Chapter twenty six

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"Harry I-" I start as he cuts me off. He is on the floor. On one knee. With a box in his hand. With a ring inside it. I don't think I'm ready to be married.

"Before you say anything I want you I hear me out. " he pleads and I nod.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life. But, I don't think that we are ready for marriage yet. But, what I am ready for, is a promise. A promise to stay by your side forever. Regardless of the occasion. I will love you unconditionally. So, this is me promising myself to you. The is my promise that one day we will get married. Do you accept my promise, Alyssa?" Harry asks with a very large, adorable grin plastered on his face, yet he looks extremely nervous. But like a childish grin. I can't say no. Mostly because I'm so choked up I can barely speak at all. But I know I love him. So, I just nod probably a thousand times. He chuckles lightly and slides the ring on my left hand, fourth finger. As soon as he has it on, I practically jump in his arms.

The ring is absolutely stunning. It's a simple, thin silver band with small diamonds all around with a slightly bigger one in the middle.

"So, do you like the ring?" He asks, still wearing that smile that makes my whole body erupt with happiness.

"It's beautiful, Harry. Thank you. And just so you know, the feeling is mutual about your promise." I admit to him, after my sobs have subsided. I know he cares about me, and he needs to know that I care about him just as much, or maybe even more. He pulls me back into a hug, pressing my head on his chest.

"So aren't you wondering about the location?" He asks quizzically. Still wearing that dimpled grin. Honestly, I barely even noticed the location, I was way too caught up in the life changing event that just occurred.

"I was a bit distracted, but where are we anyways?" I reply with a small giggle.

"Well remember when I said I had a plan?" I nod.

"Well the ring was only half of it." He reveals, with a more mischievous grin this time.

"How would you feel if we, I don't know, lived here together?" He asks looking directly into my eyes.

"We both know I would love nothing better." I whisper as he kisses the top of my head, still hugging me deeply.

"Well, as soon as I get you out of that hospital, you will move in here with me. Deal?" He adds and and I agree immediately.

"So, let's have a tour of our soon to be home." He declares and puts his hand in mine.

He shows me every square inch if the apartment. It not too big, and not too small. It's very cozy and has lots of windows that gives it a very bright aspect that I love.

"Do you like it?" He asks, smiling. I can tell he loves it, and so do I.

"I didn't want one too big, because then we'd be further apart."

(A/N) This chapter was one if my favourites so far. On the twitter @SIFW_fanfiction i have a few pictures. Two of them are what Alyssa and Harry's apartment would look like (Well how I imagined it.) and the other, is Alyssa promise ring :) feedback please oxoxo

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