Chapter sixteen

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"Aly- Oh um, I'll come back later?" A soft voice interrupts mine and Harry's current conversation over the debate between chocolate and vanilla cake, which I was winning.

I look up and recognize the lady standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. My aunt. Before I can open my mouth, Harry is already speaking.

"Oh ma'am, don't worry we were just watching a movie." he says with a light chuckle.

"Oh alright. I didn't know if I was interrupting something." She says, also giggling. I know I'm blushing the shade of pink, I look over and Harry is some colour in his cheeks as well. She stands there for a few seconds before Harry excuses himself and exits the room.

"Alyssa, honey what happened to you! I got a call yesterday from the hospital telling me that you were in here and that they would explain what happened when I arrived." She says as she makes her way over and sits down where Harry previously was. I knew this was coming. I just didn't want it to. I don't know how I'm going to tell her. I guess I'll just come out with it.

"Aunt Carol, I have Cancer." I can't say that without having a lump in my throat. As soon as the words leave my mouth, she gasps and we both begin to cry. Silent tears rolled down both of our faces as she leans in and hugs me like the world is about to end.

"I will be with you this whole time, that I can promise you. I can't loose you Alyssa. After I lost your mother and father, I didn't know what to do. But you helped me get through it. You were such a strong little girl, and you still are. And I know you will get through this. You've always been my little trooper." She says with a sympathetic smile. I nod because I can't mutter words right now.

"Your going to be ok, I promise honey." She says and I nod again and mutter out a thank you.

"Anyways who was that boy? He's cute!" She says, trying to lighten the mood. She playfully nudges me and we both laugh.

"He's my roommates brother and it turns out that we used to go to school together in Cheshire." I say and sniffle and wipe my eyes dry.

"You guys looked cute together. And he seems like a sweet boy." She says giggling again.

"He is. And I'll keep that in mind." I reply jokingly.

"Well, I'm going to go bring my luggage to my friends house where I'll be staying. Do you need anything before I leave?" She questions and I shake my head.

"Alright I'll be back in an hour or so." She says as she comes over at kisses the top of my head gently and leaves the room.

Harry along with his mother reenter the room a few minutes after my aunt leaves.

"You are never going to believe what I found when I was back at the house!" Anne exclaims as she pulls a chair over next to my bed.

"What now mum?" Harry asks comically.

"Well remember when you guys found out that you were in each other's grade three class?" She asks super giddily and we both nod.

"Well, I found a little scrapbook the class made throughout the year!" She says as she takes the construction paper book out of her purse. Harry pulls a chair over do that we are all sitting in a triangle like shape.

The front page is a red piece of paper reading 'Grade 3' in fairly neat handwriting, which I'm assuming was Harry's. We flip to the next page which is a picture of the whole class on the first day of school. Anne points out Harry and we both laugh, through out the book we look at pictures of the class and there are a few of harry and this boy that looks really familiar but I can't remember his name.

"What was his name harry?" I ask, pointing to the boy who is making a silly face in the picture, along with Harry who has a wide dimpled grin.

"Oh that Louis. They were like two peas in a pod, and still are." Anne laughs and nudges Harry playfully.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny mum." He jokes.

We scroll through a few more pages and Harry skips one of the pages.

"Hey! I wanted to see that." Anne protests.

"Me too." I agree with a small laugh.

"Nope not that one." He says as he shakes his head with a smug grin on his face.

"Ok then." Anne says as Harry mutters something under his breath that neither of us can't understand.

"Ugh, boys." Anne playfully groans and we both laugh. Harry still wearing that same smug grin he had in the picture.

(A/N) guys so sorry for not updating for so long. It's been forever lol. Loooooove you guys oxoxo

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