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 I grabbed the leadrope of my dad, and gave me new horse a giant hug. 

"What's his name?" I looked up eargerly towards my dad, as he was already opening the gate for me to get out and walk up to the stable.

"Oh, it's..um, Harry! Yes, Harry. I thought it was a sweet name for a horse. His show name is Henry Hurricane, which I thought was actually adorable." My dad pushed open the gate, i followed him out and went up the muddy path,"His previous owner said that he was called that because he is apperently very eager and fast."

"Makes sense." I patted Henry on his big chesnut neck. I loved Henry's marking's they were very unique and pretty, he had: A curvered star on his fore head, and a snip on the end. His leg markings were nice to, two stockings, one sock and one pastern. His coat was a dark, almost black, chesnut colour, it was super shinny and well looked after. His mane was let loose, it was black and straight,cut to just below his neck.  He was perfect, I've never seen such a beautiful horse in my entire life, I was so lucky to have him, I couldn't thank my parents enough,"What other stuff do you know about him? How old is he? When was he brought into work? What sort of equestrian do he do? Jumping? Cross country? What breed? Huh?"

"SHUSH!" My dad laughed,"Questions will be answered once he has some dinner and is put to bed. Okay?"

"Haha, okay dad." 

 Well, the walk was long, dirty and rough, but it WAS worth it. I take back everything I said before about it not it being worth it, sometimes I need to be thankful for more things. Henry didn't seem so bothered, he was actually being really good and didn't spook at anything on the way there. We eventually got to the top of the hill, where there was about twenty or more different outside stables, all of the horses's gates were shut, it was more or less completely silent other then the wind. My dad opened the stall, it was actually larger then it looked. The stall had everything in it prepared, the haylage, water and straw bedding. My dad was in the stable with him, trying to take of the headcollar, but not doing so well.

"Dad? Do you need help?" I laughed and pushed open the stall door, letting a draft of wind through, I helped my dad and showed him how to take of the headcollar.

"This is why it took me so long for me to get him for you, I couldn't get this darn headcollar lead thing on!" He walked out, shutting the stall door and letting him tuck into his supper, and went to put the 'darned' headcollar back into my  tack room. My dad called me other since there was chairs in there and a coffee machine. I shut the door so the wind wouldn't freeze us to death.

"You know, Daisy, now you have got this horse you a completely responsible for him. He isn't just a fish which you just need to feed once everyday and clean like once a week, he's a horse. I've agreed to pay for the expensive of food and bedding and the rest of the family have bought the over stuff, like buckets, nets and that sort of stuff." My dad crossed his knees and folded his arms while he slowly slipped his steaming black coffee, fresh from the coffee maker.

"Yes, I know, I understand." That was the answer to most of the lecture, I understand how hard this will be and the sacrafices I'll have to make, but I don't really care about holidays or trips, I have a freaking horse.

"Okay, just promise to me one thing." My dad took the coffee cup away from his lips and looked into my eyes, actualy quite serious.

"What?" I looked up at him, looking back into his eyes, I wanted to laugh but it wouldn't be appropiate a time like this.

"Don't let me down. Don't say 'I'll do it tomorrow' or anything like that, we were going to get you a horse years ago because we knew you could handle it. But we knew we couldn't afford it in the years to come. Do you have any questions?" Gosh, it felt like I was having with a teacher or something, he had a stern look on his face.

"Well, yeah. Are we staying at this farm? It's kind of runned dow-" My dad interupted me.

"No. I know it's awful, but the owner said he couldn't take the horse any further then this town, and my friend I was talking about owns these stables so he let me stay here for the night. Tomorrow were of to another equestrian centre, Whispering hills or something in that line." My dad finished his coffee and put it back on the machine, for another one.

"And, um, What breed is he?" I felt slightly nervous, and to be quite honest, i was rather scared. I don't know why, i've never seen my dad act so serious maybe, I had no idea.

"He is Thoroughbred x Warmblood gelding, 4 years old, 16.1 hands and a all rounder. He was brought into work last year and has been amazing ever since. He cost about £1,500, which I thought was a reasonable price." My dad had to take a breath at the end of that, his coffee was done and he started drinking once again.

"Oh okay, I think that's all I need to know, for now at least. Should we go home?" I stood up from my chair and shooved it back it into the corner.

"Sure, I'll just finish this coffee and we can go." He blew his coffee.

"I'll be with Henry." I opened the door, I got a right gust in the face of the freezing cold. I jogged up to his stable to see him happily eating his hay. When he saw me he turned around and walked over, I stroked his nose softly.

"Hello boy, your sweet aren't you?" I stroked and kissed him until my dad came out of the tack room, I found a carrot in an empty stable next to me and gave it to Henry. It didn't look bad and looked quite fresh. We went home and I slept like a freaking baby.

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