn't. She went over to put two more tires underneath the pole, it was maybe partway up my knee now. I went down to the bottom again and kicked into a canter, he sped up quicker and quicker. I could feel him jump underneath me this time, I got into two point and held onto his mane just in case.

"Yay! He did it!" I heard Aaliyah cheering behind me, sitting on the tires. I walked on over to her, patting and hugging Henry on the neck. He was such a good boy.

"I'm guessing he did it?" I smiled, still hugging him.

"Yeah, but damn. Most horses would of jumped that like it was mount everast or something, and he just glided over it like it was nothing. You should really think about competitions with him! He'd win them all!" As Aaliyah was talking to me, I let go of the reins to let Henry wonder around. He went to the buckets of water which were laying in the cornor of the paddock, he drank it slowly. 

"Do you think he could do higher?" I said taking my feet out of my stirrups.

"Yeah!" Aaliyah ran of to get a bigger jump. She pulled in a 2ft jump out of the storage cuboard, well more like storage house due to it's size. She took the smaller jump out of the way and adjusted the new one to the right height. 

"Let's go Henry!" I whispered into his ears, pulling up my reins and putting my feet into my stirrups. I kicked him and headed of in canter, faster and faster. Even though we were going really fast, it felt like we were going in slow motion, everything moved past so slowly. We eventually got to the jump, I leaned forward and held onto his mane. We slowed down and changed lead to go to see Aaliyah.

"Damn, he jumped that like it was nothing again."  Aaliyah turned to the jump, probably thinking about how high she could get it. 

"Higher? I think we can do it. But this should be our last one,  I don't want to risk anything on my first day with him." I walked of into the smaller arena and started to trot around for a bit while Aaliyah got some jumps, she made it really high,"Jesus Aaliyah! How bigs that?" I was slightly worried now, I'd never jumped something that big before. 

"5ft." She said it like it was nothing, I was 5ft4, thats only slightly smaller then me. My heart started pumping faster, I could hear it. Gosh, I was surprised that Aaliyah couldn't hear it, thats how loud it felt. I got goosebumps all over, my body went stone cold.

"R-ready?" My voice shook as I called over Aaliyah.

"Yeah." She went to sit over on the fence, directly facing the side of the jump, so she could actually see how high it was. I got into a slow canter, I held him back so he wouldn't try and race over so I would fall of, he was pretty strong to. The jump earred closer and closer. I heard a car coming up the path, it sounded like it had a horse box on the back, I could hear it coming closer and closer, the engine turned of, the car door opened, some man stepped out. Turned out, that some man was my dad getting readdy to take Henry away. 

"DASIY!" I heard him shout, I didn't dare look at him, it was to late now to turn back. I was going to jump this if he liked it or not. I let my grip on my reins loosen. My dad started running in the paddock, trying to attempt at getting me to stop. Yeah, my dad could stop an animal which weighs at 1100 pounds. My dad slid to a holt, knowing if he went any further him self we could both potentionally get hurt. Henry went faster and faster. Then leap, all of his hooves left the ground.   Then after what felt like a few minutes, he started to slow down from the jump.

"Well done Daisy! He's amazing! You could totally jump higher then that!" Aaliyah stood up giving me a round of applause. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY DAISY?" The first words that came from my dad's very tense mouth. Though I may have done something incredibly stupid, I couldn't help but laugh,"No. Daisy, you could of been killed."

"Killed?" I slid of Henry and tied him up at the post, near the water so he could drink if he liked,"Stop making it sound worse then it is. I risked something, you should be proud of me."

"I am, but that was stupid. You could of got injured, HE could of got injured." My dad's voice toned down a bit, he went up to Henry to give him a pat on the neck.

"Sorry." I didn't mean it, but my dad didn't really care as long as we were both safe. Which we were.

"David you should see her jump! She's actually amazing." Aaliyah was the only one of my friends which was aloud to call my dad by his first name. 

"Yeah. Well, now that I'm here, do you want to do it again?" He chuckled, it felt like the argument that just happened didn't happen at all.

"REALLY?" I didn't even say yes, I just mounted him as quick as I could. I went into the smaller paddock to do some trotting circles then going in for the canter. I whispered into Henry's ear,"Last time now baba, I promise." Then we went for it. Going faster and faster as I loosened my grip on the reins. I leaned forward, pointed out my toes, put my heels down and jumped. He flew over it, I patted him on the neck for being such a good boy.

"WOW. Does he have hidden wings or what?" Aaliyah turned to my dad, clapping at my performance.

"She sure does. Maybe you can enter some competitions when we moves barns." My dad smiled and clapped his hands to. I dismounted of Henry and walked him out of the paddock and into his stable. 

"Thanks." I smiled then laughed a little, I was so proud of myself. I undid his girth and put it on top of his all round saddle, I took it of his back and put it into a box with a rack in it. I put it in there readdy for the move, so I didn't have to bother coming back to do it again. I took of his bridal and hung that up in the box, we had a few hucks which were out of reach for Henry so we could put stuff into it. 

"Do you want us to do anything?" Aaliyah asked, patting Henry on his now slightly damp sweaty neck. 

"Yes please, could you getting him some hay and dad could you quickly groom him? The brushes are in his stable for now." They didn't answer and just went to there jobs. I went to get his red travel boots out of the tack room, before I put them on I picked out his hooves. I then put them on and went to get the tail guard out of the tack room to. My dad finished cleaning his coat after that, so I put on his strippy blue rug.I put on his headcolar and attatched the leadrope.

 My dad opened the horse box slowly, I leaded Henry up to it so he could directly see inside. I then slowly started to walk in, just incase he wasn't good at loading. I then took my first step onto the trailer, Henry followed my directly on. Aaliyah was stood to the side incase there was any problems. He didn't step back, refuse or rear. I then put on the trailer tie, incase he panicked it would be a quick release.  I pre tied up a hay net there so he was happily munching away.

"I didn't think a horse this young would load onto a trailer this quietly." I watched him munch away.

"I bet he trusts you, Daisy." Aaliyah smiled as I walked over to her.

"Come on girls. Are you ready? I promised I'd be there at half seven at the latest!"  My dad poked his head out of the window, his voice was loud over the noise of his engine.

"Yeah!" We both shut the box and went to get into the car.

"I wonder what this new farms gonna be like...." My dad smiled as we went down the lane, the sun was shining directly behind us, so all of the rain that happened yesterday was glimmering on the floor. It was actually beautiful.

"I bet it's wonderful." I smiled, leaning against my ice cold window.


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