Chapter thirty four

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"Good morning, beautiful." I hear a very familiar raspy voice whisper in my ear. I turn over and I'm greeted with two bright eyes peering back at me.

"Morning" I half yawn and smile him.

"Merry Christmas." He kisses me and I repeat his words.

"I hate to wake you, but my mum, Gemma and your aunt are coming over in a couple hours." He reminds me. Good thing he did because I completley forgot.

"Damn, I forgot. What time is it?" I ask, frazzled about how much time I have left to prepare for their arrival.

"Half past eight." He replies, somewhat relieving me.

"Alright, well we better get up then. We still have to finish wrapping a few of their gifts and get brunch ready." I get up and then by looking around the room, I remember the events of the previous evening.

"We also better fit in some time for cleaning this up." He chuckles and I laugh quietly along, blushing very deep red I'm sure.

"I better get a shower." I mindlessly say as I go to get out of bed.

"Me too. How 'bout we save some water?" He cheekily grins at me, suggesting we shower togehter.

"I don't think I have an option to say no, now do I?" I tease.

"Nope." He answer as he runs over to my side on the bed and throws me over his shoulder as we make our way to the shower.

After our second intimate interaction in less than twelve hours, and my legs being constantly weak, we are both picking out our oufits for this Christmas gathering. I decided on a plain white knit sweater and a pair of dark wash jeans. Harry is wearing, no shock, black jeans, but he is standing there shirtless.

"Babe, what shirt should I wear?" Harry whines from the other side of the room. I walk over and to his dresser and browse his shirt section. About 95% of the shirts in the drawer are black t-shirts with all different band logos on them.

"Harry, do you even listen to all of these bands?" I asks chuckling.

"I know, like, 3 of them." He admits and joins in on my laughing as I keep looking through the shirts. I come across one that almost has me in tears from laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Harry asks from the other side of the room.

"You're wearing this." I manage to say inbetween my fit of uncontrollable laughter. I hold up a sweater that I found. It looks as if its the top half of an elf costume and I can't even picture Harry wearing it, it's that out of place.

"My mum gave me that last christmas and I only ever wore it for an hour on christmas eve." He explains, also laughing.

"Please wear it, oh my god." I plead and he nods smiling.

"Only for you." He gives in and pulls it over his head. Once I see it fully on his body, it looks even funnier than it did before.

We both laugh at the outfit for about five minutes, then move on to starting ccoking brunch. We decide on making panckes, bacon and just cutting up some different fruits. I turn on the coffee pot and look over at the clock.


"Harry they're going to be here really soon, is there anything else we need to do?" I think of the mental list I made. Breakfast, done. Presents, done. Shower, a little more than done.

"I dunno, you wanna have a look around the place while it finish up the food?" I nod and begin to walk past every part of the apartment.

Usually, if there would be a mess, I would just hide it in the room until they'd leave, but they've never been to the apartment before, so I'm sure they're going to want a full tour. I pick up a few odd socks sitting in the living room and fold up a few odd blankets, then I see no mess left, so I start to do a bit of laundry. I grab the clothes hamper from our room and make my way to the laundry room down the hall.

I enter the room and I'm taken aback at first, but then I remember what it is. The duvet. I scramble around to put it in the washer and out of sight before our family arrives.

It seems weird to say our family, knowing it's not completely accurate. Our families aren't technically joined, even though I would love for them to be. I now know that Harry is the man that I love, and always will love. Me and him just seem to fit well together.

Many people say 'opposites attract' and others say that to be in love with someone, you must be 'one of the same'. I don't think I agree with either of them. Me and Harry aren't opposites, neither are we identical. we have a similar mind set, but we don't think the same, and I kind of love that. I like to be able to have thoughts of mine that conflict with his, that just makes it more interesting. I think that's how a puzzle works. When you look at all the pieces of a puzzle, they are all I different patterns and shapes, and because of those differences they fit together. And I believe that Harry is one piece, and I am another and we fit together perfectly.

After I have the whole blanket scenario cleaned up, I head out to the kitchen to help Harry conclude whatever is left to do.

"What took you so long, babe?" He grabs be into him so my back is against his front and his head is rested on my shoulder. I chuckle at his question.

"The, um, the blanket was still there." He breaks into a small laughter fit as well as I do, but we are interrupted by a pattern of knocks at the door.

We stride over to the door hand in hand, and open the door to see none other than Gemma, Anne, and aunt Carol. We greet each of them and we head over to where we will be eating our breakfast.

Once all of our stomachs are satisfied, we go over to the tree to exchange gifts. Me and Harry decided to get each of them a gift from us together. Harry was mostly in charge of Anne and Gemma's gifts, but I had a special something picked out to give Gemma from me especially. So we decide to exchange gifts from Gemma first.

"Here, this is what I got for you both together." She says as we rip off the wrapping paper together. Inside is a picture of me and Harry in a beautiful frame. I remember exactly when this picture was taken. This was from the day that Harry gave me the promise ring. The picture is me hugging Harry as I hold out my left hand to show off the ring.

"Thank you, Gemma. I love it." I reach over and hug her and Harry mirrors the action also uttering a thank you.

"Ok, so here's a little something that I got for Alyssa." She hands me a small black box with a red box on top.

"Actually, I have something that's for you too." I say and hand her an identical box, with a red bow. We both open it and break out in laughter. We hold up the contents of the box and the others start to laugh as well.

It's a cancer ribbon tree ornament, in the colour orange with survivor written across it, but the reason we are laughing is because we got each other the same gift.

"Great minds think alike I guess." She says as she reaches over for another hug.

Once we are done giving and receiving the gifts from Harry's mum and my aunt, me and Harry exchange gifts.

"Here, open mine first." I pass him a box and he opens it. I got him a watch that I saw him looking at when we were at the mall the other day, so I got that for him. I also got him a "our first Christmas" ornament that I thought was adorable. He thanks me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Here's yours babe." he hands me a long skinny box. I open the box and there is a silver necklace. I pick it up and there's a pendant, I turn it around and on the back, I engraved in it is

I love you forever ~ Harry

I feel tears well in my eyes from the beauty of his words and the necklace.

"Thank you." I utter out and hug him as tight as I can.

"Merry Christmas, I love you too."

(A/N) Guys I'm so sorry, I don't feel good about this update. But I'm going to be gone to my cabin for about 5 days so no update :( ily all.

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