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Later that night Lauren decided to go and check on the stranger who hadn't left the basement.

"There's a light you know," She announced suddenly, making the small girl, who was sat in the dark, jump in fright.

"I can't walk," She mumbled and Lauren flicked the switch. The bulb was old so it was still quite dark, but light enough to see a short distance. "Thank you," Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I brought you food," Lauren placed down a plate containing a scoop of mashed potatoes, some vegetables and chicken and a bottle of Sprite.

"I'm not hungry," The brunette muttered.

"At least take your pills or your wrist and ankle will kill," Lauren offered her some Advil but the young girl shook her head. "No wonder you're so little," Lauren scoffed, throwing a fork on the floor in case she wanted it later.

"Do I need to handcuff you to the wall or will you stay put munchkin?" She questioned and the brown eyed girl nodded, knowing it was impossible for her to move more than a few meters on her ankle anyway.

Lauren sighed at the silent girl before returning upstairs.

That was all she did she seemed to do now.


It was better like this in her opinion though, if she spoke to the girl there was a chance Lauren would get attached to her and if that happened there was no chance of killing her.

Lauren began to clear away the kitchen, putting all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before going upstairs to take a bath. She ran the water deep and slipped in, smiling as her body was submerged in the water.

The bath allowed her to think about her situation. She knew that the girl wasn't going to run away anytime soon because she couldn't move but if someone realised she was missing, which was bound to be soon, she'd be in a whole load of shit. The police would be looking for her and although Lauren knew they wouldn't suspect her, it'd mean the girl would never be able to leave the house again.

Normani was right, not only did killing the brunette mean Lauren would be free but it was better off for her too, she wouldn't have to spend her life locked up in a house.

Lauren didn't realise how hard she was washing herself until she pulled away the exfoliating sponge and saw it was stained red with her blood. She rolled her eyes, throwing it in the sink before rinsing her body and climbing out of the bathtub, wrapping herself in a towel.

She walked into her bedroom and pulled out some pyjama shorts and a t-shirt, quickly drying herself before changing into the clothes. She removed the left over make up from her face before checking the time.

It was only 8:45pm.

"Why does everything go so slowly," She groaned, flopping onto her bed.

Eventually, her boredom became so severe that she decided to phone her Dad, something she rarely did unless she had to, and inform him about the completed task.

"Hey Lauren, how's the mission going?" He picked up instantly, not waiting for her to speak first.

"I killed him last night, he tried to rob me but I caught him," Lauren explained and she could hear him chuckle, obviously pleased at the news.

"That's my daughter, if only Christopher and Taylor were more like you," She could practically see him shaking his head is disgust.

"Dad don't be too hard on them, especially Taylor, she's still young," Lauren felt sorry for her younger sister, she was only fifteen so she had never been made to kill anyone before. Her job around the base was mainly to deliver information to the other members, occasionally sitting in the van when they had to drive somewhere to give directions.

"You did it when you were fifteen Lauren, in fact, you were frontline, always ready to volunteer," Mike argued, "but that's beside the point, we need to to research some more about the Nelson case, you can do it from your house if you must."

"Okay Papá, I'll see you soon," Lauren hung up before her could say goodbye back, slightly irritated at his words.

He was always demanding that she did a task, not that she minded because her job was her life, but he always put more pressure on the than the others.

She pulled out her laptop before pulling up her documents she'd saved about the Nelson mission. So far she'd found out that if was a murder, a girl was murderer after an argument in a club by a girl called Jesy Nelson. Lauren didn't find the case particularly interesting, just an average one. She preferred the ones which were more exciting, that needed a more complicated plan.

And this one defiantly didn't. Judging from previous recordings, Lauren would be able to kill the girl easily.

Just like she should be able to with the stranger downstairs.

Coincidentally, just as she thought about the brunette she heard footsteps begin to walk up the stairs and Lauren walked out the room to find herself staring at a pair of caramel eyes.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" She whispered nervously and Lauren nodded, guiding her to the room.

"I'll wait outside because your small enough to fit through the window in there," Lauren told her and the brunette didn't respond, just walked in and locked the door behind her.

She came out a few minuets later and Lauren was surprised to find that she hadn't gave herself a quick wash.

"You could've washed yourself you know," Lauren laughed, shaking her head.

"I was scared you'd get suspicious that I was leaving," The younger girl admitted, turning on her heel to make her way back to the basement.

"You can do it, if you'd like to," Lauren suggested.

"I'd rather just get back to the basement," The stranger replied hastily.

"I'll come with you, to make sure you get there okay," Lauren added instantly, wrapping an arm around the small girl's waist so she didn't have to put too much weight on her ankle.

They made their way into the cold room and Lauren helped set her on the floor, looking at the untouched plate of food.

"You should eat you know, you'll get sick," She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Stop it," The girl suddenly shouted, looking up at Lauren with tearful eyes, "stop acting all concerned for me when we both know you're gonna kill me anyway. Just leave me alone, you've probably poisoned the food anyway."

"I haven't, it's fine, I ate it earlier," Lauren frowned at the sudden burst of anger from the girl.

"Please, I'm begging you, just leave me alone," The brunette pleaded, curling up in a small ball and laying down on the dirty concrete.

Lauren sighed, defeated, picking up the thin blanket and laying it over her small body before standing up.

"Suit yourself munchkin," She said, her voice was monotone and the stranger was scared she'd make her even angrier.

"It's Camila," She whispered, "my name, it's Camila."

"I'll stick to munchkin," Lauren shrugged, before leaving her alone in the cold room.

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