Chapter thirty nine

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The ambulance ride was mostly silent. Harry often uttered an 'I love you' and the frequent 'Everything will be ok', but other than that, it was just our hands intertwined and our hearts beating rapidly as we wait to hear my fate.

Once we arrive at the hospital, I'm brought into a room and hooked up to oxygen and multiple IV's. A nurse takes some blood and informs me that my doctor will be here momentarily.

The room is similar to the one I was in before, except this one only has one bed. It is much smaller than the room I used to share with Gemma. I'm kind of grateful that I won't be sharing this room with another patient. I want to spend ever moment with Harry and the other people I love.

My favourite thing about this room is definitely the view from outside of the window. I am looking directly over the garden. The sight brings back so many fond memories.

That garden was an escape for me. It's such a beautiful, colourful sancutary, in the middle of a dull building of hopelessness. Inside the hospital, all your struggles and fears seem to cloud around you, almost as if you're suffocating in them. But when you walk into that garden, it seems as if they all disappear into the atmosphere for just a few minutes.

I always had a thing for the outdoors when I was younger. Me and my parents used to walk around this big park every sunday. My favourite part was always feesing the ducks.

I remember one day I thought duck could kiss like dogs do, so I held out my hand and the duck started to nibble on my fingers. My mum and dad freaked out but all I was laughing so hard. I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

I smile to myself at the memory, but my mood automatically shifts as I see my doctor walk in. To my surprise, it's Dr. Smith. I almost smile at the fact that it's her, but then I rememeber what she may be telling me.

"Hello, Alyssa." She smiles sympathetically. I respond with a small hello.

"How's the pain? from 1 to 10?" She asks as she pulls one of the two chairs over to the side of my bed. I think that's one of the things I like about her. She always makes you feel comfortable, if that's even possible.

"About a seven" I try to not focus on the pain because the more I think about it, the more it hurts.

I think that's how Harry helped me so much the first time around. He always kept my mind off it, even if it was by simply watching a movie with him. The way he would hold my hand, hug me or even look at me Aleta's calmed me and made me forget about everything that bothered me. His every move captivates me. I redirect my attention back at my doctor who is looking intently at me.

"Thinking about someone?" She asks and I nod.

"That obvious?" I ask and release a small laugh she nods and grins.

"Is it that boyfriend of yours?" I smile as how clear it must be.

"He's been sitting out in that waiting room ever since. I was talking to him for a minute before I came in here. He really loves you, you know?" She tells me and I smile widely. I feel tears begin to well in my eyes just thinking about how he must feel right now. I attempt to put myself in his shoes, but it is too painful.

"Alright, well do you want me to go get him now so I can tell you both the verdict at the same time, or would you like to tell him on your own?" Her mood shifts as she speaks, almost as if she remembered something.

I think about the options for a minute. I'm already pretty confident I know what it will be. I think, Harry does too but he just won't let himself believe it. I decide to tell him myself, I have no real reason why, but I think he would accept it more coming out of my mouth.

"I'll tell him on my own." She nods and picks up her clipboard and starts explaining how the rest of my life will unfold.

"Alright, sweetie. Well first I think I should let you know, from your symptoms and from the bleeding incident earlier, I've determined that you have relapsed." She explains and I fell the tears begin to fall down my face without warning. I knew it. I had a feeling, and she had just confirmed my thoughts.

"From the blood we took earlier, we tested it to see if it would react with the medication we would be giving you. But sadly, it didn't work. We can try some other treatments, but they could just drain you. We are more than willing to try, but the odds are slim that it will be effective." She explains. The silent tears are still running down my face.

"So how much longer d-do I have left?" I choke out, barely wanting to know the answer.

"We're guessing around 2 weeks. It could be more, it could be less. I'm really sorry, we will try our best to do everything we can. If you need thing, you know who to ask." She reassures me, still not giving me much hope. I don't know what is harder, hearing that I'm dying, or having to repeat this to Harry.

"Do you want me to go get him?" She asks kindly as she passes me a box of of tissues. I nod as I wipe the tears away and she leaves.

Seconds later, Harry enters the room and as soon as he sees my face, the small amout of hope he had disappears instantaneously. He immediatly comes over to me and lies down next to me, so that we are facing each other. He looks deep into my eyes and whispers the words that break my heart.

"Is it the end?" He asks wearily. I nod and his tears begin to flow as well.

"H-how much longer?" He asks as he wipes the tears off my cheeks and I do the same to him.

"She thinks about two weeks." I manage to whisper out. He nods understandingly.

"Well, I guess this is going to have to be the best two weeks of your life." He smiles and a equally big grin appears on my face.

''I don't know if anything can top these months I've been with you.'' I continue to peer deep into his eyes as I wait for a response.

''I guess I have a challenge then don't I?" I giggle and he pulls me into a deep kiss that only confirms how much I will miss his lips.

(A/N) Ahhhhh. This chapter had me shaking and crying as I wrote it. Anyways, hope you liked it, maybe another update tomorrow oxo love you all.

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