The race?

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Thump, thump, thump. That was the noise of Henry's hoofs hitting the sand after every jump. He didn't seem out of breath after we finished.

"Oh, honey. You don't know how proud I am of you! You really don't!" My mum started to tear up as I walked on over to her.

"Pegasus in the disguise Daisy. Pegasus in disguise." That's was Aaliyah said as she climbed over the posts which were to hold back crowds. She gave Henry a massive hug around the neck.

"I've not done anything." I laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"You have. Most fourteen old girls can't even get on a horse." She clasped her hands together,"So is it my turn?" My mum's tears faded away into happiness.

"'Course." I got of Henry and tied his reins up to the post, so he didn't move about while she got on. My mum climbed over the gate after Aaliyah, I took a step block out of the cupboard so she could reach onto his back.

"Here you go." Aaliayh pulled down the stirrup on the other side, incase the saddle decided to slip. 

  My mum climed on to the saddle without a proble, she grabbed the reins and was of to go. I walked her around for about five minutes then she was of by herself. I went and sat over on the benches with Aaliyah. 

"God, that girl today was such a bitch." Aaliyah leaned back into her seat, arms folded, head down.

"I know. Maybe we got of to the wrong start." I watched my mum begin to trot by herself in the paddock.

"Wrong start? She's the biggest plastic bitch i've ever seen!" She leaned up, looking rather angry.

"So? We can work things out. I'm not in the mood to have problems right as this moment, so lets jus ignore her." 

"Ignore her?", Aaliyah laughed,"I'm gonna bitch slap her face next time I see her."

"Why are you being to rude to her?" I looked Aaliyah in the eyes, my mum was perfecting her trot and getting into canter now.

"Rude?" Aaliyah stood up from her seat and stood right infront of me, covering the view of my mum.

"Could you please move?" I shoved Aaliyah out of the way, I didn't like the way she was behaving.

"No. First, she's being ten times ruder to you then I am to her. Two, I don't have to be rude to her, I could just let her walk in here and insult you and your horse, I never said i'd always be here for you. Three, I'm trying to be a good friend. So if you want me to stop, please say."

"Sorry Aaliyah." I apoligized, I was insulting my closest friend, for being her for me.

"It's okay." She sat back down and continued to watch my mum canter around for a while. We stayed silent for the next ten minutes before she came back.

"That was so much fun!" She was so exited and happy, she slipped of the saddle and took his reins as a lead. We went back into the stable to untack him and take him to the field for his first night out. 

 I slipped on his headcollar after I put the tack away, the stable was cold wet and damp. Aaliyah and my mum had already gone back to the car, so I was left alone to take him out. It was twice as cold outside, I could feel the fog pass through my fingers as we eared up to the field.

"So, your taking your horse out for the first time huh?" I turned around, it was miss bitch's daughter

"Yeah, and why is this any of your buissness. Go away." I opened the gate for the acres wide field. The other five horses which were in there, grouped together all looked at Henry in a strange way. 

"This is my home, if you didn't notice." she stood next to me, she eyed Henry up and down.

"I'm pretty sure you don't live in the field." I let Henry loose in the field. He galloped straight up to the horses, I think he was about to make some new friends.

"Hahaaha, so funny. No, don't tell me what to do. You're a noob here, your not good, your not a profesional like me. My horse is amazing, as well as my mothers." She watched Henry go and meet his new friends. The other horsees greated him well, some tried to kick him but he found one special horse he stayed close with. A pure black fresian, it was beautiful, they made instant friends.

"What ever your name is-"


"Lucy, I don't care. Grow up, your not as good as you think you are. Stop putting people down, it won't make you any better. Shut up." I walked away to put my headcollar in my tack room. I knew she was watching me, and thinking of a comeback.

"Then, if you think your better then me. Why don't we jump tomorrow." She watched me, I didn't turn around.

"Fine." I carried on walking and went to put my headcollar in the tackroom. I sat down on a box at the back of the tackroom, what have I just done. I didn't want any problems, and I just asked for one. I'm so stupid. I regretted it, badly, I was gonna have to think of an excuse not to do it. I picked up my stuff and walked out of the stable, locking my tackroom.

 I walked out of the barn, with my bag over my shoulder. I could see my breath in the cold air, I was making rings out of my breath. I saw Lucy walk in to her house from a distance, it was huge, it was like another version of the barn. My mum beeped her car horn, and flickered her flash lights right in front of my eyes. I blinked and ran away from the lights view, I could see Aaliyah laughing loudly in the car. I got in, I don't know how I was going to explainn what just happened to her.

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