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"I think she's opening her eyes!" I could hear Aaliyah voice rather closely, I could feel her breath on me to. My eyes began to flicker slighty.

"She is!" My mum took hold of my hand, all the feeling I lost was coming back!

"Take a video!" My dad passed the camera to mom to record my moments of waking up.

Waking up? It was just another Thursday morning. Why was everyone so pleased to see me open my eyes? Then. Then it came all flooding back to me. The accident, Henry crashed tot he ground. I was knocked unconcious. I remember it like a bad dream, permently on mind. Sometimes, it's hard to tell from fantasy and reality, it was one of them moments.

"Wheres Henry? Is he okay? Oh my god take him to me now!" Even though I had been asleep for gosh knows how long, lots of events must of happened. But the thing I wanted to really know about right now was Henry's well being.

"He's fine. Don't worry. It might take a second to get everything together." My dad smiled, my mom was recording the comvosation.

"Mom....please...stop. I must look god awful." I covered my face using my hand,"Wait, what's the date?"

[i know i know. short chapters. theres annoying i understand, but I'm trying  to get this story under 30 parts so yeah. lots of things are happening between now and then]

"November 15th, 2012. You've been in a coma for two months." My mum grabbed my hand starting to cry slightly.

"I got a coma through face planting myself? Is that even possible? Wait. I've missed two months of school! Yeah!" I started to cheer and clap, I looked around the room. It was a plain white room, the only hint of colour was sun shining in on what seemed to be a cold day, I got the hint from the frost on the window.

"Well, you're an example Daisy. So yeah." I leaned up, I was previously lying on my side, which was aching. I didn't really expect my body to be in tip top condition after lying on the same side for two months.

"Wanna go riding next week?" Was the first words from Aaliyahs lips which weren't condoling me. 

"NO!" My parents turned to her shouting, with angry looks on there faces.

I liped the words yes to her, I'd probably be out of here then.

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